5:00 P.M.
The Committee of the Whole of the Macomb City Council met on Monday, October 31, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall at 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL.
Mayor Mike Inman called the meeting to order.
Roll call was taken and the following Aldermen answered present; Mike Wayland, John Vigezzi, Mellie Gilbert, Tom Koch, Gayle Carper, Don Wynn and Dennis Moon.
Others present: Deputy City Clerk Renee Lotz, City Attorney Kristen Petrie and Community Development Director Ray Heitner. City Treasurer Ron Ward was absent.
Public Comment. Ms. Nikki Gray, Executive Director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau was present to thank the Council for their continued 18 months of support.
The first item on the agenda was a presentation from the College Student Personnel Graduate Class on #mymacombproject. Four representatives of the program were present to introduce themselves and the program that they represent. Mr. Tyler McClean, Ms. Hayley Remmel, Ms. Sarah Erkfitz and Ms. Katlyn Oparnico. This was started as a part of their Group Dynamics course, in the CSP program. They were given the initiative to make this world a better place. They were given control over what was their world and how would they make that better. After their discussions their focus became, Macomb was their world for the next two years and possibly beyond, so they began to use social media to spread the news of the great things going on in Macomb breaking past the mindset of small town Macomb where there was nothing much to do. Their desire was to showcase Macomb as a great place to be and things to do.
Their social media campaign #my_macomb, was started to spread through campus and beyond. They also have an Instagram account. Their goal to create a partnership with the City and community, sharing posts and content attending events in Macomb.
Mayor Inman stated he was pleased with the group making the very best of their time here in Macomb bringing forth this project to us to work as a vehicle to make outreach to our young constituents, 18-24 year’s old. He stated how grateful to have folks like them attracted to Macomb.
The second item on the agenda for discussion was on a façade grant application from the Masonic Temple located at 133 S. Randolph Street. CDC Ray Heitner was present to describe the application and scope of work. He stated the application received from Mr. Hainline was a continuation of the project that was approved last year for window replacement on the south side of the building.
This application would be for the west side window replacement with the same windows by the same contractor. Mr. Hainline would be eligible for a maximum of $20,000 due to the low bid being $47,900. The work would be done in the spring of 2017 with a recommendation coming from the Community Development Committee. Also the Historic Preservation Commission has amended and extended the Certificate of Authenticity for all four sides of the building going forward.
Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Wynn to approve the façade grant application from the Masonic Temple and place it on the consent agenda for Monday night meeting, all Aldermen voted “Aye” by Viva Voca vote, Mayor Inman declared the motion carried.
The third item on the agenda for discussion was on a resolution to support and become a coalition member of a community wide USEPA Brownfields Assessment. Mr. David King of Prairie Land Conservancy was present to explain the program. He explained this was a planning grant which identifies pieces of properties that may be contaminated by pollutants, (Brownfields). He stated the partnership or coalition would have a representative of each community, taking inventory of the brownfield sites developing a list and prioritizing, then if the grant was funded a redevelopment plan would be done for the sites. This would be at no cost to the city except for the time of the staff person.
Committee of the Whole
October 31, 2016
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He stated the program has health as well as economic benefits to the community. The application would be made to the IEPA on behalf of the owner of the properties. He stated it covered potentially six counties in the area.
Mayor Inman stated should the resolution be adopted, CDC Heitner would be appointed the representative for the City of Macomb. He stated the resolution would be placed on the agenda for final action at Monday night meeting.
The fourth item on the agenda for discussion was on renewing the agreement with Dr. David L. Miller dba Macomb Medical Group of Macomb, LLC to perform physicals for all City employee screening. City Attorney Kristen Petrie explained the only change in the agreement would be an increase of $10 for stress tests totaling ($85) and $10 for drug tests totaling ($30).
Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Wynn to approve the agreement and place it on consent agenda for Monday night meeting, all Aldermen voted “Aye” by Viva Voca vote, Mayor Inman declared the motion carried.
The fifth item on the agenda for discussion was on the Downtown Revitalization project. Mayor Inman announced that the ITEP grant applied for $1.5 million, was denied by the IDOT. He stated the total project design was $4.2 million, with the shortfall the obvious question was, what we can afford to do.
Alderman Moon presented the alternate Plan B as discussed in the recent Public Works Committee meeting held with Mr. Jim Burke of Hutchison Engineers. He stated the consensus of the committee was to scale it back by doing the driving surface by milling and overlaying the square and oncoming streets, along with that the drainage on the south side would be addressed, lighting was eliminated due to probable Phase II ITEP monies. Islands on all four corners and crosswalks will be done.
He stated the goal was to accomplish something, knowing that the driving surface needed done but not wanting to tear out later, adding to the cost of the project, this would be minimal involvement going forward. Worse case, we will have to saw the curb edges for the future expansion of sidewalks. Mill and overlay would be to the appropriate grades according to the plans, moving forward.
Mayor Inman explained the ITEP grants were available for application every two years. This would set us up for que to make the next phase incorporating the streetscape and lighting improvements not being done at this time. He stated Hutchison’s would be finalizing the plans as Alderman Moon described. He stated this would fit well into the budget going forward allowing to do other improvement projects throughout the city within the next two construction seasons.
He stated there were 241 projects submitted for IDOT approval, $31 million dollars of available funds with 33 projects being approved. Many of those were 2nd and 3rd phase projects with bicycle and pedestrian components in them. The list was available for review if anyone interested.
Alderman Carper asked about the timeline.
Mayor Inman stated the hope was to have engineering and bid letting ready for the first of the New Year, making improvement next spring, hoping for minimal impact on WIU Graduation and Heritage Days.
Alderman Wynn asked about impact on water/sewer mains.
Mayor Inman stated improvements were made to those in 1986 and they were never a part of the plans.
Alderman Moon stated that Jason was aware, the sewers were televised and no problems were seen.
Mayor Inman stated this would not address sidewalks at this time; there being areas needing attention, they could possibly be a part of the bid letting or evaluate and address the work through Public Works staff.
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October 31, 2016
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Alderman Carper asked about ADA requirements.
Mayor Inman stated any improvements made would be cognizant of ADA requirements that have occurred. Some of the changes under the proposed plan far exceeded ADA minimum requirements.
Mayor Inman stated the plan was to give instruction to the engineer to set in motion the design and specs for bidding. He believes this will meet a need and demand while remaining in the budget.
Alderman Moon reminded Council members to make their requests known to him concerning streets in need of repair. He stated there was discussion on a list he brought before the Public Works Committee and he would welcome any suggestions they have.
There was no further discussion.
Mayor Inman made a Public Announcement concerning time change in November and new yard waste site hours, November 16th being from 9-5pm, Thursday through Sunday.
Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Wynn to move into executive session to consider information relative to: a). Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, pursuant to Sec. 2 (c) (1) of the Open Meetings Act., and b). Collective Bargaining matters between the public body and its employees or representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, pursuant to Sec. 2 (c) (2) of the Open Meetings Act., on question being put, Aldermen Wayland, Vigezzi, Gilbert, Koch, Carper, Wynn and Moon being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Inman declared the motion carried and they adjourned into executive session at 5:33 p.m.
Alderman Vigezzi moved, seconded by Alderman Carper to move back into open session, all Aldermen voted “Aye” by Viva Voca vote, Mayor Inman declared the motion carried and they moved back into open session at 6:35 p.m.
There being no further business to discuss Alderman Vigezzi moved, seconded by Alderman Koch to adjourn the meeting, all Aldermen voted “Aye” by Viva Voca vote, Mayor Inman declared the motion carried and they adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk, Renee Lotz