“GulfCoast Business Reinvestment Forum”

Washington, DC • November 29, 2005


Image Building & Crafting Media Message Feedback

Legislative Agenda Feedback

Infrastructure Development Feedback

Workforce Development Feedback

Financial Tools For Large & Small Businesses Feedback

Coordination & Implementation Feedback

What was undiscussed?

ImageBuilding & Crafting Media Message Feedback

What is your feedback on the ImageBuilding and Crafting the Media Message presentation?


  • Who is going to make it happen – who has the authority/responsibility?
  • You need a common front on the message to include all areas
  • Keep the message simple and the same - so they hear it over and over rather than crafting different messages for different groups.
  • The four governors should operate as a unified voice
  • Besides energy, emphasis other topics that lend themselves to multi-state marketing? Ports, military, tourism, coastal erosion , seafood, cultural assets
  • Any media needs to focus on the folks and businesses inside as well as outside the region
  • Identify and vigorously punctuate early successes

(Participants entered these comments)

001Generally all supported the ideas
Question: who is going to make it happen

Suggest retest sooner than 18 months, possibly measure several times

002How do you effectively promote a multi-state message without being muddy?

003make sure rita affected areas are included

you need a common front on the message to include all areas

004Kep the message simple and the same - so they hear it over and over rather than crafting different messages for different groups.

005Create a bod to adopt this agenda and implement it - focus on implementation

006Need a tag line - build the brand - need a title but not too Madison Avenue

007some feel that a common voice on the hill should be used - the four governors should operate as a unified voice

008Group in Nashville specializes in communit y branding rather than corporate type branding

009Besides energy, what other topics lend themselves to multi-state marketing? Ports, military, tourism, coastal erosion , seafood, cultural assets

010Need incentives as well as message to attract skilled workers

011Squandering opporunity in Washington.. Message we've got our act together

How do we get people's attention. Competing with other news items''

What do we do to get national attention/

012 Very thorough report

Nice to have a combined report with key facts about thye BGulf Area

Key nemessages by category not that interesting, but detail in teh Appendix is

Key message we need to include in slides -- GulfCoast is important to the entire country

013Create high dollar jobs to attract workers. In Alaska, the jobs were created and fore great wages people came even though there was no housing - people didn't bring their families

014Any media effort must include the perception of the people inside the impacted area as well as outside!

015That Gulf Course is important to America is the unifying message should be in the main report

016need for more national pressure, not just from the region, to affect congress which tends to forget things

017Need to say what we have to offer ane why of benefot to help us

Trying tro tie to elimination of moritoum of oil and gas drilling ... note it doesn't affect Texan or Louisina .. Says o Florida and CA that you should end moritoium in your statse... unpopular.

018Pay a ttention to keeping workers once they are here - "it's a great place for your family too...." Encourage people to come home again.

0192 responses to presentation: very thorough, but messages are boring, until I got to the Appendix, move move of that up front in the presentation

020Realistic protrayal of issues, good news stories and what is not working

021there have been so few stories on rita - perhaps because the evacuation seemed to go more smoothly

but significant parts of LA were affected

022What should we say to Congress and how do we say it?

Report from this session should be endorsed by the states and used as a major tool

States must have a shared message (as well as individual themes)

Should there be a new name created for the Gulf Coast to promote it as a region?

023Add -- Gulf Course is important to America b/c of the strategic assets -- transportation and energy.

024Suggestion... all are traditional econimic dev for region... nothing to appeal to people in Washington who look to good for country. Show what's good for country.

025How do we speak to the people that are in the impacted area in a positive way that instills hope without it seeming like a whitewash?

026you can see the problems around the image because even fema is not responding properly - little assistance from the government - half of coast was ignored by fema

027I would make Congress and Voters a separate audience category

028Focus on strategy assets of the region... energy, transportation.. etc. colmmon from Tex to Alabwma

029there is some need for a campaign on rita, just to catch up

030but the gulf coast needs to be presented as one region - people just focus on new orleans

031Tourism and Tourist is redundant, combine to same audience category

032Show how the naional taxpayers will invest their money wisely... use in efficient manner.

033Make Tourism the broad category, to include Tourists.

034Need to overcome bad image of the region others have and made worse by the storms--what is the replacement image?

Directly confront the bad things people think about the area like KY did a number of years ago

035if all networks can do a weeklong thing on autism, why couldn't this happen for the gulf coast as a whole

036there could be some framing around the preserving this marvelous example of american diversity, although the risk is that this would overly focus things on new orleans

037Give real stories of individual efforts (private , government, or corporate) to help people or individuals in the area.

038Expand on strategy of how we would work with corporations/private sector to influence legislation

039is there a need for the untold stories - this happened with 9/11 - could happen with gulf coast

040most hope for this issue--cooperative spirit could be very beneficial to the area. lots of similiaries between the areas in this region--culturally very similar

041Where are the tourists going to stay when trying to bring people back. Agree with quantifying results so that resources are used wisely. To convince taxpayers they must realize it makes financial sense -- to show how everyday consumer decisions are afffected by the Gulf Coast. Ex: if the Port is wiped out, the cost of coffee increases. It is a nationwide issues; convey this image. Another front: the broad economic impacts of hurricanes, the present value (return on investment), define the economic entity we are trying to protect. The value of the entity that will incur impacts and financial risks. Quantify the values that protection is a good investment. Ala the Netherlands -- risk mitigation of the flood management system. Logical financial terms, not emotion.

Message to rest of country to be prepared for disaster; even some of the related impacts of hurricanes on the rest of the country. We all need to take a page out of this to help others. Every community needs to be prepared for disaster, because of broader nationwide implications.

Timetable for delivering messages should consider the chronology of how to build one messaage on previous ones. Use the message to get funding . . . so don't be too positive. Messages to show that we need to continue working. Ala Mississippi banners, and focus on where we are going.

042concern about taking story on the road--media not reporting on successes. doubt that they would be able to not be negative. if fair response, the strategy would be great, but doubt that there is a fair strategy.

043too much risk associated with this strategy

044media focusing on the racial strife, people who have had severe problems with getting water, etc.

045media always talks about LA, MS being last in terms of education. nothing positive about how children are faring in schools around the country now.

046need to stop heart-tugging stories now, need to give concrete stories about improvements

047public private partnerships--very good idea

048Use associations on a national level to reach members to expaand delivery system.

Hammering away on key assets is critical--transportation and energy. Should include cultural heritage of area also.

Communicating unique values of region.

Emphasize success stories, recovery progress.

Communicate to people thanks for help.


1. Change

1. Media message must be sustained...long term rebuilding

2. Message must highlight benefits to the reeciever....message must be tailored to need of audience

3. Must be careful to balance need and demand....two types of messages (need help vs. things are great, come on down)

4. Energy importance of gulf coast region must be quantified and put into terms that can be understood throughtout the nation

5. Message to congress should be "we're helping ourselves, we need your support". Do NOT use "we need help". We have a plan, it's being developed now, we are looking fgor a partner.

6. No marketing to promote private/public sector partnerships or venture capital investment (invest IN businesses here).

050Hotel issue - where to do host fam tours?

When Federal govt moves teams in, they should provide their own housing rather than taking hotel space.

Future conference - include Florida.

Much of what is being recommended is already being done.

Lousisana needs better talent at the top to more effectively market the state.

Regional marketing might work for tourism.

Some areas like Slidell Stennis areas of LA and MS for certain industries (create a "corridor")

051need to realize that the various jurisdictions are at various stages of redevelopment and rebuilding - and the disaster impacted the various jurisdictions differently - so the image building needs to be parsed differently and recognition of these issues.

People coming home, businesses returning, and then entities relocating all together are three different targeting issues - so what is the combined format or image that going to be an umbrella response to the challenge identified? Some regions are operating versus others that are still further back ... pockets of understanding are required for full disclosure of status

One message is possible: that we are ready for business and we are open - but the unified message after that might not be necessary - yet we need to be unified about our combined messages to federal audiences - distinct similarities can be found -

The question is how this could be done - who drives it, who really funds it, who creates this? Same feel but not the same images - feel good like NYC post 9/11

Get product and then sale this

052need examples of miles that were affected (eg. comparison to NJ/NY other regions across the country)

Legislative Agenda Feedback

What is your feedback on the Legislative Agenda presentation?


  • Financing: speedy access to bridge loans, and who distributes the loans and access to tax credits
  • Environmental: protect wetlands
  • Energy Efficiency: promote through standards and financing requirements
  • SBA Reform
  • Add insurance reform

(Participants entered these comments)

001cost/benefit analysis?

002less optimistic about ability to affect change on this--each state is fighting for their own. doubt that all states will adopt same legislative agenda

003issue about removing moratorium on off shore drilling--impacts wetlands

004what leg vehicles will address infrastructure/transportation issues?

005should give tax credits for other forms of energy--in Louisiana looking at wind energy

energy efficient mortgage available in only 4 states --would be useful in gulf region

006Legislative agenda exactly what should be proposed. (strong agreement)

Housing - need incentives to rebuild in short term - QUICKLY (block grants, tax credits, other incentives)

Disaster loan process is broken.

SBA is not the answer. Take it out of their hands. Should home owner loans be somewhere other than SBA?

Look at capital needs on continuum: emergency recovery for short term to longer term capital

Need low cost capital (504 and 7A are not what they are looking for)

In Mississippi - cant' get brige loans out fast enough. $20 million in state funding.

LA bridge loan funds already gone.

007Mississippi has utility programs that promote energy efficiency--have been discussing standards, perhaps more strict standards for energy efficiency. HUD looking at as well.

008can't do anything to compromise the wetlands--so lifting moratorium is not a good idea. building levees will have the effect of compromising wetlands already.

009On access to business capital, expect that there is a misunderstanding of 9/11 loans. NY state did it with a block grant from the Federal Gov. Think what we are really asking for federal funds to the state for grants and loans. Some disagreement here, some thinking fed dollars should be given directly to businesses, other people thinking this is not a good idea and federal $ should go to the states who then disperse the money.

010In the end $ should be given out at the local level intermediaries focused on economic development (qualified organizations) - for fast process.

011comprehensive hurricane protection is highest priority in MS, and would be priority in other states as well (levee protection not a priority everywhere)

012Funding should not be given directly from the federal or state level - but through local intermediaries.

013competing priorities--If LA gets money for levees, it takes money away from other states

014Thought good targeted resonse.. makes policital sense with exception of moratorium proposal.. guarantees opporsition fron CA at a minimu and probabloy East Coast states.

015but New Orleans not an option for people unless there was category 5 protection in levees

016Politicians in Fl will not vote for moratorium. Not state covered by moritorium wants to get rid of it.

017Bridge loans in MS are used for any business impacted (either directly or indirectly by hurricane) $25,000 meets payroll, gets computers on line, but if SBA loans don't flow for six months, these companies will foldl

Why is SBA so slow? Is it possible to place funds with intermediaries to move money out faster?

SBA process is too slow and cumbersome. Change SBA rules in terms of how they analyze companies for these loans, streamline underwriting guidelines.

Could SBA loans be placed through banks and other lending organizations?

Make all impacted census tracts QCTs for LIHTC

Establishment of Gulf Coast Working Group - it needs to include Florida.

FL will be opposed to removing moratorium on Gulf Coast off shore drilling.

018#3 is unrealistic from cost perspective. Must prioritize high risk areas -

019Allocate $ from drilling rights to protection of states ... more of money from off-shore oil leases should be put into off-shore protection

020presentation was great - short number of important priorities

021the tax credits mentioned should be the new markets

022Change BRAC timing should include both slowing down new BRAC closures but speeding up old BRAC turnovers so land can be put back to use. Put moratorium on moving military operations out of the area--hands off until region is recovering.

023the insurance industry should be addressed at some level - maybe federal, maybe regional, maybe statewide

024Off shore drilling is not worth the risk where it is not currently done - is such a huge topic that it deserves its own working group

025coastal erosion is big issue - must restore marsh land

026Right strategy; good priorities to take to the Hill. Add clarification that each of the Liberty Bond loans do not need to be capped at $10 milllion. Should be called the GOZ bonds and not IRB. Expand the New Market Tax Credits.

027We don't understand the internet sales tax item--needs better explanation

028now flood insurance is publicly driven, but at rates that are too difficult

do we need a federal mandate to make this available? some disagreement about this - don't want to make it too hard for business to enter this market

029Make it part of media information that these states are produ cing rfor you.

030Suggest adding "states should enlist the support of other states -identify issues with strong impact on other states & build coalitions outside the region on these topics

031Good description of what should be done, but needs further discussion of how--what needs to be done to get buy-in from Congress

032Note that states where current moritorum are benefiting from off shore drilling in Texas and Louisana.

033is there a way to get wall street involved to monetize the risks of these premiums and claims?

034Follow precedence that was established in NY and get access to business capital fast--but need to expand, i.e.

Add seed venture capital,

bring back new market venture capital initiatives, similar to the new makret venture capital program that was cutm to provide early stage capital to small technology companies

035E.g. 20% of the natural gas going to NYC comes from Louisiana - example of basis for enlisting support - showing overlap of need - the ripple effect to show how what's happening inthe gulf states affects other states, near and far. So document the need and build coalitions

036Someone has to call a spade a spade about federal response... long term strucctural reform package to prevent this from happening again. Much agreement on this at table.

037we always underperform in SBIR grants, provide some technical assistance to help the grants.

038perhaps a reduced tax on the gain for the security on insurance to monetize

039#5 Equitable tax reliev should also include "and communities."

040S BA is biggest issue...high priority to fix

041Get special designation for universities, etc, for NIH, NSF, SBIR funding

042Problem for example... go loans out recently were prime plus... not a solution

043Put the people of the area first in the legislative agenda!

044there is a link between the success in getting one voice legislatively and then constructing an image campaign about the united effort

045Requestt for improved hurricane protection should be modified to target major population centers.