Present: Mrs B Brunsdon, Cllr M Colenutt, Cllr Jo Edwarde (Chairman), Mr P Fenton, Mr R Hudson, Mrs J Littleford, Cllr T Mitchell, Cllr C Park (Vice Chairman), Cllr C Simmons,

1.  Apologies for Absence
Received from Sheila van Maurik. Papers arrive too late for Stephen Young to attend. Apologies to him have been made.
2.  Declaration of Personal or Prejudicial Interest.
Members were reminded to declare at any relevant agenda item.
3.  Minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2010.
Proposed: Tom Mitchell. Seconded: Clair Park. The minutes were passed unanimously.
4.  Matters arising (not covered elsewhere)
Item 4/6 – Mike Colenutt (having declared an interest, being a member of Holtye Golf Club) reminded the committee that the wording of the parking notice at Holtye Golf Club remains an issue. Jo will confirm the acceptable wording with John Chalke and Mike will liaise with the Golf Club
Item 4/10 – The stile at Hewkins Bridge does not need replacing, the gate at FP52b will be investigated along with stiles leading to it from Scraggs Farm. In the meantime a list of stiles in need of repair will be drawn up and a date for a working party agreed.
Item 5 – Ron Hudson reported that work seems to have stopped on the pond and inspection chamber being created to manage run off water from the development around Old Crown Farm.
Item 6a – Still needs to be referred back to Parish Council/Highways dept.
5.  Correspondence
No significant correspondence had been received. An update on FP15 is under item 6
6.  Footpaths update
The report had been previously circulated.
FP73a – While it was noted that this footpath had been improved by the landowner, it was thought better not to offer thanks yet as the situation is still not completely satisfactory. The absence of a North Wealden Footpaths Officer at East Sussex County Council was regretted as matters such as this would be referred on. Jo wrote to ESCC very recently asking for an update on this vacancy.
The Reported Concerns schedule had been updated and circulated. Some progress had been made since the last meeting, in particular, some clearing on FP13 near Landhurst and bridleway signs have been put up on FP72c/72b.
7.  New referrals
a.  Ramblers – none to report
b.  Committee
·  The loose planks on Pooh Bridge have been reported to ESCC.
·  A member of the public had contacted Jo asking why FP33c was inaccessible North of the Forest Way. It is likely that this short section of path has fallen into disuse as there is an alternative very close by. After the Fun Run, Jo will contact the landowner drawing this to his attention and asking him to comment.
·  Clair asked about FP16 which is prone to flooding. Janet Littleford assured the committee that the bridge over the stream has withstood the recent extreme weather.
8.  Tree Warden’s report
The Holy Oak at Marsh Green has suffered considerable damage in the snow and extreme cold. The landowner has pruned some of the smaller branches but the tree is still thought to be posing a risk to the public. It is possible it will need iron supports. Clair has consulted Richard Webber at Wealden District Council and she will advise the landowner accordingly.
9.  Items for reporting or for future agenda
·  Clair reminded Jo that an article about the Country-side code, which should have been in the last Parish Council Newsletter, needs to be in the April edition.
·  Chris Simmons asked about the proposed footpath diversion at North Clays. This has all gone quiet. Fencing and hedging have been put up where the proposed barns were to be situated and the development of holiday cottages appears not to be currently pursued. Chris reported that the footpath through the property is in need of way marking.
·  Tom Mitchell asked about the clearance of the pavements from Upper Hartfield to Hartfield Village. Paths nearer the Village have been cleared by the Community Service team. Jo will again refer this to the Parish Council.
·  Clair suggested that the Landowner at FP12 might have a ramp which could be positioned over the mud near the stile leading into her field. Jo will investigate.
10. Date and Time of next meeting
Monday 14 June 2010, 7.30 pm in the Committee Room.
Meeting closed at 8.55 pm. / JE/MC
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