Director in Charge: Bill HigginbothamSuperintendent: Tom Harmon

Russ BraunellerPat Ball

Premiums Offered: $ 1,626.00Judging: Friday – 9:00A.M.

General Rules:

  1. Ages of horses and ponies will be determined from January 1st of foaling year.
  2. Animals may compete in only one division of this department, light or draft.
  3. Any horse or pony may be measured if height is in question. Ponies are to be 58” and under in height.
  4. Stall assignments and locations will be made as soon as possible after all entries are completed. One (1) tie stall for each entry.
  5. Back numbers will be assigned as entries are made.
  6. All horses and ponies will exercise in the designated areas. (Contact your Dept. Superintendent for exercise area.)
  7. Open Class horses shall be released at 6:00 p.m. Monday, or by direction of the Superintendent.
  8. Stalls and aisle ways must be cleaned before moving out.

Rules for Contest Classes – Open Show and Special Horse Show

1. Western Shirt with Collar (May be short sleeve) 5. Catalog Race must have correct page number.

2. Western Hat or No Hat You must be astrideyour horse when crossing time line.

3. No reruns for broken equipment You must go around barrel & close catalog

4. Ten (10) Second Penalty all classes (Failing one or all, you will be disqualified.)

6. Flags – No pick DQ – No Stick + 10 second penalty


Friday – 9:00 a.m. – Halter Horses Over 58”

Entry Fee: $4.00 Premiums: $10-6-5-4-2-Ribbons


1. Stallions 2 years and over. . . . All Breeds and Grades 6. Mare and Foal ...... All Breeds and Grades

2. Yearling Colts...... All Breeds and Grades* 7. 2010 Foal...... All Breeds and Grades

3. Mares 2 years and over...... A.Q.H.A. ONLY 8. Yearling Geldings

4. Mares 2 years and over . . . . Other Breeds and Grades 9. Geldings...... A.Q.H.A. ONLY

5. Yearling Fillies...... All Breeds and Grades 10. Geldings...... Other breeds and Grades*

*Denotes Grand & Reserve Champion Rosettes


Pony Halter
Entry Fee: $4.00Premiums: $10-6-5-4-2-Ribbons


1. Stallion- (Exhibitor must be 18 years of age to show 5. 2010 Foal...... (Pony)

in this class)...... 58” and Under* 6. Mare and Foal...... 58” and Under

2. Mares over 1 year...... 46” and Over 7. Geldings any age...... 46” and Over

3. Mares over 1 year...... Under 46” 8. Geldings any age...... Under 46”*

4. Yearling Fillies...... All Breeds and Grades*

*Denotes Grand & Reserve Champion Rosettes


Performance Classes
Entry Fee: $5.00 Premium: $20-15-10-7-5
Classes: Classes:

1. Pleasure Walk Trot (Rider 9 yrs & under)11. Western Pleasure (19 yrs thru 29 yrs)

2. Open English Pleasure12. Western Pleasure (30 yrs & over)

3. English Pleasure(18 yrs & under) 13.Pleasure Pony Hitch (18 yrs & under)

4. Pony Pleasure14. Pleasure Pony Hitch (19 yrs & over)

5. AQHA Junior Western Pleasure Horse15.Open Barrel Race

6. AQHA Senior Western Pleasure Horse16.Barrel Race (18 yrs & under)

7. Western Pleasure Horses (No AQHA)17. Open Flag Race

8. Western Pleasure (14 yrs thru 18 yrs)18.Flag Race (18 yrs & under)

9. Western Pleasure (13 yrs & under) 19.Egg & Spoon Race

10. Pleasure Single Hitch (Horse)20. Catalog Race

(2 or 4 wheel vehicle, britchen harness)

Special Horse Show
Show Committee – Buckeye Western

9:30 A.M. Entry Booth open

10:45 A.M. Opening Ceremonies

11:00 A.M. Sunday Show Begins

Premium: 70% of entry fees, paid as follows: 1st 40%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%,4th 10% - Ribbons 5 places

Rules for Contest Classes – Open Show and Special Horse Show

1. Western Shirt with Collar (May be short sleeve) 5. Catalog Race must have correct page number.

2. Western Hat or No Hat You must be astrideyour horse when crossing time line

3. No reruns for broken equipment You must go around barrel and you must close catalog

4. Ten (10) Second Penalty all classes (Failing one or all, you will be disqualified.)

6. Flags – No pick DQ – No Stick - plus 10 second penalty

Entry Fee: $5.00


  1. Youth English Pleasure (18 &under)
  2. Open English Pleasure
  3. Youth Barrel Race (18 & under)
  4. Open Barrel Race
  5. Lead – In 6 and under – not eligible for any other class
  6. Pleasure Hitch Light Horse (2 or 4 wheel vehicle, no bikes or viceroy)
  7. Walk Trot Horsemanship, English or Western (9 & under, not eligible for any canter class except class 25 & 26)
  8. Walk Trot Horsemanship, English or Western (10-18 years, not eligible for any canter class except class 25 & 26)
  9. Walk Trot Horsemanship, English or Western ( 19 & over, not eligible for any canter class)
  10. Pleasure Pony Hitch 58” & under
  11. Youth Pole Bending (18 & under)
  12. Open Pole Bending
  13. Walk Trot Pleasure, English or Western (10-18years, not eligible for any canter class except class 24 &25)
  14. Walk Trot Pleasure, English or Western (19 & over, not eligible for any canter class except class)
  15. Youth Western Pleasure, Horse (13 & under)
  16. Youth Western Pleasure, Horse (14 - 18)
  17. Youth Pony Pleasure 58 “ & under (18 & under)
  18. Youth Flag Race (18 & under)
  19. Open Flag Race
  20. AQHA Jr. Western Pleasure (Horses 5 & under)
  21. AQHA Sr. Western Pleasure (Horses 6 & over)
  22. Other Breeds Western Pleasure- no AQHA
  23. Generation Gap Pleasure- 2 riders with 10 years age difference (double entry fee, double payback)
  24. Open Egg & Spoon
  25. Youth Sack Race (18 & under, double entry fee, double payback)
  26. Youth Catalog Race (18 & under)