Child/Young Person Story
(Child/Young person’s name)
Immigration status
Child or young person’s first language
Parent’s first language
Details of any special requirements (for child and/or their parent) e.g. signing, interpretation or access needs

Summary of what is working well and what you are worried about – start from the centre column to reinforce the positives

Have you used the Graded Care Profile as part of this assessment?

Please consider each of the elements and comment on the child/young person’s needs as identified by any previous assessment. You do not need to comment on every element. Wherever possible base comments on evidence, not just opinion, and indicate what your evidence is. However, if there are any major differences of view, these should be recorded too.

Communication and Interaction

Preferred communication, language, conversation, expression, questioning; games, stories and songs; receptive and expressive language; social communication; understanding;

What are you worried/concerned about? / What is working well/strengths? / What will wellbeing and success look like? (What outcomes do you want for the child/yp?)

Cognition and Learning

Organising, making connections; being creative, exploring, experimenting; imaginative play and interaction; participation in learning; attendance; self-care and independence; boundaries, rules, asking for help, decision making;

What are you worried/concerned about? / What is working well/strengths? / What will wellbeing and success look like?(What outcomes do you want for the child/yp?)

Social, Emotional and Wellbeing

Feeling special; early attachments; risking/actual self-harm; phobia; psychological difficulties; coping with stress; motivation, positive attitudes; confidence; relationships with peers; feeling isolated and solitary; often feels unhappy; mental health history;positive separation from family;

What are you worried/concerned about? / What is working well/strengths? / What will wellbeing and success look like?(What outcomes do you want for the child/yp?)

Sensory / Physical Development /Needs

Current sensory needs, history and support including equipment adaptation; diagnosis, medication and compliance; nourishment; activity; relaxation; vision and hearing; fine motor skills(drawing etc.) gross motor skills; mobility;changes to body, washing,dressing, sleep patterns, feeding;

What are you worried/concerned about? / What is working well/strengths? / What will wellbeing and success look like?(What outcomes do you want for the child/yp?)


Conditions and impairments; registered with and use a dentist; GP; optician; immunisations; development checks; hospital admissions; accidents; allergies; health and advice

What are you worried/concerned about? / What is working well/strengths? / What will wellbeing and success look like?(What outcomes do you want for the child/yp?)

Social andCommunity

Building stable relationships with family, peers and wider community; helping others; friendships; domestic violence; levels of association for negative relationships; experiences of discrimination due to race, religion, age, gender sexuality and disability

What are you worried/concerned about? / What is working well/strengths? / What will wellbeing and success look like?(What outcomes do you want for the child/yp?)