Top Priority
December 2015Examination Matter


The Secretary

HaryanaState Board of Technical Education,

Bays No. 7-12, Sector -4,



All the Principal (s),

Govt. / Govt. Aided / Self Financing Polytechnics.

Memo No: 465 /Exam/HSBTE Dated: 20.10.2015

Subject: Instructions for Examination to be held in December 2015.

As you know that State Board Diploma Examination are scheduled to be held in December 2015. Instructions for the State Board Exams scheduled to be held in Dec 2015 are as under:-

  1. Schedule of submission of Permission Cum Admission (PCA) Form for all semesters

(Fee to be deposited in the “PNB A/C 0087000111223535 of H.S.B.T.E Haryana” through special feechallan available on the website i.e.

Sr. No. / Filling of PCA Forms For 1st to 6th semester / Last Date
1. / Without late fee (Rs. 250/- per student per semester) / upto 17.11.2015
2. / With late fee of Rs.50/- / upto 24.11.2015
Note:Students can fill the PCA beyond last date i.e. up to 3 working days prior to the start of Board/diploma exams with late fee of Rs. 1000/- per form.
3. / Mercy Chance with a fee of Rs.1000/- per paper / upto 24.11.2015
  1. Schedule for uploading the PCA data by institutes:

Sr. No. / Uploading of PCA Data for 1st to 6th semester / Dates
1. / Last date for uploading the PCA data without late fee / 17.11.2015 upto 5.00 pm
2. / Last date for uploading the PCA data with late fee of Rs.50/- / 24.11.2015 upto 5.00pm
3. / Last date for deposition of fees by the institute in PNB A/C of HSBTE.
Note:Without the submission of the PCA fee receipt to HSBTE, institute will not be able to download the PCA form of the students. / 27.11.2015

a)The PCA fees will be calculated by HSBTEstrictly on the basis of the date on which PCA Data is uploadedonlineby the institute.

b)To avoid the last minute rush as well as imposition of late fee, the institutes are advised to upload the PCA data on daily basis at .The username and password for the site is already with the institutions.

c)Onthe last date of deposition of fees by the institute in PNB Account of HBSTE (i.e. 27.11.2015), the institutions must upload the detail of PCA fee alongwithscanned copy of receipt(s) online on under the link “Upload PCA fee Deposited Detail” (Screenshot attached). Receipts of PCA fees with late fee of Rs. 1000/, if any, deposited after 27.11.2015 may also be uploadedimmediately in the same link.

d)The option for printing the PCA Forms will only be activated/opened for the institutes after the verification of amount of PCA fee from the receipts e-mailed by the institute upto 27.11.2015.

e)Hardcopies of all the receipts of PCA Fee must be submitted by hand to HSBTE through special messenger on 07.12.2015.


a)The Permission Cum Admission Forms including colored photos are to be properly checked and authenticated by the concerned HOD and the Principal of institute to avoid impersonation cases in the Haryana State Board Diploma Examinations.

b)Note for 1st Semester Regular Students and 3rd Semester DET-L Students:

The institutes are requested to upload the mother name and photographs of 1stsem regular students and 3rdsem DET-L students admitted in session 2015-16. The remaining data of these students is already available in PCA software with HSBTE.

c)Principal of the institution must verify the eligibility of students appearing in the examination in order to avoid the ineligible candidate for appearing in the exams.

d)All the students having reappear in 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th semester should fill the PCA form as per the New Syllabus. Further, institutes are requested to verify the subject Ids filled by the student as per the scheme.

e)Detainees list must also be supplied along with hard copy and through e-mail () before the start of BoardExamination.

f)No candidate will be allowed to appear in the HSBTE Examination without the online submission of PCA Databy the institute.

g)The Computer Generated PCA Form with photoduly attested by the Principal/Head of the Institute must be carried by the candidate at the time of exam.

NOTE: Mere filling of PCA does not entitle the candidates to appear in the examination. Only eligible and legitimate candidates shall be allowed to appear in the HSBTE Examination.

All the Principal(s) are requested to ensure that correct information is uploaded in the PCA list so that the examination could be conducted in a proper and smooth manner. All the instructions are to be complied with and implemented without any lapse. The whole staff of the institute may be informed well in advance to abide by these instructions so that any lapse may not occur during the examinations.

Controller of Exam

HSBTE, Panchkula

Endst. No. 466-468 /Exam /HSBTE Dated:20.10.2015

A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information & necessary action.

  1. Secretary to ACSTE for information of ACSTE-cum-Chairman, HSBTE
  2. PS to DGTE for the kind information of DGTE-cum-Secretary, HSBTE
  3. Additional Secretary, HSBTE, Panchkula

Controller of Exam

HSBTE, Panchkula