Hines Volunteer Fire Department, Hines OR

Hines Municipal Code 3.24.010 provides for the Hines Volunteer Fire Department representatives to prepare a schedule of charges and rates for the delivery of emergency and non-emergency services by HVFD for personnel, supplies and equipment to the scene of emergency and non-emergency incidents.

Under the Rural Fire Suppression Program,with the authority of the Hines Common Council, owners of property (or authorized tenants) within the program area (defined by attached map) may subscribe to the program for an annual fee of one hundred dollars ($100) per fiscal year per tax lot with improvements.

This includes HVFD identification and recording of the location and description of the contracted property and free documentation to applicant’s insurance agent, upon request. Personnel and equipment services expended under an emergency response will be billed at the State Fire Marshal’s allowable rate for extinguishing uncontrolled fires in an unprotected area outside the boundaries of the city. If HVFD responds to a fire at a contracted property, the $100 subscription fee will be credited against the billing under the State Fire Marshal’s provisions.

The program area includes improvements on properties with a street address within an approximate westerly and southwesterly 10-mile radius of the city limits of the City of Hines, excluding those within the City of Hines, City of Burns and Burns Fire Department Rural Suppression Area. The program area specifically includesGarland Acres, Highland Ranch Estates, a corridor along US Hwy 20-395W to approximately MP 117, serving homes within one mile (north or south) of the highway; and homes on the north end of Greenhouse Lane). Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis by the HVFD Chief.

Property owners/tenants within the HVFD Rural Fire Suppression Area may subscribe for services by completing an application for review and approval by HVFD. Upon application, HVFD personnel will view the rural address subject to the coverage and assess accessibility. Applicants will allow HVFD personnel to take a photo of the subject property, to assist responders in emergencies.

All property owners/tenants who enter into the agreement are responsible to provide for construction and maintenance of access to the subject property as reasonably necessary for fully-loaded fire engines, water tenders or other responding vehicles to safely enter and exit fromthe contracted address.

Subscribing members must post the street address in a highly visible location on the primary road, to facilitate timely location of the contracted site by firefighters. All numbers and letters must be no less than three (3) inches in height.

The term of the agreement will be for one fiscal year, from July 1 of the current year through June 30 of the next year, at a cost of $100 per tax lot. Application and payment are due to the City of Hinesby July 1 of each applicable year. Subscription fee for new property owner/tenant may be prorated for partial year.


The City of Hines will use the application fees to help with budgeted costs to maintain HVFD equipment, personnel and programs. Inquiries from your insurance agent will be answered with verification of your membership.

The Rural Fire Suppression Program, Hines Municipal Code, ordinances, resolutions and agreements may be reviewed and evaluated by the Hines Common Council from time to time, as may be deemed necessary and appropriate. The City of Hines reserves the right to modify, supplement or discontinue all or any part of the program, without limitation. Any change in annual subscription fee is limited by Oregon law, based on pro rata taxes.

ORS 476.280 provides that at the direction of the governing body of the city, the fire chief, and the representatives of the fire chief, may be authorized to extinguish uncontrolled fires that are found to be burning in unprotected areas situated outside the boundaries of the city that are causing or may cause undue jeopardy to life or property.

If the fire chief or his representative believes the fire is causing or may cause undue jeopardy to life or property, he or they may employ the same means and resources used by the department to extinguish similar fires within its jurisdiction.

ORS 476.290 directs that whenever a fire is extinguished pursuant to ORS 476.280, the governing body of the city may, on forms furnished by the State Fire Marshal for such purposes, bill the owner of the property involved in the fire for the cost of providing the fire suppression service.

The governing body of the city that provided the fire suppression service may determine the cost of providing the fire suppression service by use of a state standardized costs schedule, as approved by the State Fire Marshal. The cost charged for providing the fire suppression service may not be greater than the pro rata cost that would have been charged by the city for the performance of a similar fire suppression service within its jurisdiction.If the cost is not paid within 30 days after the second billing, the governing body of the city may bring an action for the recovery of the unpaid cost from the owner of the real property upon which the fire suppression service was rendered.

Payment is due July 1 at HINESCITY HALL, PO Box 336,Hines OR 97738. Questions: Bob Spence at (541) 413-0073 or Joan Davies at (541) 573-2251.


Hines Volunteer Fire Department, Hines OR

Name of Responsible Party______

Contracted Property Physical Address______

Additional structures ($100 each tax lot)______

Mailing Address______

Home Phone ______Cell Phone ______Fax No. ______

E-mail address ______

THIS CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT, made and entered into on the date below, by and between the City of Hines, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, and the above-referenced applicant, provides for the following:

Hines Volunteer Fire Department shall, upon notice of the need for fire protection and fire protection aid, that can be reasonably furnished by the City of Hines, for the protection of applicant’s contracted property (improvements), shall

Provide fire protection and fire protection aid that can be reasonably furnished at the time, with the understanding that the City of Hines shall have first claim upon its own firefighting equipment and personnel, and that the contracted party shall be secondary to the necessities of the City, in the protection of its own property, or property within the city limits;

It is further provided that the 911 dispatcher, the commanding officer of the HVFD or a law enforcement agency of jurisdiction, or any unit thereof, shall exercise his/her judgment of response need based upon the information received, as to the amount and type of equipment and personnel that may be spared from the City at the time of the call, and that no faulty judgment or ill-advised action on the part of said dispatcher or commanding officer shall create any liability against that individual or the City of Hines, or defeat the right of the City of Hines to compensation, as herein provided.

That the parties hereto agree that the applicant shall pay $100 per year per tax lot for the described services, which includes HVFD identification of, and recording of, the location and description of the contracted property and free documentation to applicant’s insurance agent, upon request. Personnel and equipment services expended under an emergency response will be billed at the State Fire Marshal’s allowable rate for extinguishing uncontrolled fires in an unprotected area outside the boundaries of the city.If HVFD responds to a fire at a contracted property, the $100 fee will be credited against the billing.

DATED ______, 2013. Contract ends June 30, 2014.


Applicant’s Signature