
Persons in Attendance: S. Fasteau, R. Richards, H. Siegel, M. Locascio, A. Warren, J. Corbally, E. Joiner, I. Clarke

Meeting Called to Order: 12:30 PM


1.  Agenda –

MOTION - made/seconded (A. Warren/J. Corbally) and moved

That: Agenda be approved without change.

2.  Minutes -

MOTION - made/seconded (J. Corbally/A. Waren) and moved

That: Minutes of the 10/10/2006 D/LD Committee meeting be approved

without change.

3.  Role of subcommittee – S. Fasteau asked for clarification regarding the D/DL Committee’s role in policy making. In response, R. Richards reviewed the committee’s role as outlined in Article 40 of the AFT/ LACCD 2005-06 Agreement, which in part states: “A D/Dl Committee will serve the function of communicating and advising the college in it decision-making regarding D/DL issues.” The full D/DL Committee expressed support for the position that as a sub-committee of the Curriculum Committee the role of the D/DL Committee is advisory only and that any D/DL Committee recommendation is not policy until or if approved by the Senate and the College President.

4.  Online Course and Instructor Evaluation Workshop – The Committee affirmed that to be consistent in scope with the existing LACCD & AFT Agreement, regarding instructor evaluation, that its role concerning online courses and instructor evaluation is limited to “advisory” in nature. To assist Division Chairs in course and instructor evaluation responsibilities, the D/DL Committee is planning a workshop in January 2007. The workshop leaders will be A. Warren and J. Corbally. The focus of the workshop will be how to use the existing Faculty Evaluation form to evaluate an online instructor and online course.

5.  Redesign of D/L Web Page – This item was put on hold pending the outcome of District wide review of college websites.

6.  Report on Teaching “any Time, Anywhere” – R. Richards reported excellent results with the newly purchased broadband wireless card for lap tops. He used it while traveling out of town and was able to easily communicate with his online students. The card and software is available for all online instructors. If you are planning on being out of the area and want to have lap top connectivity, please see Dr. Richards in advance of your trip.

7.  Items from the Floor –

·  It was reported that the Title V Grant has funded some new and interesting distant learning software. The software is web based and allows student to become part of a live broadcast virtual classroom. The software can also be used effectively for distant learning office hours and other forms of distant collaboration. A demonstration of the software is being panned for the next D/L meeting.

·  The use of Pod Casting was briefly discussed as an alternative delivery system for lectures. There were legal concerns however of accessibility so this matter was tabled for now.

·  The cost benefits to students of adopting digital textbooks was discussed for both online and in class courses. Hopefully this topic will get more discussion and review in the near future.

Next meetings: December 12, 2006

Rm. B-1

Adjourned: 1:30 pm

Cc: L. McKenzie