(Adhartas na Hearadh Earranta)

Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Harris Development Ltd., held in the Harris Hotel, Tarbert on Monday 31st January 2011 at 7.30pm.


Cllr Morag Munro, Mrs Gillian Scott-Forrest, Dr David Hill, Mrs Mary Hill, Mr Robert Wemyss, Mr Willie Fulton.


The Minutes of AGM of 23 November 2009 were approved, proposed by Mr Kenny MacKay, seconded by Mrs Morag MacLennan.


There were no matters arising.


As the Constitution of HDL had two classes of directors, nominated by various organisations, it was agreed to change directors from ‘nominated’ to ‘elected’. The maximum number of directors will be:-

18 Proxy Forms were received, all in favour of the amendment. 14 members were for the amendment and none against.


Mr Neil Campbell, reported that although the previous year had been challenging, this past year was even more so, but things were moving forward now with the Landscape Partnership Scheme. Neil thanked Joan Cumming and the Directors for all their hard work in bringing the LPS to the stage it was at now.

There were a number of directors standing down at the AGM and although it was sad to lose these directors it was agreed that new directors were needed. Special mention was made of Kenny MacKay, John MacAulay, Morag MacLennan, John Murdo Morrison and Kenny MacDonald who all deserve thanks for the work they have done over the years. They have served HDL faithfully and well. He also thanked Katie MacLeod, Minutes Secretary.

He reported that there were some exciting developments in the pipeline. Despite the recession Harris does have a bright future. Community buyouts mare making a difference and he hoped to see additional ones in Harris as well.

Coinneach Morrison was appointed Community Account Manager for South Harris and Scalpay and this post was fully funded by HIE/LEADER. Graeme MacLennan had been employed with funding from HIE to look at the long term sustainability of the LPS.


Joan Cumming, LPS

Joan was glad to report that as of today £158,000 had been approved by Leader as part of the £1.2m package which might still become a £1.67m package. The next phase is starting now with a new LPS Board being appointed. Letters had gone out looking for a wide representation throughout Harris. Community participation in the LPS projects is vital. The main thrust of the scheme is the Heritage Project, with over 50 people being interviewed, and the most economically beneficial is the Double Width and Hattersley Weaver Training. Staff will be recruited for this shortly.

Copies of the LPS Implementation Plan will be available in the SES School Library and in An Clachan. The plan sets out the 16 projects which are all now underway.

Neil Campbell thanked Joan for her commitment to this project. It had been a lot of work for Joan and the directors as it was a huge project for HDL and he was please that the resources were now in place.

Kenny MacLeod, Community Co-ordinator

Kenny reported on the various projects he had been involved with over the year. Funding had been received from LEADER for the University of Birmingham to carry out major excavation in Horgabost over the summer. The project also involved school children, students and volunteers from throughout Harris.

The MacGillivray Centre had been upgraded and a number of small improvements been carried out.

The Guided Walks had been very successful and ran for five days a week during the Summer. The walks were funded last year and for the next two years, by SNH>

The Tarbert Pier Users Association had been formed to take forward plans to develop the pier area in Tarbert. It is proposed to extend the current breakwater, pontoons and to dredge the inner harbour to allow 24 hour access.

Costings for the renovation of Flodabay and Finsbay piers had been carried out, with additional funding being sought for moorings for the area around the pier in Finsbay. It is hoped to incorporate broadband in this application.

A feasibility study had been completed on the Scalpay Shop buyout and a public meeting was held to ascertain public support for the project. This project was now being progressed by Coinneach Morrison.

Four groups in Harris had been granted £10,000 from the Community Regeneration Fund. HDL was granted £30,000 for the LPS.

Kenny’s role as Community Co-ordinator changed in April 2010 and now covers Harris and South Lochs with around a third of the time taken up in South Lochs. He also took over the role of Case Officer for the Community Regeneration Fund, Community Renewable Support Fund and the Community Regeneration Challenge Fund.

Neil Campbell thanked Kenny for his input to HDL.

Coinneach Morrison, Community Account Manager

Coinneach provided an update on the projects he was working on since he took up his post in September.

Following the public consultation in Scalpay and with the community unanimously in favour of proceeding with the purchase of the Scalpay Shop, a Business Plan was drawn up and Scalpay Community Development Ltd and Buth Scalpaigh were set up. It is open for everyone in Scalpay to become a member. Mrag MacLeod expressed her gratitude for all the help received from Kenny MacLeod, Coinneach Morrison and HDL directors

There was now a possibility that Fred Taylor would transfer ownership of Scalpay to the community. This venture would have to be community led and community driven.

Fred Taylor had also been discussion with HDL regarding a proposal for a Lobster Hatchery in Scalpay. This would involve the co-operation of fishermen, the majority of whom had been fairly supportive. The lobster rearing would involve female lobsters being stripped of eggs, the eggs put in pens and reared. They would then be released by the fishermen in their own fishing grounds at one year old. There was already a Lobster Hatchery in Orkney which had the backing of local fishermen. The Lobster Hatchery was an exciting new community business model and would be an exact replica of the one in Orkney.

Community consultation and public meetings are being held to gauge public opinion regarding the possibility of placing a wind turbine at Grosecleit. Three organisations have combined to take this forward and a Steering Group has been set up. It was agreed that Ofgem should be lobbied regarding the upgrading of the present grid system.

Reuben Miles and Gail Donaldson had now taken a lease agreement with HDL to open and run a Coffee Shop in the MacGillivray Centre. The Centre would still remain an interpretation centre.

HDL are still lobbying CnES for the Leverburgh pontoon development. It had not qualified for ERDF funding and was shelved but it was hopeful it would still go ahead.

Neil Campbell thanked Coinneach for all the work he had done since he started in September.


The annual accounts had been approved by the Management Committee, signed and submitted to Companies House.


The Management Committee had discussed Membership Fees and agreed they should be kept the same as last year and try and encourage more people to become members.

Annual Individual Membership - £5Life Individual Membership - £75

Annual Business Membership - £15Life Business Membership - £100


It was agreed to re-appoint Mann Judd Gordon as auditors.


Neil Campbell stood down as Chairman and Mal Hall was appointed Chairman.

A Vice-Chair has still to be appointed.

HDL were looking for new directors and the following had expressed an interest at the meeting:- John Furniss, Anna Coyle, Alan Ross, Margarita Williams and Kenny Morrison. Mal Hall and Coinneach Morrison would be in touch with existing directors as well as new ones before arranging the next meeting.


There was no further business to discuss.


Neil Campbell welcomed Alistair MacLeod, North Harris Trust and Murdo MacKay, West Harris Trust, for coming along to the meeting.

Alistair MacLeod

Alistair reported that the North Harris Trust was formed in 2002 when Jonathan Bulmer sold the Estate. The Trust took over the estate in 2003 and in 2006 Loch Seaforth Estate came in as well. Amhuinnsuidhe Castle and Amhuinnsuidhe Castle Estate were bought by businessman Ian Scarr-Hall. The Trust started off with two employees and now has seven. The Trust is managed by ten locally elected directors and the John Muir Trust, who were involved in the initial purchase also have a director on the Board.

The Trust had grown fairly substantially over the years. Part funding for a Ranger and Energy Development Officer was secured for three years, but following that the Trust will have to fund the posts. Diana MacLennan, Administrator looks after the accounts, crofting rents, feus, Trust organisation and supports the other employees. Anne Marie Hewitt is the Admin Assistant who was on placement for one year and whose post is now funded by Carnegie Trust for the next six months. Duncan MacPherson, Land Manager and Robin Reid, Ranger, look after the land and environmental side of the estate. Other sources of income are from commercial leasing of the hatchery at Amhuinnsuidhe and the telecom mast. SNH provides payment for looking after the habitat on the west side of the Estate, towards Husinish. The Ranger had been working with HDL and the Galson Estate on the Guided Walks and leaflets on the walks had been produced jointly between the three.

There had been a Paths Improvements Programme across the estate which spent and attracted a lot of money. They still require upgrading, repair etc and it is an ongoing process to carry that out using local labour. Footbridgtes were also replaced and general infrastructure improvements were carried out.

Two major forestry schemes and a Biomass project had been implemented. Similar schemes could be used by Common Grazings to use up unproductive land.

Later on in the year the Land Manager and the Ranger are planning tohold a Mountain Festival. The Great Climb which was televised live was very good PR for the whole of Harris. They are also planning a Nature Trail at Husinish and an eagle viewpoint on the Meavaig Scourst track. They are also involved in eradicating invasive plants in Harris, in conjunction with SNH.

In 2004 the Trust directors formed the North Harris Trading Company. They had hoped to erect three wind turbines but were unable to progress this. David Cameron is chair of the Trading Company and David Wake, who was seconded from the Trust to the Trading Company, is the Energy Development Officer. David Wake is responsible for the recycling department at Urgha where Steven Morrison undergoing training at present on hazardous substances. Biodiesel fuel is also produced at Urgha and this runs the two Trust vans. The wind turbine erected at Urgha will also be a source of income for the Trust.

The Trust had also been involved with TEAS and 102 houses in North Harris were provided with loft insulation and cavity wall insulation plus an energy pack. Two micro hydro schemes were in Bunavoneadar.

Alistair MacLeod looks after the leases, business matters and tries to earn the Trust income. The building of the Trust offices in Tarbert could not have come at a better time with the Old Hostel being knocked down. He had been approached from 7-8 organisations looking for office space in the new building, but it is not known yet what space will be available. There will also be two bedroom flats above the offices.

As a community body one of the most important roles the Trust has is to be seen as being an organisation that has focus on the local environment.

Neil Campbell thanked Alistair for his presentation.

Murdo MacKay

The West Harris Trust had celebrated their first anniversary on Saturday 29th January. Interest in a buyout started before 2007 when Luskentyre Grazings Committee had made enquiries and subsequently Scarista/Borve/Luskentyre Grazings Committees contacted the Department of Agriculture and had valuations done. A Public Meeeting was arranged in January 2007, for which there was widespread support. A Steering Group was formed with representatives from each township. Investing in Ideas funding was applied for and the results of a Feasibility Study, carried out by Agnes Rennie & Partners was sent out to all homeowners. There followed a vote which came out strongly in favour of a buyout. Then negotiations started with the Scottish Government. There was then the situation where there was a willing seller and willing buyer and it was felt that was the easiest route to go down. West Harris Trust had, in theory, a willing seller, fully supportive, but in reality it was a tortuous process. It took three years for the buyout to happen and involved a lot of hard work. Although the biggest challenge was securing funding, good support was received from the agencies; the Community Land Unit in particular. HIE are still very supportive of buyouts.

A Renewable energy and housing project was also carried out. The North Harris Trust had built affordable housing through the Hebridean Housing Partnership. West Harris Trust set out 6 sites and got planning permission. HIE funded the feasibility study. It is intended to sell them as affordable sites for individuals to develop as they choose. The aim will be to get more people into the area, especially young families. It was also hoped to progress renewable projects and a small hydro scheme and try and obtain Lottery funding to progress these plans. There is a lot of work to be done in the future. The WHT are liaising with the NHT Energy Officer and hope to do some joint work, if possible. Hopefully the Trust will have a scheme that will be viable. The work is challenging and is dependent on volunteer time. Most of the members of the Steering Group are involved with several other voluntary organisations and this will have to be looked at in more detail in the future.

There followed a Question & Answer session on planning guidelines, energy conservation, renovating houses, need for affordable social housing, guided walks, National Park, St Kilda Centre, Museum for local artefacts

Neil Campbell thanked Alistair and Murdo for their informative talks and thanked all the directors who had served on HDL over the past year. He also thanked Kenny MacLeod, Coinneach Morrison and Joan Cumming for their valuable input and thanked Katie MacLeod, Minutes Secretary.

Mal Hall wished to record his appreciation of Neil Campbell for the amount of energy, time and effort he had put into HDL over the past year.


There was no further business to discuss.