Minutes of Parish Council atRough Common Village Hall

On Monday 29thJuly 2013

All Planning Applications received since the last Parish Council meeting were on display from 7.30 p.m.

Meeting commenced at 7.30 p.m.

Councillors JLarkinson (Chairman), W Gregory (Vice Chairman), A Cain,B Golding,G Wright,S Denham, J Edis, R Pelham, Canterbury City Councillor Michael Dixey . Mr D Frost (Clerk)there was2members of the public present.
52/13 / Confirmation of Summons
All Councillors had received their summons to attend this meeting and the public notices had been served correctly.
53/13 / Alterations to the Register of Councillors’ Interests and Declaration of Interest on Items on the Agenda
There were no alterations to the Register of Councillors’ Interests.
54/13 / Apologies for Absence.
Councillor Shire (Holiday), Councillor Simmonds (Other Commitments).
55/13 / Approval of Minutes
It was proposed by CouncillorDenhamand seconded by CouncillorEdisthat the Minutes of the meeting held on 24thJune 2013 be signed as correct.
56/13 / Matters Arising.
Items to be discussed under regular updates.
At this point the Chairman asked whether any resident of the Parish wished to address the Council or ask any question about any agenda item.
57/13 / Planning applications.
The following planning applications were received. It was resolved that no objection be raised to this applications.
CA/13/01050/FUL. 59A Rough Common Road,Rough Common.Extension to North East of bungalow and full extension of loft, a roof extension and two rear dormers.
CA/13/01336/FUL. Land at Woodside House, London Road, UpperHarbledown. Erection of detached dwelling and associated parking and access.
CA/13/00988/FUL. Duke Cottage, Church Hill, Harbledown.
Amended application for extension of existing building.
CA/13/00989/LB. Duke Cottage, Church Hill, Harbledown.
Amended application for extension of existing building.
“The Dog” Public House, Rough Common Road, was discussed. It is understood that Reed rains Estate Agents in Canterbury have been advertising furnished accommodation at the location and it has been observed that internal building work is being carried out at the site. The City Council has advised that they have not received a planning application for change of use of the premises. The Parish Council have asked that this be referred to the City Council planning enforcement team, and it is understood that this has been put in train.
Canterbury City Council has now approved the re-development plans for the former Wyevale Garden Centre site in Upper Harbledown.
Committee Reports
Councillor Perham reported that a meeting of the Finance Committee is to be arranged to discuss the Parish Council’s budget for 2014-2015. Councillor Perham asked the Clerk to provide explanations for payments on future “accounts for payment” schedules.
Open Spaces and Allotments
Open Spaces
Councillor Conway reported that he has still not received the draft lease for Neal’s Place Meadow, from Canterbury City Council’s legal department. Two quotations have now been received for taking down the row of poplars along the cycle path at Neal’s Place Meadow, both of which exceed the sum of money which Canterbury City Council offered the Parish Council if we would take responsibility for taking these trees down. Councillor Conway has passed the issue back to Canterbury City Council but has not received any response to date.
Councillor Perham said that he had received a report of a dead fox off the footpath at Hillside Avenue allotments. This has been reported to Serco, who will be dealing with the matter.
58/13 / Reports of Councillors with Portfolios
Councillor Golding reported that hazard warning tape on CB521 has been replaced. The footpaths CB451 and CB451A, both at Upper Harbledown, have been cleared; also CB505 to Whitstable Road has been cleared. Hedges in all these locations will need a trim in September. Neil Morris has said he will deal again with two adjoining paths in Homestall Wood.
Footpath CB507 has been trimmed, and this was arranged and paid for by John Seed and I believe residents of Harbledown Park.
The new North Downs Way pointers have been fitted to the existing post at the top of Mill Lane Harbledown.
The boundary bridle path beside Dukes Meadow, where trees have collapsed will be tackled tomorrow, after that the path to Lovell Road.
Tree Matters:
There was no report.
Councillor Gregory reported that a productive on-site meeting on Rough Common Road with County Councillor John Simmons and Ryan Sheils from Kent Highways took place on 4th July.Two sites were identified by Highways, as suitable for a Zebra crossing. The site closest to the Post Office was dismissed by the group, due to the potential loss of business posed because of parking restrictions. The site close to the Green was thought unsuitable due to low footfall. Another site was viewed and discussed close to the bend and at the footpath to Oaks Park, this was thought to be the most useful, however there are doubts that the site will meet traffic safety rules. If there was a footpath here, then a crossing may not be required and it was agreed that the priority should be the footpath. Measurements have been taken and a footpath is being designed. The drawings for the proposed footway extension are now complete and they are currently being reviewed.
A works crew has been allocated for a day of sign work to undertake:
Removal of the 50mph repeater sign and post on Palmars Cross Hill leading into Rough Common.
Realignment of elderly persons sign near the Dog public house.
Realignment of the bend ahead sign opposite the access to Maple House.
Relocation of the “No HGV’s sign on the A2050 closer to the traffic lights. These works will take place within the next 4 weeks. A speed check was carried out for a full 7 days, 24/7 and the results should be available by Wednesday 31st July. As soon as we can, we will post them on the notice board and on the website.The installation of white gates at either end of Rough Common was discussed and there were differences of opinions about the effectiveness of white gates. It was agreed that we should wait for the results of the speed check and investigate the possibility of getting permanent signs displaying speed. Councillor Pelham reported that there had been some problems with vehicles parked close to the junction with Rough Common Road due to the recent no parking on the green being enforced. It was agreed to monitor the situation.
Planning enforcement has been to look at a new access that has been made into Mill lane from the London Road estate on Harbledown. No permission has been requested and we are waiting to hear what action if any they are going to take.Richard Jenkins has ordered new signs to support the yellow line in Harbledown. We are waiting to hear from Highways about when they can install the wooden bollards on Church Hill.
Park and Ride:
Councillor Larkinson reported that The Park & Ride Group had now met twice and leaflets were brought to the meeting to be delivered to residents. The group will be meeting again to work on updating the 2010 documentation. Councillor Larkinson said that it would be necessary to employ a traffic consultant to assist with the submission to Canterbury City Council.
There was no report.
59/13 / Reports of Councillor representatives
No Man’s Orchard:
Councillor Larkinsonsaid that the next meeting would be held on 19th September. The problem of wire cutting at the orchard by residents to create an unofficial footpath across the orchard has still not been resolved. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Police Liaison:
There was no report
Rough Common Village Hall:
There was no report.
There was no report.
60/13 / Update status on other items:
A meeting of the Park & Ride working group will be on 9th August.
61/13 / Correspondence:
The digest had been circulated and was available for Councillors to read.
62/13 / Finance and Accounts for Payment: It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment. Proposed by CouncillorEdisand seconded by Councillor Denhamt.
63/13 / Future Issues: Park and Ride
Neal’s Place Meadow
The next meeting will take place on 30hSeptember2013at St Mary’s Hall. Upper HarbledownPlanning Applications will be on display from 7.15pm.
The meeting closedat 8.30p.m.




Date / Chq / £
28-Jun / Mickle Print / 296 / 35.00
29-Jul / D Frost salary & Exps July 13 / 297 / 483.52
29-Jul / D Frost salary & Exp Aug 13 / 298 / 515.97
29-Jul / Cllr G Wright / 299 / 40.32
29-Jul / Commercial Services Trading Ltd / 300 / 4719.14
30-Jul / Ann Judd (Cllr A Cain) / 301 / 213.60
______/ 6007.55
15-Jul / HMRC / PAYE Month 3 JUNE 2013 / BACS / 145.00
Total payments / 6152.55
Significant receipts
Lloyds TSB Corporate / INTEREST / 492.68
Lloyds TSB Bank / 3,521.75
LloydsTSB Bank Corporate Deposit / 27863.95
NS&I / 106335.38
TOTAL FUNDS HELD / 137721.08