For State Fiscal Year 2009 Reporting Period:
July 1, 2008– June 30, 2009
Utah law requires that a municipality or county that receives any monies under §32-A-1-115 of the Utah Code -
Alcoholic Beverage Enforcement and Treatment Restricted Account - shall report to the Utah Substance Abuse
and Anti-Violence Coordinating Council by no later than October 1 following each fiscal year, and that the Council
may suspend future payments to a municipality or county that does not file a report (§32-A1-115 (9) and (10)).
Name of Municipality or County / State Allocation* / Amount of State Alcohol Funds Not Spent / LocalContribution**
Name and Title of Person Completing Report (City/ CountyManager, CountyCommissioner, Mayor, Sheriff or Police Chief) / Mailing Address (street, city, zip code)
Phone Number / Fax Number / Email Address
As chief executive officer, I do hereby attest that the monies received under §32A-1-115 were used in addition to any monies appropriated or otherwise available for the local government’s law enforcement, and were not used to supplant those monies. This funding was used exclusively for programs authorized by §32A-1-115 (2)(d). / Typed Name of Chief Executive Officer
Title of CEO / CEO Phone / CEO’s E-mail Address
Signature of Chief Executive Officer / Date CEO Signed / County of Location(Municipalities only)
*Amount of state alcohol funds distributed as listed on the enclosed form for your municipality, county or town.
**Funds spent to support the same types of activities not covered by your state allocation during this reporting period.
Authorized Expenses / State Alcohol Funds Spent Per Category / Local Funds Spent Per CategoryDUI Law Enforcement
General Alcohol-Related
Law Enforcement
Prosecution/Court Cases
For Alcohol-Related Cases
Treatment of Offenders with
Alcohol Problems
Alcohol-Related Education
and Prevention
Confinement of Alcohol
Law Offenders
NARRATIVE: Describe the programs and projects for which state alcohol funds were used, including the following: promoting the reduction of the harmful effects of over consumption of alcoholic beverages by adults and alcohol consumption by minors by funding exclusively programs or projects related to prevention, treatment, detection, prosecution, and control of alcohol-related violations and offenses in which alcohol is a contributing factor; and for confinement or treatment of persons arrested for or convicted of offenses in which alcohol is a contributing factor. Include any indicators of whether the programs or projects that received funds are effective.
Please send completed reports to:
Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice – ATTN: Monica Taylor
UtahState Capitol Complex – SenateBuilding, Suite330
P.O. Box 142330
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2330
(801) 538-1856 Fax: (801) 538-1024