Well Classmates, if you did not make the luncheon on September 7, you missed a good time. We had 118 classmates and friends attending. The food was delicious and the conversation was even better. Glenda McElroy Churchey came up from Alabama, Bill Biggs, Don Harvie and Dave Wachter from North Carolina, Wilson O'Connell from New Jersey and lots from Maryland and Pennsylvania. We just had an outstanding turnout and an overall great time. Remember the next luncheon will be December 7, 2006. During the luncheon it was discussed about sending by snail mail (USPS) this newsletter to those who do not have e-mail. Everyone thought it would be a good idea but we needed some funding. We did a fifty-fifty drawing and raised $159.00. John Mowen's name was drawn for the half but being the generous person he is, he donated his half back to the Luncheon Committee. I am now in the process of putting the names of the classmates who I do not have e-mail for into my computer to do labels and then we will get the newsletter out to everyone. If you received this newsletter by USPS and you have an e-mail, please get in touch with me and give me your e-mail address. It is faster to send the newsletter by e-mail. My address is .


A little history about the quarterly luncheons - The HHS Class of 1955 has been having quarterly luncheons since May 11, 2001. The first luncheon started with a group of 19 ladies. At that time there were 3 classmates contacting graduates for the luncheons. They were Millie Mullenix Toms, Norma Carbaugh Ridenour and Betty Horst Banzoff. The second luncheon we decided to invite the Guys. It was held on Sept 2001 with 26 in attendance. The next luncheon, Dec 2001 we had 28 in attendance, the fourth - March 2002 with 29 in attendance. The fifth - June 6, 2002 with 52 in attendance. Starting with the 6th luncheon - September 2002, we went to Mountain Gate Family Restaurant in Waynesboro PA and have continued to increase in attendance.

The quarterly luncheons are on the 1st Thursday on the last month of each quarter. The cost if $8.00 per person - paid the day of the luncheon. The next luncheon will be December 6, 2006. The following is the schedule for the next year, March 1, 2007, June 7, 2007, September 6, 2007, and December 6, 2007.

Graduates, and those who would have graduated, are always welcome. If you have

Never been contacted previously we would love to have you join us. If you are in our area for a visit during one of our scheduled luncheons, we would like you to join us.


Dick and Della Lumm Boscherts celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 16, 2006. Della worked at Millie's Snack Bar in Chatkins Drug Store and Dick worked at Baker-Wibblerley Engineers retiring after 30 years. The Boscherts have been owners of Beck & Benedict Hardware Store in Waynesboro Pa for the past 22 years. They have eight grandchildren.

Tom and Yvonne Bishop Anthony celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 14, 2006.


Dottie Hopkins Jones has had hip replacement. Her e-mail address is

Nancy Everly Staley has had knee replacement. Her e-mail address is . I heard from John and he said Nancy is doing very well.

Lets send these people cards and keep them in our prayers.

I received word from Pat Clark Stickler, that Mary Little Harrelson passed away on October 7, 2006. Mary lived in North Carolina. She did not graduate with us as she moved in her Jr. or Sr. year. Our condolences to the family


Wells Ridenour sent me information on the Hagerstown High School Florida Reunion being held January 27, 2007. Wells is planning to attend and said the following people attended in 2006 - Sandy Gelow Ames, Barbara Morrison Deneen, Bonnie Sowers Lizer, Ethel Horn Schmidt, Alice Hays and Ronnie Weagley. I sent this information out in Newsletter # 3 but if you did not get it and are interested in the info, let me know.


Let me say how much I enjoy hearing from all of you. I really like doing this newsletter because I get to hear from so many of my old friends. When I receive an e-mail I do delete any personal notes but like to pass on things from our classmates. So here are some I received.

Oscar Smith –“Pat Clark Stickler came into the Sam's Club in Hagerstown the other week and told me about your newsletter. Myself, Oscar Smith and my wife Esther (Holmes) Smith were both graduates from the great class of 1955 and are so glade to hear about our other classmates from the years past. So if anyone from the class comes into Sam's Club and I am working as the door greeter please make your self know because it will be great meeting everyone again. We did not receive your first three newsletters but would appreciate seeing them if you still have them on file. I am sorry but we will not get to come to the September luncheon but hope to get there in December.”

Fred Kail - Comments made in the year 1955:"I'll tell you one thing, if things keep going the way they are, it's going to be impossible to buy a week's groceries for $20." "Have you seen the new cars coming out next year? It won't be long before $2000 will only buy a used one." "If cigarettes keep going up in price, I'm going to quit. A quarter a pack is ridiculous." "Did you hear the post office is thinking about charging a dime just to mail a letter?" "If they raise the minimum wage to $1, nobody will be able to hire outside ! help at the store." "When I first started driving, who would have thought gas would someday cost 29 cents a gallon. Guess we'd be better off leaving the car in the garage." "Kids today are impossible. Those duck tail hair cuts make it impossible to stay groomed. Next thing you know, boys will be wearing their hair as long as the girls." "I'm afraid to send my kids to the movies any more. Ever since they let Clark Gable get by with saying 'damn' in 'Gone With The Wind,' it seems every new movie has either "hell" or "damn" in it. "I read the other day where some scientist thinks it's possible to put a man on the moon by the end of the century They even have some fellows they call astronauts preparing for it down in Texas." "Did you see where some baseball player just signed a contract for $75,000 a year just to play ball? It wouldn't surprise me if someday they'll be making more than the president." "I never thought I'd see the day all our kitchen appliances would be electric. They are even making electric typewriters now." "It's too bad things are so tough nowadays. I see where a few married women are having to work to make ends meet." "It won't be long before young couples are going to have to hire someone to watch their kids so they can both work." "Marriage doesn't mean a thing any more; those Hollywood stars seem to be getting divorced at the drop of a hat." "I'm just afraid the Volkswagen car is going to open the door to a whole lot of foreign business." "Thank goodness I won't live to see the day when the Government takes half our income in taxes. I sometimes wonder if we are electing the best people to congress." "The drive-in restaurant is convenient in nice weather, but I seriously doubt they will ever catch on." "There is no sense going to Ocean City anymore for a weekend. It costs nearly $15 a night to stay in a motel." "No one can afford to be sick any more; $35 a day in the hospital is too rich for my blood." "If they think I'll pay 50 cents for a hair cut, forget it."

I enjoyed these and passed them on to my kids - Petie

Connie Little (wife of Joe Little) -

“Love the newsletter. My Father is at Twin Oaks Associated Living and I receive the newsletter from there. I was surprised to see that Earl Selby is a new residentat Williamsport Nursing Home, 154 N. Artizan St., Williamsport, MD 21795. I thought it would be nice if classmates would send him a card. I don't know why he is there.” Update -Bob Mann e-mailed me that Earl is on Kidney Dialysis but is improving rapidly and will soon be leaving the nursing home to live with his son in PA. I will try to get his address for the next newsletter.

Glenda McElroy Churchey -

“Just a line today to let you know how much I enjoyed the luncheon. The committee did a great job. Please pass that along to them. We did have a good turnout and many people I hadn't seen in a long time. Next time name tags would be helpful as some folks do not look much like they did 50 years ago. Thanks for all you are doing, it is much appreciated.”

Carrie Reel Breeden -

“Just want everyone to know that Johnny was started with Hospice today. The ladies were wonderful explaining everything. I fought this as long as I could but realize that every now and then I need a break. He had a pretty good day today. Just wish I could get him to eat better but don't want to fight him on it. I think the antibiotic he was on (Zyvox) really messed him up so that is stopped totally and also his coumadin was stopped today. Please just keep us in your prayers.”

Bruce Moats -

“Hello Petie,

Let me add my voice to the chorus of classmates who commend you for undertaking thenewsletter. Also, I thank John Reynolds for having my name added to your address list. It isheartwarming to learn about events in the lives of our classmates, although at our collective ages, the preponderance of news seems unfortunately to deal with the illnesses and passing of classmates and family members. Thanksfor the "where are they now" state-by-state analysis; looks like I am the only one to end up in Oregon. After 28 years of service in the US Army Corps of Engineers, I retired in 1988 and my wife and I decided to try a different part of the country, so I was pleased to be offered a position with Southern Oregon University here in Ashland, Oregon, from which I retired in 2005. The only downside of being here is that our surviving family members are all on the east coast.

I really enjoyed Alice Weagleys' "a littlenostalgia" as it brought back so many memories of things that seemed so important to us--we of the "silent fifties"! Maybe the relative naiveté we enjoyed back then wasn't so bad.

Thanks again, Petie, for your excellent and much appreciated efforts.”

Notes from Petie:

As this is my first hardcopy newsletter I have tried several ways to print it so as to save postage. As time goes by and when I can get my grandson to teach me to do more things on the computer, I will try to add pictures, etc. I hope you enjoy keeping in touch with our classmates and seeing what they are doing. If you would like to share with us please get the info to me and I will pass it along. My mailing address is 4117 Leitersburg Road, Waynesboro PA 17268

Our next luncheon will be December 7, 2006 at the Mountain Gate Restaurant in Waynesboro, PA, cost is $8.00 payable at the restaurant that day. If you would like to participate, we will have a $5.00 gift exchange, females bring a gift for a female and males bring a gift for a male. In order to plan for the meal, we would like to have a count, so if you can make it please call Millie Mullinex Toms – 301-797-5220 or e-mail me, Petie Klipp Ausherman at .