LIQUI MOLY isthe Official Sponsor ofthe 2017 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship

Oilmanufacturerrounds off itswintersportsinvolvementwithmatchesheld in Germany and France

April 2017 – Grand finale for LIQUI MOLY’s extensive programofwintersportssponsorship. The German oilspecialististhe Official Sponsor ofthe 2017 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship. Itis due tobeheld in Germany and France duringthemonthof May. “The World Championship isthe last major international wintersportseventthisseason. The nationsinvolvedare all veryimportantmarketstous,”says LIQUI MOLY Marketing Director Peter Baumann.

All northern European countries arecompeting in the World Championship, alongwith France, Italy, Switzerlandandsixteamsfrom Eastern Europe. “Russiaisbyfarourbiggestexportmarket, while North Americaisthemarketwhereweseehuge potential andwanttoachievegoodgrowth,” saysthe Marketing Director. In all ofthese countries, icehockeyiseitherverypopularor a national sport.

The championshiptiesheld in Russia in 2016 werewatched in stadiumsbynearly 420,000 spectators, whilebroadcasts in 167 countries broughttheeventtoalmost 1.3 billiontelevisionviewers. In 2010, nearly 550,000 peoplewenttostadiumstoseethe last worldchampionshipheld in Germany.

At thetwoworldchampionshiparenas in Cologne and Paris, thecompany logo will beseen on a rinksideboard in theareabehindoneofthegoalswhichisvisible on television, andit will also appear on all officialprintedmaterialsandpartitionwalls, aswellas in theadvertisingclipsshown on thestadiumcubes.

Tobeheld in Germany and France from May 5 to 21, thetournamentfurtherexpands a LIQUI MOLY wintersportssponsorshippackageworthmillionsofeuros, bringingthecurrentseasonto a close. The packageaswholehasincluded a rangeofother international contests in Europe, North AmericaandAsia. “In thiswaywehaveintroducedmillionsofspectatorsto LIQUI MOLY – peoplewewouldn'totherwisereachwithourinvolvement in motorracing,” says Peter Baumann.


With around 4,000 items, LIQUI MOLY offers a global, uniquely broad range of automotive chemicals: Motor oils and additives, greases and pastes, sprays and car care, glues and sealants. Founded in 1957, LIQUI MOLY develops and produces exclusively in Germany. There it is the undisputed market leader for additives and is repeatedly voted the best oil brand. The company led by Ernst Prost sells its products in more than 120 countries and generated 489m euros in sales in 2016.

For more information, please contact:

Peter Szarafinski

Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4

89081 Ulm-Lehr


Tel.: +49 7 31/14 20 189

Fax: +49 7 31/14 20 82