PD/A CRSP Eleventh Work Plan Proposal
Pending Funds Disclosure Form
Additional Research Activities
The following information must be submitted by eachUS and HC Principal Investigator mentioned in the proposal. Use additional sheets as necessary.
Disclosure Information Provided for:
Proposal Title and Lead PI:PI submitting this form: / K Kevin Fitzsimmons
Other Agencies this proposal has been/will be submitted to: / None
Current/Pending Research Projects
Please provide this information for each research project currently supported through non-CRSP funds as well as for each project that has been or will be submitted in the near future for non-CRSP funding.
Project Title: Aquaculture TIESProject Status: ( X ) Current ( ) Pending ( ) Submission Planned in near Future
Funding Agency: US-AID
Total Award Amount: $289,000Total Award Period: Aug 2004 – July 2007
Location of Project: University of Arizona, University of Tamaulipas, Autonomous University of Tabasco
FTE Committed to the Project (Please name and detail the FTE commitment of each Co-PI on this project):
Project Title: Salvinia Control on Lower Colorado River Website and Coordination
Project Status: ( X ) Current ( ) Pending ( ) Submission Planned in near Future
Funding Agency: USFWS
Total Award Amount: $30,000Total Award Period: 2002-2005
Location of Project: University of Arizona
FTE Committed to the Project (Please name and detail the FTE commitment of each Co-PI on this project): Fitzsimmons 2%
Project Title: Use of Biocontrol as part of IPM program for Salvinia molesta
Project Status: ( X ) Current ( ) Pending ( ) Submission Planned in near Future
Funding Agency: US Bureau of Reclamation
Total Award Amount: $19,000Total Award Period: Sept 2004 – October 2005
Location of Project: University of Arizona
FTE Committed to the Project (Please name and detail the FTE commitment of each Co-PI on this project): Fitzsimmons 2%
Project Title: Advances in Recirculation Aquaculture in the Western Region
Project Status: ( X ) Current ( ) Pending ( ) Submission Planned in near Future
Funding Agency: USDA
Total Award Amount: $40,000Total Award Period: 2001 - 2005
Location of Project: University of Arizona
FTE Committed to the Project (Please name and detail the FTE commitment of each Co-PI on this project): Fitzsimmons 5%
Project Title: ALCAN Prize for Sustainability
Project Status: ( ) Current ( ) Pending ( X ) Submission Planned in near Future
Funding Agency: ALCAN
Total Award Amount: $1,000,000Total Award Period: 2005-2006
Location of Project: World Aquaculture Society and University of Arizona
FTE Committed to the Project (Please name and detail the FTE commitment of each Co-PI on this project): Fitzsimmons 1%
Project Title:
Project Status: ( ) Current ( ) Pending ( ) Submission Planned in near Future
Funding Agency:
Total Award Amount:Total Award Period:
Location of Project:
FTE Committed to the Project (Please name and detail the FTE commitment of each Co-PI on this project):
Project Title:
Project Status: ( ) Current ( ) Pending ( ) Submission Planned in near Future
Funding Agency:
Total Award Amount:Total Award Period:
Location of Project:
FTE Committed to the Project (Please name and detail the FTE commitment of each Co-PI on this project):
Project Title:
Project Status: ( ) Current ( ) Pending ( ) Submission Planned in near Future
Funding Agency:
Total Award Amount:Total Award Period:
Location of Project:
FTE Committed to the Project (Please name and detail the FTE commitment of each Co-PI on this project):