Policy Objective
1. To limit and monitor the independent purchase of equipment and uniforms by coaches and parents.
2. To maintain the integrity of the association as a low cost, one price organization with no hidden costs.
3. To maintain consistency in appearance amongst teams at the same level of competition.
4. To establish uniform and equipment issue/return procedure and responsibility.
5. To ensure that coaches, parents and players are aware of the consequences of not abiding by this policy.
1. All WKYA participants are required become familiar with and abide by all WKYA Policies and Procedures.
2. Coaches: Coaches assume financial responsibility (replacement cost) for equipment and uniforms issued to them. If unable to assume financial responsibility, the coach must appoint a parent or guardian to act in his/her stead with regards to this responsibility.
3. Participants: Participants assume financial responsibility (replacement cost) for equipment and uniforms issued to them.
4. Coaches and participants are not eligible to participate in WKYAuntil all delinquent accounts are cleared.
It will be the policy of WKYA to provide players with safe and efficient equipment and uniforms. All uniform and equipment purchases will be made through the Seasonal Sports Coordinator.
Coaches, parents, and players may not substitute any uniform items supplied by WKYA.
Any equipment substitutions require approval of the Seasonal Sports Coordinator.
It is understood that teams may decide to purchase uniform items not provided by WKYA. I.E. Baseball pants, sweat pants for flag football, bloomers for cheerleading etc. This, under no circumstance, is to be considered mandatory for any participant. This is done to keep individual parents from succumbing to the pressures of the majority even when they may not be able to afford such a purchase. This also protects the parent of a child who is placed on the team in a future year who would have no say in the decision.
Equipment and Uniform Issue
The Seasonal Sports Coordinator, or designated representative, will issue equipment to the assigned coach and record all items on WKYA’s Agreement to Collect Uniforms & Return Equipment form. Both will sign and date. The Seasonal Sports Coordinator will retain the form.
The Coach, WKYA Board Member, or volunteer will issue uniforms to the parent or guardian of the participant, recording all information on WKYA’s Parent Uniform Agreement. Both will sign and date. The form will be returned to the Seasonal Sports Coordinator.
The WKYA Agreement to Collect Uniforms & Return Equipment and Parent Uniform/Equipment Agreement policy statement may not altered without the WKYA Board of Director’s approval.
Equipment and Uniform Return
The coach, or designated representative is responsible to gather all uniforms and equipment and turn in same as directed by the Seasonal Sports Coordinator.
Uniforms: The parent or guardian is responsible to turn in uniforms as directed by the coach. After the uniform items are turned in, the coach will turn all uniforms in to the Seasonal sports coordinator or his/her designated representative. The uniform will then be inspected for abuse/alterations. If the uniform is in good repair the signed Parent Uniform Agreement will be discarded. The account is then considered cleared.
Equipment: Coach is responsible to turn all equipment as directed by the Seasonal Sports Coordinator. When the equipment is turned in, the Seasonal Sports Coordinator will ensure all equipment issued is present and inspected for abuse. If the all equipment is present and in good repair the signed Agreement to Collect Uniforms & Return Equipmentform will be discarded. The account is then considered cleared.
The Seasonal Sports Coordinator will turn in all forms for uniforms and or equipment not turned in to the WKYA Board of Directors at the first regularly scheduled board meeting following conclusion of the season.
The WKYA Board of Directors will mail a misconduct notice to all participants informing them of suspension, stating reason for the notice, and action required to clear all accounts.
Agreement to Collect Uniforms & Return Equipment
(retained by the Seasonal Sports Coordinator)
I, ______
(Coach or designated representative) (Phone number)
I agree to issue and collect uniforms as directed by the Seasonal sports coordinator.
I further take financial responsibility for the following equipment:
Policy Statement
I agree to disburse uniforms and equipment in accordance with WKYA policy.
I understand that all equipment issued to me remains the property of WKYA. I agree to return any equipment issued to me as directed by the WKYA Seasonal Sports Coordinator or his/her representative in the same condition I received it (allowing for reasonable wear and tear). I agree to reimburse WKYA the replacement cost equipment if lost or unnecessary damage or excessive wear is evident. In the event WKYA is forced to seek legal remedy for the return of equipment issued to me, I agree that I will reimburse WKYA for any and all fees, legal and otherwise, necessary to perfect this action, to include but not limited to attorney fees, court cost and any reasonable cost or fees associated with the collection of a judgment.
I agree to inform the Seasonal Sports Coordinator, or his/her appointed representative immediately if any of my players miss two consecutive games. Just prior to the conclusion of the season I agree to remind all players to bring a change of clothing to the last game and collect all the uniforms at that time.
I understand that I will not be held responsible for any uniforms that is transferred to a parent or guardian with a signed agreement until that uniform is returned to me at season’s end.
I agree to coordinate and collect all uniforms and equipment for my team as directed by the Seasonal Sports Coordinator.
I understand that this procedure is necessary to reduce the expense of lost uniforms and to reduce the volunteer man hours necessary to recover these items.
I understand that I have the option to refuse the receipt of the uniforms or equipment. In that event, I will designate one of the parents on my team to assume financial responsibility for the uniforms/equipment.
In the event that I do not return any equipment or uniforms as directed by the Seasonal Sports Coordinator, I agree to pay the replacement cost for those items. I agree to accept all uniforms and/or equipment as described above.
______Coach (or designated representative)
______WKYA representative
______date of this agreement
Parent Uniform Agreement (City Tackle Football)
(retained by the WKYA Seasonal Sports Coordinator or designated representative)
Parent or Guardian’s Name: .
Phone Number: .
Child’s Name: .
Shoulder Pad Size: Practice Jersey #: .
Practice Pants Size: Helmet Size: XS S M L XL Chinstrap
Complete set of pads: Knee: (2) Thigh: (2) Hip: (2) Tail (1) .
Game uniform: Pant Size: . Jersey size & #: .
Policy Statement
I understand that all uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child remain the property of WKYA. I agree to return any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child by WKYA as directed by the coach, in the same condition I received it (allowing for reasonable wear and tear) without any alterations, unnecessary damage or excessive wear; otherwise I agree to reimburse WKYA the replacement cost of the uniform(s) and/or equipment. In the event WKYA is forced to seek legal remedy for the return of any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child or the replacement cost thereof. I agree that I will reimburse WKYA for any and all fees, legal and otherwise, necessary to perfect this action, to include but not limited to attorney fees, court cost and any reasonable cost or fees associated with the collection of a judgment. I agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment other than at a WKYA game or sanctioned event. I also agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment for practice unless required or requested to do so by a WKYA coach, staff member or league rules.
I accept all uniform items as described above.
______Parent or Guardian
______Coach (or designated representative)
______date of this agreement
Parent Uniform Agreement (City Tackle Football)
(retained by the WKYA Seasonal Sports Coordinator or designated representative)
Parent or Guardian’s Name: .
Phone Number: .
Child’s Name: .
Shoulder Pad Size: Practice Jersey #: .
Practice Pants Size: Helmet Size: XS S M L XL Chinstrap
Complete set of pads: Knee: (2) Thigh: (2) Hip: (2) Tail (1) .
Game uniform: Pant Size: . Jersey size & #: .
Policy Statement
I understand that all uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child remain the property of WKYA. I agree to return any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child by WKYA as directed by the coach, in the same condition I received it (allowing for reasonable wear and tear) without any alterations, unnecessary damage or excessive wear; otherwise I agree to reimburse WKYA the replacement cost of the uniform(s) and/or equipment. In the event WKYA is forced to seek legal remedy for the return of any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child or the replacement cost thereof. I agree that I will reimburse WKYA for any and all fees, legal and otherwise, necessary to perfect this action, to include but not limited to attorney fees, court cost and any reasonable cost or fees associated with the collection of a judgment. I agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment other than at a WKYA game or sanctioned event. I also agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment for practice unless required or requested to do so by a WKYA coach, staff member or league rules.
I accept all uniform items as described above.
______Parent or Guardian
______Coach (or designated representative)
______date of this agreement
Parent Uniform Agreement (Cheerleading)
(retained by the WKYA Seasonal Sports Coordinator or designated representative)
Division: ______Team: ______
Child’s Name: .
Phone Number: .
Parent or Guardian’s Name: .
Note: Repacement cost for the cheerleading uniforms is $55.00 a set
Note: Nothing is to be attached to the cheerleading uniforms (pins, bows, etc…)
Vest size & number: . (must be returned)
Skort size & number: . (must be returned)
Note:Replacement Cost for pom-poms is $15.00 a set
Pom-poms: Quantity: 2 Color: . (must be returned)
Policy Statement
I understand that all uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child remain the property of WKYA. I agree to return any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child by WKYA as directed by the coach, in the same condition I received it (allowing for reasonable wear and tear) without any alterations, unnecessary damage or excessive wear; otherwise I agree to reimburse WKYA the replacement cost of the uniform(s) and/or equipment. In the event WKYA is forced to seek legal remedy for the return of any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child or the replacement cost thereof. I agree that I will reimburse WKYA for any and all fees, legal and otherwise, necessary to perfect this action, to include but not limited to attorney fees, court cost and any reasonable cost or fees associated with the collection of a judgment. I agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment other than at a WKYA game or sanctioned event. I also agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment for practice unless required or requested to do so by a WKYA coach, staff member or league rules.
I accept all uniform items as described above.
______Parent or Guardian
______Coach (or designated representative)
______date of this agreement
Parent Uniform Agreement (Non-City Age Football)
(retained by the WKYA Seasonal Sports Coordinator or designated representative)
Division: ______Team: ______
Parent or Guardian’s Name: .
Phone Number: .
Child’s Name: .
Shirt size & number: . (must be returned)
Mouth Guard: yes / no
Policy Statement
I understand that all uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child remain the property of WKYA. I agree to return any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child by WKYA as directed by the coach, in the same condition I received it (allowing for reasonable wear and tear) without any alterations, unnecessary damage or excessive wear; otherwise I agree to reimburse WKYA the replacement cost of the uniform(s) and/or equipment. In the event WKYA is forced to seek legal remedy for the return of any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child or the replacement cost thereof. I agree that I will reimburse WKYA for any and all fees, legal and otherwise, necessary to perfect this action, to include but not limited to attorney fees, court cost and any reasonable cost or fees associated with the collection of a judgment. I agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment other than at a WKYA game or sanctioned event. I also agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment for practice unless required or requested to do so by a WKYA coach, staff member or league rules.
I accept all uniform items as described above.
______Parent or Guardian
______Coach (or designated representative)
______date of this agreement
Parent Uniform Agreement (Volleyball)
(retained by the WKYA Seasonal Sports Coordinator or designated representative)
Division: ______Team: ______
Child’s Name: .
Parent or Guardian’s Name: .
Phone Number: .
Shirt number: (must be returned / replacement cost $25.00)
Short number: (must be returned / replacement cost $25.00)
Policy Statement
I understand that all uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child remain the property of WKYA. I agree to return any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child by WKYA as directed by the coach, in the same condition I received it (allowing for reasonable wear and tear) without any alterations, unnecessary damage or excessive wear; otherwise I agree to reimburse WKYA the replacement cost of the uniform(s) and/or equipment. In the event WKYA is forced to seek legal remedy for the return of any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child or the replacement cost thereof. I agree that I will reimburse WKYA for any and all fees, legal and otherwise, necessary to perfect this action, to include but not limited to attorney fees, court cost and any reasonable cost or fees associated with the collection of a judgment. I agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment other than at a WKYA game or sanctioned event. I also agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment for practice unless required or requested to do so by a WKYA coach, staff member or league rules.
I accept all uniform items as described above.
______Parent or Guardian
______Coach (or designated representative)
______date of this agreement
Parent Uniform Agreement (Baseball/Softball)
(retained by the WKYA Seasonal Sports Coordinator or designated representative)
Division: ______Team: ______
Child’s Name: .
Parent or Guardian’s Name: .
Phone Number: .
Shirt number: . (must be returned)
Pants size ______. (Sr Boys onlymust be returned)
Belt:yes / no(Sr Boys onlymust be returned)
Hat / Visor: yes / no
Policy Statement
I understand that all uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child remain the property of WKYA. I agree to return any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child by WKYA as directed by the coach, in the same condition I received it (allowing for reasonable wear and tear) without any alterations, unnecessary damage or excessive wear; otherwise I agree to reimburse WKYA the replacement cost of the uniform(s) and/or equipment. In the event WKYA is forced to seek legal remedy for the return of any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child or the replacement cost thereof. I agree that I will reimburse WKYA for any and all fees, legal and otherwise, necessary to perfect this action, to include but not limited to attorney fees, court cost and any reasonable cost or fees associated with the collection of a judgment. I agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment other than at a WKYA game or sanctioned event. I also agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment for practice unless required or requested to do so by a WKYA coach, staff member or league rules.
I accept all uniform items as described above.
______Parent or Guardian
______Coach (or designated representative)
______date of this agreement
Parent Uniform Agreement (Volleyball)
(retained by the WKYA Seasonal Sports Coordinator or designated representative)
Division: ______Team: ______
Parent or Guardian’s Name: .
Phone Number: .
Child’s Name: .
Shirt size & number: . (must be returned)
Policy Statement
I understand that all uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child remain the property of WKYA. I agree to return any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child by WKYA as directed by the coach, in the same condition I received it (allowing for reasonable wear and tear) without any alterations, unnecessary damage or excessive wear; otherwise I agree to reimburse WKYA the replacement cost of the uniform(s) and/or equipment. In the event WKYA is forced to seek legal remedy for the return of any uniform(s) and/or equipment issued to my child or the replacement cost thereof. I agree that I will reimburse WKYA for any and all fees, legal and otherwise, necessary to perfect this action, to include but not limited to attorney fees, court cost and any reasonable cost or fees associated with the collection of a judgment. I agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment other than at a WKYA game or sanctioned event. I also agree not to allow my child to wear any issued uniform(s) and/or equipment for practice unless required or requested to do so by a WKYA coach, staff member or league rules.
I accept all uniform items as described above.
______Parent or Guardian
______Coach (or designated representative)
______date of this agreement
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