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J.A.M. van Everdingen, V.C. Smith, J. Pokorny

Sensitivity of tritan screening tests as evaluated in normals at reduced levels of illumination. Doc Ophthalmol Proceedings 54 part 2 167-175, 1991

V.C. Smith, J.A.M. van Everdingen, J. Pokorny

Sensitivity of arrangement tests as evaluated in normals at reduced levels of illumination. Doc OphthalmolProceedings 54 part 2:177-185, 1991

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J. van Everdingen M. Bettink-Remeijer

Kan de ziekte van Meniere behandeld worden met een prismabril?

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Donker DLT, JTHN de Faber, JAM van Everdingen.

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Everdingen JAM van, M Wefers Bettink-Remeijer.

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Veleneuro-ophthalmologische presentaties in binnen en buitenland over uiteenlopende onderwerpen onder ander over Leber (LHON of LOA)

M van der Poel, JAM van Everdingen
NOG 2016 Maastricht. Mystery case: LHON mimicking functional visual loss with negative Thibaudet,normal colour vision VEP and OCT.

JAM van Everdingen, F van ’t Hullenaar (Rotterdam, NL)
Eunos 2015 Ljubljana. Recurrent sixth cranial nerve paresis with spontaneous recovery in adults.

M. Wefers Bettink, F. Ooijman, JAM van Everdingen
Eunos 2015 Ljubljana.Two patients with optic neuropathy as a sole manifestation of neurosarcoidosis

F.van ‘t Hullenaar, JAM van Everdingen
NOG 2015 Groningen. Recurrent sixth cranial nerve paresis with spontaneous recovery in adults.

RHH Cals, T.Hillenaar, JAM van Everdingen en L. Remeijer

NOG 2010. Familiaire verdikte corneale zenuwen en mucosale neuronen zonder multipele endocriene neoplasmata: een benigne, aan MEN 2b verwante aandoening?

M. Wefers Bettink-Remeijer, J.A.M van Everdingen (Rotterdam, NL)

Eunos 2009 lubeck. Ice test and pseudo retraction of the upper eyelid in ocular myasthenia.