MEETING MINUTES of Hascombe Parish Council held on Thursday 13May 2010 in Hascombe Village Hall, Mare Lane, Hascombe at 7.30pm
Attendees:Mr C Orange – Chairman
Mr E Dwyer – Vice Chairman
Mrs S Jeffrey – Member
Mr P Lye – Member
Mr P Stenning – Member
Mrs B Weddell – Clerk
Apologies:Waverley Borough Councillors Mr R Gates and Mr M Byham, who were
attending another meeting.
10/033Election of Chairman
Proposed by Mr Patrick Stenning and seconded by Mr Ted Dwyer,
Mr Charles Orange was elected as Chairman for the ensuing year and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
10/034Election of Vice Chairman
Proposed by Mrs Shirley Jeffrey and seconded by Mr Paul Lye, Mr Ted Dwyer as elected as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.
10/035Register of Interests
It was agreed the Clerk would circulate the existing Register of Interest to all Members prior to the next Parish Meeting on 17th June so they would have time to consider and amend if necessary.
The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 4th March 2010 minute 10/015 to 10/032, as circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to amending the minute on page 4 to read 10/032.
10/037Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
10/038Declarations of Interest
Mr Charles Orange declared an interest in planning application WA/2009/1207 Place Farm, Hascombe.
10/039Risk Assessment
10/039.1Wooden bridge at the pond is in need of repair or replacement. It was agreed that Mr Paul Lye would seek quotations from Stephen Court, Jake Elliott and Straight Line Fencing and report back.
10/039.2Benches at the pond. The bench by the pond that faces towards the church has some broken slats, which need to be repaired. It was reported that The Friends of Hascombe are seeking estimates for repairing this and cleaning up the other benches and the concrete bases. Mr Ted Dwyer will check progress with Mr David Pite.
10/039.3Risk Register. The formally adopted Risk Register, which had been previously circulated would be sent to the Internal Auditor.
10/040Areas of Responsibility
10/040.1Hascombe Fountain. Following a request from Waverley Borough Council, it was agreed that Mr T Dwyer would draft a letter to Miss Genaro stating that the Parish Council cannot accept responsibility for the fountain until it can ascertain ownership. Mr T Dwyer will also draft a disclaimer notice to be posted alongside Waverley’s notice. Mr Charles Orange will contact the Insurance Company to establish whether the Parish Council would be covered in the event of a claim. Waverley Borough Council will carry out a risk assessment. Mr Paul Lye reported that Mr Les Bennett thought the ownership of the fountain might have been transferred to the Parish Council by the Rowcliffe charity in the 1960s or 70s. There may be a mention in the minute books which are now archived at the Surrey History Centre in Woking.
10/040.2Hascombe Pond. Permission had been received from WaverleyBC for the trees around the pond to be trimmed. Jake Elliott had agreed to carry out this work free of charge. Mr Paul Lye will follow-up the work with Mr Elliott.
10/040.3Highways, Bridlepaths & Footpaths. The stiles at each end of the footpath between Lower House and the road opposite the Mill are both in need of repair. Mr Patrick Stenning had contacted Surrey County Council Senior Countryside Access Officer, James Taylor, who would contact the landowners.
Several sessions had been held during April and May. Three red letters had been issued as a result of April’s activity. There had been one new volunteer from Hascombe and some from Dunsfold and there are now ten volunteers committed to go out on a regular basis. Mr and Mrs Johnson would be asked if they would like to man a session on the 40mph section on Godalming Road. The speed gun would be unavailable for a period at the end of May while it is being serviced.
10/042Neighbourhood Watch
There was nothing to report.
10/043Parish Council Representative Committee Reports
Mr Ted Dwyer has now retired as PCC member. Future reports from the PCC would be supplied by Mr John Jeffrey. The Friends would be holding a barbecue on 20th June, which would be followed by the Pond Service with Godalming Town Band. Approval had been given to the PCC for use of the Pond area.
10/044Affordable Housing.
There was no progress to report.
After some consideration it was agreed that the Clerk would continue to liaise with Mr Paul Lye to produce the website ‘inhouse’. The Clerk will proceed to source webhosting and domain registration from YSH.co.uk as recommended by Bramley Parish Council.
The Clerk confirmed that Notification for the Data Protection Act was in hand.
10/046Accounts for the year ending 31.3.10
Proposed by Mr Ted Dwyer and seconded by Mr Paul Lye, the accounts and balance sheet for the Parish Council for the year ending 31st March 2010 were received for adoption and authority was given for the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer to sign the annual return.
10/047Henry Smith’s Charity Accounts for the year ending 31.12.09
Proposed by Mr Paul Lye and seconded by Mr Ted Dwyer, Hascombe’s account for Henry Smith’s Charity for the year ended 31st December 2009 was received for adoption and signed by the Chairman who would check with Lynne Enticknap that a copy had been sent to the Treasurer of the Smith’s Trustees.
WaverleyBC: Mr Charles Orange would be attending the meeting concerning the E-Consultation Hub and would consider putting an article in the Parish Magazine concerning the change to Planning Surgeries.
PC Soulsby. Mr Charles Orange would contact the PCSO for the address of the late PC Soulsby’s family in order to write a letter of condolence.
Peter Frost. Mr Charles Orange would draft a reply to the Internal Auditor concerning his report.
10/049Planning Report
WA2009/1105 Erection of mansion dwelling at Park Hatch, Dunsfold Road, Loxhill. The appeal was due to be held in July. A representative of the Surrey Hills Board would speak in opposition. CPRE would also be opposing the plans.
WA2010/0520 Erection of two-storey extension at 4 Pound Cottages, Hascombe. No objection.
Mr Charles Orange stood down from the meeting for consideration of WA2009/1207 (amended) Conversion of barn to form 4 residential units at Place Farm, Hascombe. It was agreed that the Parish Council’s objections to the original application had not been addressed and that the intrusion to neighbouring properties would be increased with the revised plan to house the living accommodation on the first floor. Objections to be received by 31st May.
There was nothing to report.
10/051Accounts for Payment
AONInsurance Renewal£511.24
PJ ConsultantsInternal Audit£232.50
ICOData Protection Registration£35.00
B WeddellApril payroll£65.94
B WeddellMay payroll£131.67
10/052Business for Information or Inclusion on a Future Agenda
Model publications scheme to be considered at the next meeting.
10/053General Matters:
- Standing Orders. All members to read the new recommended Standing Orders and consider any amendments. New Standing Orders to be adopted at the Annual Meeting in 2011.
- Agenda Circulation: Members agreed that they would prefer to receive Agenda notices via email rather than post and that in future they would reply to the Clerk via email to confirm receipt. This may be incorporated into the new Standing Orders.
- JointWaverleyTowns & Parishes Meeting. Clerk to circulate the Agenda when available.
- Planning Applications. Clerk to seek guidance on the matter of the Parish Council looking at plans in advance of formal Planning Application.
- Contract of Employment. The Clerk had been issued with a Contract of Employment and the Parish Council had now been registered for PAYE with HM Revenue and Customs.
- Next meeting. The next meeting of Hascombe Parish Council will be held on Thursday 17th June 2010 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00pm.