Harkstead Parish Council – Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: Monday - September 9 2013 Location – Harkstead Village Hall

Councillors Present: William Wrinch, Roger Harward, John Pollett, Simon Leatherdale, Alison

Looser. David Rose – District. David Wood - County

Also present: 1 parishioner and clerk

1.  Apologies – Cllr. John Zalucki and PCSO Joanne Adams.

2.  Declaration of Interest – William Wrinch, still a village hall trustee.

3.  Minutes of last meeting – August 19 – signed as correct.

4.  Matters Arising – i) No response from RHS or Crown agents about beach parties. Adjournment – David Rose reported that Babergh are seeking a fairer share of finances to rural areas.

5.  Village Sign – Landowners would like to see the Parish Council insurance schedule. Dave Wood is donating towards the costs with some of his locality grant.

6.  Millennium Green – Inspected by Roger Harward. No pressing issues, but may possibly need a new swing seat. PC await ROSPA report. ii) Simon Leatherdale said that willow weaver Jo Standeven will be happy to advise on putting a structure on the green.

7.  Planning Applications – Nothing new, however there had been a radio talk in about the Ganges mast. It seems that Haylink are saying they will maintain it if planning goes ahead. Parish council agreed owners should maintain anyway.

8.  Footpaths – FP39 overgrown, clerk to report it. ii) Clerk to request more copies of the recently received footpath map.

9.  Financial Report – Current Ac. £268 (add £192 as cheque 100648 has been cancelled until planning for sign is ready to go ahead) balance now £460. Bus Saver Ac. - £3150. Savings Ac. £1672. ii) Audit paperwork had been returned with no issues and a £0.00 invoice.

10.  Correspondence – i)No one attending next Communuty Resilience Plan meeting.

Adjournment– i)Dave Wood reported that there may be some Industrial Action from the Fire Service. ii) Also there’s a lack of police presence on the Peninsula. Since PC Gary Austin moved on, no one has seen the new PC, in the community. iii) County hoping to save more £millions in next year’s budget. iv) 600 houses planned for Brantham!

11.  Any other business – Parishioner Julian Scales had asked if the oak tree on the corner of River View Road, could be pollarded – clerk to ask Babergh. He also said there was a lot of bramble growth near the play roundabout on the Green – clerk to advise HMGT.

12.  Next Meeting – Monday October 14 at 8pm.

As there was no ther business, meeting ended 8.25pm.