September 14th Meeting
1st Period
1.)Summer Mtg Recap (Aaron)
A.) Homecoming Theme: Board Games
B.) Homecoming Date:
*10-14(Game)7-? PM, at Howe Field
*10-15(Dance)7-10 PM, at HHS gym, ($10 Tickets)
C.) Floats
*Seniors: Candyland
*Juniors: Monopoly
*Sophomores: Game of Life
*Freshman: Guess Who
D.) Class Colors
*Seniors: Black
*Juniors: Blue
*Sophomores: Green
*Freshman: Tie Dye
E.) Spirit Week
*Monday: No School
*Tuesday: Buffalove Day
*Wednesday: Workout Wed.
*Thursday: Class Color
*Friday: Purple/White
F.) Homecoming Festivities
*Food Trucks: (Sassy Cakes, Cruisin Crepes, Main Street, Anthones,Chefs)
- All local owners
*Pep Rally: Will Happen
*Powderpuff: Up in the Air
*Parade: *Route: Starting point is Union Pleasant Parking: Union- Hawkins-Highland-Division-Howefield
*Float arrivals: 4:30 PM
*Parade start time: 5:00 PM
*Float Making: October 14th , 9:15-1:45 at the Hamburg Firehall
*More details on the parade and judging can be found online on the SG website
G.) Committees
*It is the expectation that everyone join one so everyone can take part in planning Homecoming and have a voice.
H.) Member Expectations
*SG members must attend meetings
*SG members must help out with the concession stand at football games. Also they should wear their SG shirts while working, (Except Homecoming Game)
*A written excuse must be given to Conor prior to a FB Game or SG meeting
I.) Game Dates
*All games are on Fridays starting at 7 PM
*Sept 16th, 30th and October 14th(Homecoming)
3.) New Topics(Conor/Nick)
A.) Homecoming Poster Contest
*This would be held school-wide, each class would have their own competition. Each class would have 3 different winners competing for prizes. The posters would promote Homecoming and school spirit.
Discuss: *Vote: Yes or No? Yes-29 votes No-7 votes
1. What could the 3 categories be? (ex: most spirited?) The SG members voted unanimously to have the posters be judged by class
2. What would be the 3 prizes? A vote was held and everyone voted for a Tim Horton’s gift card to be given to the winners. A vote was held for how much. $10-26 votes $15- 7 votes $20-0 votes
3. Need guidelines (ex: posterboard size, deadlines) We did not get to this topic
4. In addition do we want an overall winner? It was a unanimous vote to have an overall winner. The idea of a crown being given to this winner was also brought up. Also, there was a unanimous vote to make each day of spirit week meant for a different class’s poster. Ex: Tuesday would be the Freshman poster contest...
B.) Vote on Parade order…..
1.) Tradition is the band is always first followed by the Cheerleaders – then the classes. This order was unopposed, so we did not vote on the order being changed
2.)Teachers are having a float – they will have Clue as their theme. Where do you want them to be in the lineup.
3.)Hamburg Fire Company generally has their truck and ambulance in the Parade and it is always last.
4.)Sometimes Hamburg Alumni has a car – they are usually before the firetrucks
C.) Reminder: Each class and club needs to create 2 posters for Homecoming – to be turned into the office by Monday, September 26th. *These posters advertise the dance and spirit week by giving information to the school, but the poster contest would be for school spirit. Ex:Paws vs Claws
1. Advertise Spirit Week:
*Tuesday: Buffalove Day
*Wednesday: Workout Wed.
*Thursday: Class Color
*Seniors: Black
*Juniors: Blue
*Sophomores: Green
*Freshman: Tie Dye
*Friday: Purple/White
2. Advertise Homecoming Dance – make posters colorful/attractive
*Tickets on sale during lunches (Tuesday, October 11-Friday, October 14)
*Must have school ID to purchase tickets
* May only purchase ticket for self
*Tickets are $10
* Dance is only for HHS students
* This is a casual dance – proper attire please (Must Follow School Dress Code); Conor brought up that school morale is low because of the casual dance, so SG members were asked to promote the dance a little more.
D.) New Pictures in Hallways
*These pictures will be from this year, and will include more people in the school, hoping to focus on activities other than Homecoming week.
*We need people to take pictures at all events – not with a cell phone! These pictures do not turn out well. Please see a SG officer if interested.
E.) First Home Football Game
*How did it go? We ran out of drinks at the first game so we are ordering more for the games to come.
There were too many people setting up. # will be reduced for next games. There will also be a list of things to be done during set up (popcorn, pretzels, cheese, etc)
*Thank you to the people that worked that game! Especially since it was before school started
F.) Homecoming Committee Info
*Your committee’s first meetings will be held as follows:
- Pep RallyFirst meeting 9/15 in rm 161
- Decorating First meeting 9/16 in rm 161
- Concession Stand No work going on with this
- Powder Puff/Bonfire We need a new committee for this, will be worked on soon. A meeting will be held to discuss and plan the event
G.) Dance Tickets
*We decided on a $10 ticket last meeting
- should they be printed or sent to the print shop? We spent about $80-85 printing the tickets last year.
Discuss and vote:
-Anyone interested in designing the tickets? No volunteers
-Need design by Monday, September 26th.
oPlease see an SG officer by the end of this mtg if you are interested.
H.) New Shirts
*Make sure you pick up a new SG T-Shirt so that you can represent Hamburg High School Student Government (the new shirts have new advertisers)
I.) DJ at Dance
* Jay Polisoto, Hamburg Alumni, is our Homecoming Dance DJ. Once again he has offered to use his dance lights for the gym – this is an additional $25.
- Do you want the dance lights?
*Vote: Yes or No? Unanimous vote for YES
J.)Bulldog Dash 5k
* Do we want to be a sponsor of the Bulldog Dash?
*Vote: Yes or No? Yes-35 votes
* IF yes how much?
Vote: Gold Sponsorship($500)-26 votes; Silver Sponsorship($250)-0 votes; Bronze Sponsorship($150)-0 votes;
4.) Treasurer’s Report (Alexa)
A.) Amount in Account: $5,596.52
What we’ve spent on food for the concession stand – $200, will be spending $500 more for next game
Propane - $20 each=$40
Still working on calculating our profit from the first game.
As a side note – every time we have food delivered to the concession stand we pay a $5 gas/delivery fee. This year we have asked the Sophomore (JV football) and Freshman (Modified football) classes to split this fee with us.
5.) Class/Club Updates
*Senior Class-
*Junior Class-
*Sophomore Class-
*Freshman Class-
*Drama Club-
*Donate Life-
*Varsity H-
*Art Society-
*Chess Club-
*Yearbook Club-
*Library Club-
*Foreign Language Club-
*Writer’s Guild-
*Character Club-
6.) If Time
A.) Doghouse - Nick
* This Year’s new School project??
* Other project ideas…
- this is an ongoing discussion for a few meetings
B.) Bald For Bucks – Conor
C.) Career Exploration Day – Alexa
Next Meeting: October 5th in the LMC during Period 2