Members present: Tom Reilly, Steve Theodoris, John Dunbar, Dennis DeSilvey, Victor White

Members Absent: Arron Grindal, Bill Grant

Discussion began on the matter of what to do with persons who have a dinghy on the dock without a permit. It was suggested that violation tickets be issued and attached to the dinghy indicating the need for an appropriate dinghy permit. Issues of permitting include:

1. Boats not registered

2. Boats not bailed after heavy rains

3. Boats too long for the dock ( there is a 12 foot limit)

4. Boats not fendered with damaged gunwales.

5. Boats left unattended on the front dock.

Future discussion will include amending the ordinance to cover such situations.

Discussion then followed regarding the boundaries of the Sedgwick and Brooklin portions of the harbor. It was suggested by John Dunbar that there are four ways to define the harbor boundaries.

1. Left the State determine the boundaries if they have a means to do so

2. Draw a straight line from the mid channel at the entrance to the harbor to the mid channel at Means Point which is the farthest extend of the navigable harbor.

3. A line from the mid channel rock to the low water on Means Point

4. Attempt to use the line on the current geographical map

After discussion it was felt that the mid channel to mid channel line might be the best one to use. Further discussion will follow.

Discussion than followed regarding the frequency of mooring inspections: It was noted that there have been few mooring failures in the harbor and most have been secondary to rope chafe which occurs darning heavy winds. (Since this meeting there had been one due to chair deterioration.)

It Was suggested that we develop a list of certified mooring contractors who agree to read the ordinance and abide by the mooring descriptions in the ordinance. These contractors will also maintain a list of paid moorings and only serve those moorings which are paid up for the year in question. People may care for their own mooring but they must abide by the same regulations. Shore owners may also have one mooring by virtue of shore ownership

Discussion then followed regarding the insurance situation and the dock. The MMA insurance inspector visited the dock and declared it unsafe and unusable until repairs are made to the rotted boards. Those repairs have since been made.

There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 1800 hours

Next meeting will be August 1st a 1700 in the town hall.

Dennis DeSilvey recording secretary.