Hanover County Capernaum presents…


August 5-9 (Buddy Form)

Are you ready for an awesome adventure and fabulous fun? Well, we have a plan for you. You and your friends can be magically whisked away to the Young Life luxurious resort camp of Rockbridge Alum Springs. Able-bodied campers and campers with disabilities will come together to unite in learning about God, singing, dancing, fellowshipping, great food and adventure…everything you expect from Young Life Camp and more (Ages 14-25 for friends. NOTE: Buddies are typically High Schoolers or older but we have taken Middle School buddies before. Please see a leader for more information. Buddy spots are finalized once we have an official Friend count. Go ahead and sign up now!). What are some of the things you can expect from a Young Life camp? Rockbridge is a place where you can enjoy the Waterslide, Huge Pool/ Hot Tub, 40 foot high climbing tower, ¼ mile long zip-line, 3-person Screamer swing, and many, many more exciting things that you cannot do back at home. Our attitude at camp is “YES, you can!!!”

August 5th-9th will be five days of non-stop excitement and surprises. There’s also amazing lodging and some awesome food. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!!!!!!

Monday August 5 through Friday August 9.

Price includes transportation, amazing lodging, awesome food, and an exclusive t-shirt. So sign up now by filling out the registration form at the bottom and returning it with a non-refundable deposit of $150.00 (check made out to Young Life) to Tommy Sibiga or any YL Capernaum Leader as soon as possible. Because this is such a sweet deal there are a very limited number of spots available, so act now. Additional forms will be mailed out closer to the date of the trip. Remaining balance due July 1st.

For further information call Tommy Sibiga: 804.551.1702 or Clint Dowda: 804.814.7433

Hanover Young Life Web Site: www.hanover.younglife.org

Young Life Address: PO Box 6655 / Ashland, VA 23005 / 804.559.0351(o)



Name______Age _____ Grade ______School ______M / F

Address ______State_____ Zip______

Phone # ______Work Phone #______Parent’s E-mail ______

Parent/Guardian Names ______

Signature______Date ______

Deposit Enclosed ______Balance Due ______T-Shirt Size______

Hanover County Young Life: Capernaum Trip to Rockbridge: August 5-9