Keene Junior High School
Z.A.P. Program
Z.A.P. (Zeros Aren’t Permitted)
In order for students to be successful, Keene Junior High school provides opportunities beyond the school day to help students complete their assignments. Programs such as after school tutorials and Night Owl, a library program available Monday through Thursday evenings open to students and parents to work on assignments, are put in place to provide extra opportunities for students to complete their school work. KJH will be launching a trial period of a program called “ZAP”. The ZAP program-Zeros Aren’t Permitted-is to provide motivation for students to complete their assignments on time and to meet their academic responsibilities. When a student does not turn in an assignment or has an incomplete assignment, he/she will be required to attend a ZAP session during their lunch/recess period the following school day. When they complete the assignment(s), they then work on homework or read an AR book.
Student Responsibilities Concerning Z.A.P.:
1. Turn in your assignments on time, every time.
2. If an assignment is not turned in on time, you are “ZAPPED”. It will be your responsibility to keep track of ZAP assignments and days assigned to ZAP.
3. The next day, you will go to the ZAP room (the Cafetorium) during lunch. It is your responsibility to bring the missing assignment(s), necessary text books or materials, and your AR book.
4. You must turn in your “ZAPPED” assignment to your teacher in order to not be ZAPPED again for that same assignment. Your teacher will issue an additional day if your assignment is not complete.
5. If you turn your “ZAPPED” assignment in before your ZAP time, you still go to ZAP, but take other homework to work on or an AR book to read.
6. If a student is absent the day they are assigned to ZAP, it will be rolled over to the next day they are present.
Teacher Responsibilities Concerning Z.A.P:
Step 1: Teachers first responsibility with ZAP is communicating with parents right away if students are missing assignments. It is the teacher’s responsibility to let them know that work is missing and their child has been assigned to ZAP.
Step 2: Student fails to turn in a homework assignment and/or project-Teachers please use your best professional judgment when assigning students to ZAP. There will always be students that have extenuating circumstances. This will be at your discretion.
Step 3: Teacher will fill out a ZAP notice and either email or place it in Mrs. Jorbal’s box by the end of the day the student received the zero.
Step 4: Student attends ZAP in the Cafetorium during lunch on the day after receiving the zero. (Please allow students to leave five minutes early like you would a student that has lunch detention so they can get their assignments/supplies)
Step 5: If a student does not turn in the ZAP assignment to their teacher, the teacher will assign an additional ZAP day.
ZAP Rules:
v Students must come to ZAP prepared and be working on assignments for the duration of time in ZAP
v The ZAP room must remain quiet at all times
v Restroom/water breaks will not be taken while in ZAP
v If students are not meeting expectations while in ZAP, an extra day will be assigned
v If students are excessively/repeatedly tardy, they will have an additional day in ZAP