Minutes of Regular Meeting

September 19, 2011

The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, September 19, 2011, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina.

Members present: Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman

Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman

Dan B. Andrews, Commissioner

Gary House, Commissioner

Jim Burgin, Commissioner

Staff present: Scott Sauer, County Manager

Tony Wilder, Deputy County Manager

Dwight Snow, Staff Attorney

Sylvia Blinson, Finance Officer

Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board

Chairman McNeill called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Vice Chairman Hill led the pledge of allegiance and invocation.

Chairman McNeill called for additions and deletions to the published agenda.

Jennifer Slusser, Staff Attorney, recommended that the Board table the following agenda item until date certain:

A)  Public hearing regarding franchise application by Sandhills Environmental, LLC to

operate a sanitary landfill in Harnett County consistent with the recently adopted

franchise ordinance

(B) Consider adoption of Ordinance Granting Approval of a Solid Waste Management

Facility Franchise

(C) Consider Agreement for the Development and Operation of a Sanitary Landfill

Mrs. Slusser noted that the matter is still before the Harnett County Board of Adjustment which will reconvene on Wednesday, September 21, 2011. Mrs. Slusser stressed the documents supporting this agenda item currently before the Board of Commissioners are draft as the Board of Adjustments may impose conditions if approved.

Commissioner Burgin moved to table the agenda item to reconvene at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, September 27, 2011. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. Sauer requested the addition of a budget amendment for the Department of Social Services in the amount of $38,647 to budget funding received by the State for the Food and Nutrition Services Program.

Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Burgin seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Commissioner House moved to approve the items on the consent agenda. Commissioner Burgin seconded the motion and the Board unanimously approved the following items on the amended consent agenda:

  1. Minutes: September 6, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes
  1. Budget Amendments:

29 Health Department

Code 110-7510-441.31-30 Community Education 100 increase

110-7510-441.32-10 Recognition 425 increase

110-7510-441.55-12 Printing and Binding 90 increase

110-7510-441.60-47 Food and Provisions 174 increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance 789 increase

52 WIA Youth Program

Code 236-7409-465.12-02 Salaries & Wages – Participant 715 increase

236-7409-465.22-01 Participant FICA 349 decrease

236-7409-465.26-08 Worker’s Comp 134 decrease

236-7409-465.41-11 Telephone & Postage 266 decrease

236-7409-465.35-26 Other Participant Cost 100 increase

236-000-331.74-09 Workforce Development/Green Job 66 increase

53 Human Services Appropriation

Code 110-7999-441.31-63 Mid-Carolina 24,693 increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 24,693 increase

54 Sheriff’s Office

Code 110-5100-420.73-01 Capital Outlay-Equipment not

capitalized (K-9) 6,200 increase

110-5100-420.74-74 Capital Outlay 87,890 increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 94,090 increase

55 Health Department

Code 110-7600-441.60-45 Drugs 12,559 increase

110-0000-399.30-00 Fund Balance 12,559 increase

56 General Services – Transportation Budget

Code 110-4650-410.12-00 General/Salaries & Wages Part Time 20,700 decrease

110-4650-410.21-00 General/Group Insurance Expense 4,685 decrease

110-4650-410.22-00 General/FICA Tax Expense 2,354 decrease

110-4650-410.26-08 Operating/Worker’s Compensation 1,347 decrease

56 General Services – Transportation Budget continued

110-4650-410.33-45 Operating/Contracted Services 4,566 decrease

110-4650-410.60-31 Operating/Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies 7,620 decrease

110-0000-334.55-02 EDTAP Transportation 17,931 decrease

110-0000-334.55-05 RGP Transportation 23,341 decrease

57 Sheriff’s Office

Code NEW Edward Byrne 2011-DJ-BX-2077 33,999 increase

110-0000-331. 2011 Edward Byrne Grant 30,599 increase

110-0000-322.43-01 Concealed Gun Permits 3,400 increase

58 Sheriff’s Office

Code 110-5102-420.33-45 Contracted Services 204 increase

110-0000-334.51-02 Criminal Justice Partnership Program 204 increase

59 Sheriff’s Office

Code 110-5107-420.11-00 Salaries & Wages Full time 264 increase

110-0000-331.51-12 Governor’s Highway Safety 264 increase

60 Sheriff’s Office

Code NEW Edward Byrne 2011-DH-BX2947 18,993 increase

110-0000-331 2011 Edward Byrne 2011-DH-BX2947 18,993 increase

64 Public Utilities – PU0802 Buffalo Lake WW

Code 571-9100-431.45-01 Blackmon Contracting – Construction 21,478 decrease

571-9100-431.45-20 Legal and Admin 10,874 increase

571-9100-431.45-33 Materials & Supplies 10,874 increase

66 Social Services Department

Code 110-7700-441.60-33 Materials & Supply $38,647 increase

110-0000-330.77-01 Social Services Administrative $38,647 increase

  1. Tax refunds, rebates and releases (Attachment 1)
  1. Planning Department requested approval of a Revised Service Agreement between the Town of Erwin and County of Harnett to include permitting. Currently the Building Inspections Department performs inspections in the Town of Erwin but do not issue permits. This revision includes permitting as part of the services now performed for the Town of Erwin. The County will receive 100% of the permit fees. The agreement will expire on June 30, 2012.
  1. Sheriff’s Office requested permission to accept a continuation grant from the N.C. Governor’s Highway Safety Program. The original grant was approved and received by the Sheriff’s Office in 2010. The grant for FY 2011-2012 will provide funding for 70% of the cost of two deputies with the county being asked to provide 30% which is approximately $32,398 and in the current budget. (Attachment 2)
  1. Sheriff’s Office requested permission to accept a grant from the Office of Justice Program under the FY11 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. The grant amount is for $18,933 with no local match. Funds will be used to purchase a mobile computer, CAD software and mapping software for patrol deputies. This software will enable deputies to respond to calls and to complete other tasks more efficiently. There is no local match required.
  1. Sherriff’s Office requested approval to accept a donation of a mobile dunking booth valued at approx. $2,500 from Mr. M. T. Strickland.
  1. NC Parks and Recreation requested that the tipping fee be waived at the Harnett County Dunn-Erwin landfill the week of October 1-7 for the trash collected by the Big Sweep volunteers. In 2010 31 volunteers removed 1,520 pounds of debris including 13 tires and 5 appliances from cleanup sites along the Cape Fear River.
  1. County Engineer requested approval of a resolution requesting funds from the Legislative Contingency Fund from the North Carolina General Assembly for the construction of Crested Iris Drive in the Brightwater Science and Technology Campus. It is believed that Crested Iris Drive is needed to provide safe access to the hospital for ambulance traffic, service vehicles, and staff separate from the daily traffic volume on Brightwater Drive. . (Attachment 3)
  1. Emergency Services requested appointment of Local Firemen’s Relief Fund Trustees
  1. Economic Development requested approval of a letter of support by the Board of Commissioners for inclusion within the Service Area of Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) #93 with the understanding this would allow Triangle J Council of Governments to be able to apply to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board for authority to serve sites located within Harnett County based on businesses’ trade-related needs. It was also noted that the zone would be made available on a uniform basis to companies within Harnett County, in a manner consistent with the legal requirement that each FTZ be operated as a public utility.
  1. JobLink requested approval of the Program Year 2011 Workforce Investment Act Year Round Youth Services Contract. The contract is for services in Harnett and Sampson Counties by and between Central Carolina Community College and the Harnett County Department of Workforce Development.

Chairman McNeill opened the floor for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. No one spoke.

The Chairman announced Samantha Ficzko, Planner II, had recently accepted another job and this would her last presentation to the Board.

Chairman McNeill announced Samantha Ficzko had recently accepted another job and this would her last presentation to this Board. The Board thanked Ms. Ficzko and wished her the best.

Samantha Ficzko, Planner II, petitioned the Board to approve a proposed text amendment, Applicant: Harnett County Planning Department, Zoning Ordinance: Article X, Planned Unit Development, Section 5.0 Review and Approval Procedures. Ms. Ficzko stated the procedures for modification of a Planned Unit Development were overlooked during the rewrite of the PUD Section of the Zoning Ordinance earlier in the year. She noted this proposed amendment addresses those procedures.

The Planning Board considered the proposed amendments on September 6, 2011, and unanimously recommended approval.

Chairman McNeill called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Seeing no one move, Chairman McNeill closed the public hearing. Commissioner House moved to approve the proposed text amendment. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (Attachment 4)

Mr. Sauer presented the following report:

·  Department of Public Health Activities Summary August 2011

·  FY 2010/2011 Beaver Management Assistance Program Report Summary

·  Internal budget amendments

It was the consensus of the Board to change the time of their September 27, 2011 special session to start at 3:00 pm.

Commissioner House moved that the Board go into closed session for the purpose to discuss matters relating to the location of an industry or other business in Harnett County. This motion is made pursuant to NC General Assembly Section 143-318.11(a)(4). Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Vice Chairman Hill moved that the Board come out of closed. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Chairman McNeill called for any new business. Commissioner Burgin distributed a letter signed by representatives of Rex Healthcare and FirstHealth stating their intent to assist in the development and management of the proposed ambulatory surgery center or hospital in Erwin. Commissioner Burgin then moved to “un-table” his motion that the commissioners support this project, again stating it would created 35 to 45 jobs and provided much needed services. Commissioner House seconded the motion.

Commissioners McNeill and Andrews requested meeting with representatives from Rex Heathcare and FirstHealth and learning more about the proposed project before agreeing to support it. The vote was 2 to 2; Commissioner Andrews did not vote and Chairman McNeill stated the motion failed. Commissioner House then requested to meet with all companies that come to Economic Development from this point on before supporting them.

Commissioner House also questioned Mrs. Slusser regarding the status of his request of who had listened to the recordings by Randy Rogers regarding Public Utilities.

Commissioner Andrews moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 pm. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously.


Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk

Harnett County Board of Commissioners

September 19, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes

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