Staff Volunteer Grants

Harward Center Staff Volunteer Grants of up to $150 are available to support a wide variety of community service projects in which staff might be engaged in their home communities. Projects do not need to have a connection to Bates. New proposals will receive priority over requests for previously funded projects. Community service projects will receive preference over recreational programs. Staff members are limited to one grant per organization each year.

Activities supported by the grants might include (but are not limited to): purchase of supplies for a clean-up day; printing costs to publicize an event; food expenses for community work

Name: ______

Department: ______

Campus Address: ______

Phone: ______

E-mail: ______

Community Agency Partner: ______

Applications should include the following:

  • A brief description of the proposed project;
  • The number of volunteers involved;
  • The type of service the project provides;
  • The number of people the project serves; and
  • A detailed budget, specifying how the requested funding will be used, and including information on other funding you have received or have requested.

Funding is provided through reimbursement. Please contact Marty Deschaines, 786-8273 or with questions.

Staff Volunteer Grants

The goal of the Staff Volunteer Grants program is to support staff involvement in community service projects. Projects do not need to have a connection to or be sponsored by Bates. Activities supported by the grants might include (but are not limited to): purchase of supplies for a clean-up day; printing costs to publicize an event; food expenses for community work.

Grants of up to $150 will be available year-round for staff volunteer projects. Funding is open to all Bates College staff members. Applications may be submitted at any time and will be reviewedmonthly.

1. Cover sheet with contact information: Name, department, campus address, phone number, e-mail address, and the name of the community agency you will be working with.

2. Proposal: Briefly describe the proposed project, the number of volunteers involved, the type of service the project will provide and the number of people the project serves.

3. Budget: Please include a detailed budget, specifying how the requested funding will be used, and including information on other funding you have received or have requested.


Staff members are limited to one grant per organization each year. Funding preference will be given to projects that have the greatest impact on or benefit to the community. New requests will be given preference over requests for previously funded projects. Community service projects will be given preference over recreational programs. Please include mention of the support by the Harward Center for Community Partnerships, Bates College, in publicity for events supported by the Staff Volunteer Grant when appropriate.