Soccer Board Meeting
March 12, 2012
In attendance:
- Harvey Bierman
- Deb Gilvar
- Sherri Ritz
- Aidan Barry
- Kerry Glance
- Jon Huot
- Alison Rubin
To be discussed at Next Meeting:
- New Board Member discussion - Sherri to review participates of the preschool Spring Academy for potential parent board members. Sherri to check with Alison to see if her “Wee Kick” program had any potential participants.
- Board Positions Elections, term expirations/ renewals to be discussed at the April board meeting.
- Treasurers Report- Harvey
- No updates.
- U11 Boys Spring Soccer – Aidan gave an update that all players from the U11 boys fall team will be participating in the spring league.
- ACTION: Aidan to provide Seth with Spring schedule to secure field space
- Men’s Soccer League
- Update: Registration will open next week, fees have been set at $100 per player.
- Challenger Soccer -
- MOTION: To participate with rec. dept. in the purchase of a tent for Summer use at Stevens Field. Approved.
- Camp registration is through Challenger, is a rec form necessary?
- ACTION: Flyers need to be distributed. Harvey will be handling, Cornerstone and Screamers. Sherri - schools, library and Seth. Kerry – Rye Country Day and Exeter Day school.
- Seacoast United Proposal - Sherri and Aidan presented the Seacoast United Proposals for a Spring Academy, Fall Academy and Seacoast facilitating spring tryouts.
- MOTION: Sherri and Aidan to finalize Agreement with Seacoast and set dates based on board recommendation. Approved.
- ACTION: Sherri to work with Seth to secure field space for these programs.
Need to work on marketing for travel tryouts and camps. It needs to be clear to parents and participants that this is a competitive tryout, The number of teams depend on number of participants and coachvolunteers . Dates have been set for June 1st and 8th. Harvey to work on rating format for all travel tryouts.
Next Meeting:
April 9th, 2012
Outstanding Items:
- Tracy to follow up with Terry Barnes regarding a safety evaluation of the kickwall. No Update
- Seth to provide examples of freestanding display for Stevens Fields, investigating a display for a diagram of the field layout at Stevens field. The goal would be to eliminate confusion on field assignments for parents at the Kindergarten and ½ levels
Dates to Remember:
Spring Academy – May 9th – June 6th
Travel Tryouts – June 1st and June 8th
Pre-Season Training Academy – August 20th – August 24th
Coaches Clinic – 9/5, 9/6, or 9/7
Rec Season – September 8th - November 3rd?