CREDIT: ½ UNIT (additional ½ unit will be earned through Personal Fitness)

COURSE DESCRIPTION:Health education is designed to help students understand how they gain the most from their genetic endowment and environment. The goal is for the student to discover and utilize information to achieve quality physical, mental, and social health. Students will be encouraged to make positive choices concerning all aspects of their health. Students will receive current information in the health content area. This information will empower them to make better choices concerning their health and obtain a higher level of wellness through these choices. In turn, providing an opportunity for a higher quality of life and an increased life expectancy. It will be stressed to the student to take responsibility for himself/herself, others, and the surrounding environment through personal decisions.

ADAP DISCLAIMER: Students will be issued their ADAP Certificate upon successful completion of the Alcohol & Drug Awareness Program. Students are required to have an ADAP Certificate to obtain a Class C driver’s license. There will be a $5 charge for any additional copies.

SEXUAL EDUCATION DISCLAIMER:Sex Education is taught in Health following the curriculum “Choosing the Best Journey.” This is an abstinence-centered curriculum that focuses on smart decision making and developing healthy relationships. For more information on this curriculum please visit

COURSE REQUIREMENTS:Each student will be required to keep a notebook containing all lecture notes, class work, tests, and other assignments relevant to this course. Students will be required to read daily, complete written assignments, give oral reports, and also participate in group activities and in-class discussion.

GRADING PROCEDURES:40% Summative Assessments (Tests, projects, etcs)

20% Formative Assessments (Daily work, quizzes, etc.)

20% Health Project

20% Final Exam

BEHAVIOR: Students are expected to be respectful to all teachers and fellow classmates. No bullying will be tolerated. Profanity is not allowed. No student should leave class with out permission. Students are expected to act responsibly. ALL school rules apply in class.

CLASS EXPECTATIONS: All students are expected to…

  • Respect and appreciate the differences in others and their abilities.
  • Be willing to learn
  • Participate with confidence
  • Sit in assigned desks
  • NO STANDING at the door waiting for class change
  • Put forth effort to be successful

ABSENCES: Students that are absent for any reason will receive a zero grade for the day(s) absent. For excused absences, students will have a maximum of 5 school days to make up any missed work.

STUDENT Signatures: Students should sign the Syllabus Signature Sheet. By signing, the student agrees: I have read, understand and agree to comply with the HNGA HEALTH Syllabus for the 2017-18 school year. My teacher has my signature that I received, read, and understand this syllabus and rules of the classroom. Please contact your respective teacher if you have any questions.
