Handout 1: Sample Results Framework
Project Development Objective / Outcome Indicators / Use of Outcome InformationImprove the performance of the Judiciary in areas that are critical for public accountability and user satisfaction, by increasing the Judiciary’s ability to manage and monitor its performance. / a) Reduced case processing delay and backlog: (i) proportion of cases under extreme delay (over 5 years old) reduced from 47 % to 10% of all active cases in courts addressed by the project; (ii) case management and court administration initiatives are piloted, and introduced in 80% of courts.
b) Improved human resources management: (i) 10% annual increase in percentage of judges that receive training according to career-based training plan
c) Greater use of courts by citizens: (i) Increase in number of people served through mobile courts and help desks; (ii) increase in number of family law cases filed, especially by marginalized populations
d) increased transparency and accountability:(i) percentage of households surveyed indicating understanding of courts’ roles and functions
e) improved budget oversight: (i) increased percentage of material expenditure incurred within the budget process and subsequently accounted for; budget analysis and follow-up of material variances carried out; (2) revenue captured in accounting records increased from 40% to 95%. / Officially published statistical reports of the Judiciary
Evaluation reports that relate to specific case management or court administration improvements
To assess improvement of training delivery based on career need
To evaluate improvements in physical access to justice and increased public understanding and confidence
Intermediate Outcomes / Intermediate Outcomes Indicators for Each Component / Use of Results Monitoring
Component:Court Administration and Case Management
(A). The Judiciary collects, evaluates and acts upon accurate and timely statistical information that relates to case disposal delay and user satisfaction 90% of court locations in Kenya. / (i) Production of timely, relevant and accurate statistical reports for use in judicial administration and case management.
(ii) Piloting, introduction and routine use of user surveys by court stations in improving the services they provide. / Statistics produced by the Central Planning Unit on behalf of all court stations, including user surveying introduced to a proportion of court stations.
Published court statistics.
Statistical reports are complete, accurate and timely
Intermediate Outcomes / Intermediate Outcomes Indicators for Each Component / Use of Results Monitoring
Component: Access to Justice:
New and refurbished court buildings created according to new design standards / # of new/refurbished court buildings complying with design standards / Design standards are applied in all new construction and remodeling activities to increase access to the courts
Additional mobile courts serving remote areas / # of people served by mobile courts / Judiciary regularly collects user feedback from mobile courts to assess service needs and adjusts court services accordingly
Additional help desks created and assistance capacities at all help desks increased / # of courts with helpdesks
% of court users indicating satisfaction with help desks / Judiciary regularly collects user feedback from help desks to assess service needs and adjusts court services accordingly
Strategy and action plan creation of small claims courts and courts of petty sessions in place / # of small claims courts and courts of petty session created / Y1 Strategies developed
Y2 Action Plans developed
Y3 Pilot small claims and court of petty sessions created
Y4 Results from pilot studies disseminated and national role out strategy developed
Increased gender equality for court staff and improved access to courts for women / % of judges and court staff indicating satisfaction with gender equality policies disaggregated by gender
# of women filing cases in courts / Judiciary conducts regular court staff surveys and user surveys to adjusts human resources and other policies to reflect gender equality.
Judiciary develops information and outreach campaign to increase women’s understanding of court processes
Judiciary conducts regular case filing data to track women’s use of court services
Increased access to courts for underserved target groups / % of judges and courts staff indicating understanding of local context
% of court users from underserved target groups expressing satisfaction with court processes and outcomes / Judiciary conducts regular court user surveys
Judiciary develops information and outreach campaign to increase the target groups’ understanding of court processes
Improved access to the courts for non-English and non-Swahili speakers / % of court users indicating access to easy to understand court information and interpreter service / Judiciary develops information material in local languages
Judiciary increases number of professional and lay interpreters
Intermediate Outcomes / Intermediate Outcomes Indicators for Each Component / Use of Results Monitoring
Component: Public Communication, transparency, and accountability
Increased public awareness of the roles and functions of the courts / % of households surveyed indicating understanding of the courts’ roles and functions / Judiciary fully staffs a Public Information Unit (PIU) and uses household and court user surveys to develop communications and outreach strategy and annual work plan that sets communication priorities.
Increased court capacities to manage media requests / % of court reporters that indicate satisfaction with Judiciary’s media responsiveness / Judiciary engages with key media representatives to identify information needs and develops media management strategy, including communication policies, training and workshops for both judges, court staff and journalists
Stronger internal and external accountability mechanisms implemented / % of court users indicating that the court complies with litigant charter
Focus groups with sample communities indicate that community feedback is applied by the courts
# of courts that collect objective performance data / Judiciary introduces court specific litigant charters in all courts throughout Kenya and conducts regular implementation assessments.
Judiciary implements improved court user feedback mechanism in all courts and regular reports on the findings
Judiciary develops transparent performance guidelines that are reflected in management and human resource decisions
Increased ethics awareness among judges and court staff and stronger ethics enforcement mechanism in place / % of judges and court staff trained in ethics policies annually
# of ethics complaints received and administered
% of court users indicating that judges and court staff are ethical / The Judiciary establishes clear and transparent ethics policies, review processes and creates permanent review panel/committee supported by appropriate staff. Ethics training required for all court staff and judges.
Justice 101 – M&E session, FridayPage 1