William Tennent High School

Marching Panther Band

333 Centennial Road, Warminster, PA 18974

Joseph Lovecchio, Director Music Office: 215-441-6181 ext. 12708

Sept.18, 2014

To Seventh and Eighth Grade Band Members and Their Parents,

I am pleased to announce that you are invited to perform with the award winning William Tennent High School Marching Band on Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014 at our home football game. Middle School students will be bussed to WTHS after 3:00 pm. You will attend a short “Marching Clinic” followed by a “Music Clinic” presented by the Marching Band staff. After the clinics there will be a combined rehearsal with the WT Marching Band for your performance of “The Star Spangled Banner” and “Band-o-rama” at the William Tennent – C.B. East football game. Following the rehearsal, a pizza meal will be served to all participants in the cafeteria. After your performance you will be allowed to sit with the high school band in the stands for the first half of the game to play pep songs and cheer on the Panthers. Middle School students will be dismissed after half-time to meet their parents and either go home or watch the rest of the game.

Transportation home is not provided.

This event is jointly sponsored by your middle school band and the William Tennent Marching Band. Please address any questions or concerns to your school’s Band Director.

Past Middle School Band Nights have been very successful and lots of fun for our young musicians. I am looking forward to meeting you and having you meet the members of the High School Marching Band!


Mr. Lovecchio

Instrumental Music Director

William Tennent High School