Chapter 18 -- Managing & Motivating Employees

I.Management Functions


  • Set realistic goals for long-term & short-term
  • Spell out basic steps on how to achieve them


  • Break down the plans into tasks to be performed (delegate)
  • Decide what resources (natural, human, capital) are needed to perform them


  • Influence, guide, and lead people to carry out their assigned tasks
  • Recognize each person’s potential
  • Direct that person to help him or her achieve it


  • Solving problems along the way
  • Evaluating performance (of production & of employees)
  • Evaluating customer satisfaction to help the process of tasks being completed

II.What does it take to be a manager?

A.Ability to perform varied activities (juggling)

B.Ability to work under pressure (deal with problems)

C.Effective communication (including listening)

D.Interpersonal skills (deal with people)

E.Ability to gather & use information (staying current)

Managing Employees

III.The Employment Process: Hiring People

A.Assessing Job Requirements

1.Details of a job (what it includes)

2.Job description – salary range; education requirements; skill requirements; job experience requirements; duties; other requirements necessary to “do” the job

B.Recruiting Employees

1.“Hiring from WITHIN” the company – promoting current employees

2.Hiring from OUTSIDE the company – hiring a stranger to the company

3.Job Posting – via email; after # of days, it gets publicized to non-company people

4.Job Fairs, place ads in newspaper, use a recruiting office (Headhunter), on-line searches

C.Selecting Employees


Use pen (blue or black ink)

Complete in full – including references

Handwriting (neatness)

Now, on-line applications are being used


All about YOU & your GOALS

Past work history, education, hobbies, skills

May have multiple resumes based on your goals (education vs. business)

Must be printed, individually, on quality (watermark) paper (beige/cream or grey)


Be a “real” person face-to-face

Always bring extra copies of your resume & reference list

Dress appropriately – no heavy smells

Dress 1-2 levels above what the position is expected to wear on the job

  • Ladies – dark suit with closed-toed shoes, hosiery, nothing see-through or tight, no cleavage, no heavy jewelry, hair pulled back, no heavy make-up
  • Men–dark suit with QUALITY shoes, dry-cleaned, pressed shirt, undershirt underneath, no cufflinks, well-groomed, take out earrings


Expensive to conduct

Once you are a FINAL candidate

Pull your credit score!

Drugs, medical, skills, psychological/ethics

Criminal records (fingerprinted)

D.Orientation – the process of helping new employees learn about & adjust to their new company & the environment on the first couple days of work

1.An explanation of what they are to do

2.An introduction to the employees they will work with

3.A review of the conditions of employment

4.Method of pay

5.Medical coverage & other payroll deductions

6.Work & break schedules (lunchroom, restrooms)

7.Signing paperwork

IV.Training & Developing Employees – improving employees


1. On-the-job training – paid to do this!!

  • Retail clothing – folding & customer service
  • Nurse – more hands-on experience
  • Factory worker – operating the machinery
  • Technology Areas – learn the software
  • Landscaping/Nurseries – techniques to trimming trees
  • Food Areas – processes to prepare the food
  • Blue collar labor – carpentry, installing carpet, electrician

2. Job rotation (crosstrain) – everyone learns very job (Gung Ho)

3. SeminarsWorkshops – go hear a presenter on a topic to learn more about it or the latest trends

5. Conferences --

B.Evaluating Performance – via evaluations; 90-day trial basis (probation period); can occur yearly

1.Transfers – same level

2.Promotions – moving UP in positions (getting a raise?)

3.Layoffs – can be “recalled” back to work


Voluntary termination – quit; the employee left on their own terms

Involuntary termination – fired; the employee was let go for poor performance

V.Human Resource Managers

A.Managerial Traits

1.Adaptability – dealing with different people & different situations

2.Human Relation Skills – sensitive to people’s needs & feelingsBUT don’t be a softy

3.Emotional & Social Maturity – control yourself & your temper!

4.Insight – be able to see future & environment to better plan for the company

5.Self Motivation – you’re a “kick-starter”; your own determination to work on your own, independently

B.Motivating Employees(9 to 5)

1.Flextime – an 8-hour shift, between set hours


3.On-site daycare&/or Job Sharing

4.Equal pay


6.Counseling service (confidential & free)

7.Friendly environment (desks, décor)

8.Telecommuting -- Being able to work outside of the office

9.Exercise facilities

10.Equal opportunities

11.Money/Prizes/Incentives/Title change (Bankruptcy Coordinator)

C.Strengthening Communication & Foster Cooperation

1.Let them know what is expected – before evaluations happen!

2.Let them know how they are [doing monthly]

  • give praise
  • give constructive criticism

3.Group decision-making

4.Social events

5.Company functions


Management Style: Theory X –

Management Style: Theory Y –

Pregnancy Discrimination Act –

Employee Complaint Procedure –

Job Enlargement –

Job Enrichment –


A.On-site Childcare– having daycare facilities at the parents’ job


  • Employees might get free childcare or less expensive than other places
  • Less anxiety for parents
  • Employee morale goes up
  • Company more desirable to work for
  • Fewer turnovers – the cycle of people are leaving & more people getting rehired (equals decrease training costs for new employees)
  • Parents can be close to children if problems occur


  • Employer/Daycare requires more personnel
  • Daycare can’t be left alone—needs ‘round the clock supervision
  • Cost may be pricey (adding it to the building layout)
  • Being in public childcare spreads germs more so than if at home
  • Kids can find parents to interrupt their work day
  • Company can be liable for children & events occurring in the daycare
  • Size of daycare can determine quality of attention to kids
  • Refuse to watch sick kids so parents still need to miss work

B.Job Sharing– 2 or more people do the same job & split the hours


  • Can decrease work load so it can improve on your personal life (go back to school, take an internship, spend more time with their kids)
  • Continuous job coverage
  • Productivity WILL increase (statistics show this)
  • Strain of having all of the work is reduced
  • 2+ peoples’ skills & abilities can be brought to one job position


  • People sharing the position don’t get along
  • Employer must pay benefits to more people vs. 1 employee only
  • Employer is responsible for more people
  • Employee only gets “part time” benefits, “part time” paycheck
  • Productivity goes DOWN as employees’ time must be taken during shift changes to explain things
  • Might not be as focused as working part time
  • Can’t get back to fulltime easily


  • Sexual advances that occur during the workplace
  • Can happen to males or females
  • Can be by way of letter, phone calls, emails (visual or nonvisual)

1964 Federal Civil Rights Act claimed that sexual harassment is against the law


  • Offering something sexual, sexual gestures, sexual jokes, displaying yourself to others


In 2005, Aaron Inc. man called woman a “Trixie” he commented on her looks, touched her inappropriately, he took her in a room, locked the door, & was aggressive with lifting her top, & pleasured himself on her. She sued the company & won $95,000,000!!