Minutes of Ordinary Meeting

The Gymea Bay Public School Parents & Citizens Association is an incorporated voluntary organisation that operates pursuant to relevant legislation and its constitution. The P&C meets Tuesdays in Weeks 3 and 8 of each term in the staffroom at 7:00. Membership to the P&C is open to all parents. It’s a great way to find out about and support Gymea Bay Public School. General business or topics of discussion can be submitted prior to the meeting via the P&C email account at .

Date of meeting: 15 March 2016

Meeting opened: 7:00pm

1.  Attendees

1.1  P&C Executive Committee – Jenny Ware (chair), Belinda Shoebridge, Kath Hayward, Peter Eaton, Kelly Derwent, Kylie Hewitt, Nat Blacker, Justine Catto, Alex Sanders

1.2  GBPS Staff - Mr R. Pooley

1.3  P&C Members - As per attendance sheet kept with the assistant secretary

1.4  Apologies – Carolyn Cole, Jeanne Hill, Belinda Hope

2.  Minutes of previous meeting

Motion to accept minutes of meeting held on 9th February 2016

Moved: Kelly Derwent

Seconded: Justine Catto


3.  Business arising from the previous minutes

Action List

1.  Executive Meeting – held to discuss items on agenda for potential funding. Numeracy plan covered in Ray’s report

2.  PAN ticketing - ongoing

3.  Chaplaincy Program – discussed at length at the executive meeting. Benefits for keeping the program were identified however the school has indicated that funding could be directed into other areas. Ray Pooley addressed the meeting and advised that there were more pressing support needs in Stages 1 and 2 where the funding could be better utilised.

No other business arising from the previous minutes

4.  P&C Office Bearers’ Reports

4.1  President’s report Jenny Ware

·  Further to the executive meeting update, including Fitzroy reading, enrichment programs and a long-term strategic plan to upgrade the hall. Jenny requested an evaluation of the quality teaching program to be provided. Jenny also advised that a breakfast will be held on the 1st of April by the P&C to welcome new parents.

4.2  Treasurer’s report – Peter Eaton

·  $173,000 in the bank, balance of $65,000 after the money being held for the MPB $80,000, chocolate fundraiser $17,500 and $10,000 buffer is deducted.

·  Audit has been delayed will be done in the next four weeks

5.  Motions on Expenditure Items

·  K-2 playground equipment (fence quote to be obtained) $15,000. Moved Kath Hayward, Seconded Justine Catto. CARRIED

·  Music program in school $14,000. Moved Penny Hummerston, Seconded Alex Sanders. CARRIED

·  Learning and Support Teacher $14,000. Moved Belinda Shoebridge, Seconded Kelly Derwent. CARRIED.

·  Lego Robotics Program $12,000. Moved Kath Hayward, Seconded Kylie Hewitt. CARRIED.

·  Air Conditioning approx. $30,000 contribution from the P&C. Ray to obtain a quote through Spotless. Held over until the next meeting but agreed upon in principal pending final amount. Ray also to investigate solar panels.


6.  Principal’s Report – Ray Pooley

·  School financial position $335,432. Finance meeting to be held soon to discuss financial requirements around the school. E.g. painting and drainage.

·  Mathematics Project Stage 2: Academic partner with UTS, start term 2. Research based approach to teaching maths in stage 2-3. Amanda Behrendt suggested Ray contact Australian Mathematics Trust for further assistance. Resources will be purchased across the school. James Ladwig coming in next week to overlay teaching standards and quality teaching framework.

·  Friday lunch and switch around – linked to PSSA. Early lunch and afternoon recess break to be trialled.

·  School Disco – Friday July 29th

·  New building update: a project control officer being designated to the school.

·  Before and After school care submission for a $30,000 grant submitted

·  Fitzroy reading program cancelled due to lack of parent support. Program being loaded onto class computers in Year 1 and 2.

·  Bomb threat update: Old School Park would be used if necessary. Parents would not be notified until the plan had been put into action

·  Annual report. Due to be submitted by the end of the term linked to school plan. More accountability to be demonstrated and spending needs to be linked to specific plan points. Tabled at P&C meeting when possible

·  Enrichment activities at the school: STEM enrichment program being considered, number-crunchers, GAT art program, Wollongong Science Fair, 12 kindergarten children on a GAT reading program.


7.  Sub-committee Reports

7.1  Canteen

·  Carolyn Cole agreed to take on the position

7.2  Uniform Shop – Maria Tsigros

·  Sales so far $10,702.50

·  Everything in stock except small bucket hats and school bags.

·  New volunteers starting term 2.

·  A reminder that by the start of 2017, only bucket hats will be worn at the school as per the decision made by the school in 2013 thereby giving the required three years notice. A motion was moved to provide the Year 6 class of 2017 with a bucket hat as goodwill gesture from the P&C with a limit of one per child. Moved Natalie Blacker, Seconded Kath Hayward. CARRIED

7.3  Fundraising - Alex Sanders

·  54 chocolate boxes left to sell, $2,500 already donated in cash. Collection day 24/3 volunteers needed. Prizes will be given out week 11 assembly.

·  Mother’s Day stall 5th of May

7.4  Lily Festival – Kylie Hewitt

·  Nothing to report

7.5  Learning Support – Kath Hayward

·  Nothing to report

7.6  Book club – Kelly Derwent

·  First order large, second issue due back Monday. Encourage online ordering and home delivery. Library has gained new resources


7.  General business

·  Ben Cribb from Riteway Promotions with a demonstrated on cleaning wipes that the school can buy for 90c and on-sell for $2.

·  Sunscreen during compulsory fitness – Email read from a parent regarding concern over sport being conducted in the middle of the day and held suggestions regarding sport being held in the mornings and sunscreen in the classroom with children being encouraged to reapply at lunch. Ray to follow up directly with parents.

·  Senior boys’ toilets: any anti-social behaviour needs to be reported to Ray so that it can be investigated. Ray believes the biggest issue is wastage with children blocking the toilets with rolls of paper.

·  Interrelate: not yet booked, will happen ASAP

Correspondence – in

·  nil

Correspondence – out

·  nil

Action Items:

Item No. / Item / Person Responsible
1 / Evaluation of the quality teaching program / Ray Pooley
2 / Audit update / Peter Eaton
3 / Air conditioning quote / Ray Pooley
4 / Solar panels / Ray Pooley

Close of meeting

Minutes taken by: Natalie Blacker

Meeting closed at: 8:48 pm

Next meeting: 7:00pm Tuesday 10th May 2016 (Term 2 Week 3)

Note: A hardcopy of all of the annual written reports is filed with the secretary. Circulation will occur in the Bay views prior to Week 3 meeting.
