Guidelines for Supervision

Guidelines for Supervision

Advancing Family Therapy training and clinical practice since 1979. / The Australian Association of Family Therapy Inc.
PO BOX 2351. RICHMOND VIC 3121. AUSTRALIA . Tel 03 9429 9938 Fax 03 9429 9948
ABN 44 698 290 795

Guidelines for Supervision


Throughout 2000, a number of proposals were put to AAFT members which sought to increase the standard and accountability of supervision practices for the purpose of application for AAFT membership. This led to a revised set of Requirements for Clinical Membership, and some important changes to existing guidelines. Motions covering these revisions were passed at the Annual General Meeting in March, 2000, and subsequently at a Special General Meeting in September, 2000.

The revised requirements are included in this package, and extra copies are available from the Executive Officer (03 9429 9938).

It is suggested that these requirements, as well as the following guidelines are read and understood, prior to a supervision contract being finalized. Any questions can be addressed via the Executive Officer to the Membership Convenor.

Please note that all AAFT Committee of Management members work on a voluntary basis. All attempts will be made to be available and to respond to queries as quickly as possible; however, if you have left a message which has not been responded to within 10 days, please ring again or contact the Membership Convenor directly. (Contact details are included on the front cover of any AAFT newsletter).

We are extremely grateful to supervisors. You are central in helping the association maintain high professional standards, and we are keen to continue to seek ways to support you in this important work.

If you have any concerns or suggestions about any issues to do with supervision for the purpose of application for clinical membership, please don’t hesitate to let us know.


 Registering of supervisory arrangement

 The inclusion of live supervision

 The increased responsibility of supervisors to oversee that applicants have fulfilled requirements

 The need for clinical logs to be kept


 To educate about and promote ethical and high quality standards of practice in family therapy

 To ensure a suitable professional standard is maintained via the regular review of the probationary family therapist’s practice

 To assist probationary family therapists in applying their professional knowledge in their clinical practice

 To enhance and develop the capacity of the supervisee to critique her or his own practice

 Through the supervision process, to ensure at all times that clients’ interests are protected and promoted



 The Association

 To uphold a standard of clinical and supervisory practice in accordance with the AAFT Inc. Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

 To ensure that the supervisee applying for Clinical Membership of AAFT Inc. has met all current requirements

 To demonstrate one’s own familiarity with current approaches, and commitment to ongoing professional development

 To ensure that the Association is notified of any changes to a registered supervisory arrangement


The Supervisee

 To uphold a standard of clinical and supervisory practice in accordance with the AAFT Inc. Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

 To assist the supervisee in meeting the current Requirements for Clinical Membership of AAFT Inc.

 To provide for all the following aspects of supervision: educational, clinical skill development, personal awareness, ethical practice, and assessment of the supervision process itself.

 To model a high level of professional integrity and self-awareness

 To provide the supervisee with regular feedback, particularly but not only in the case of any concerns about standards of practice

 To review the process of supervision on a regular basis

 To maintain a high level of accountability to the supervisee for the supervisory process



The Association

 To keep the Association informed of new supervisory arrangements, and of any changes to those arrangements

 To demonstrate knowledge of and commitment to the AAFT Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice

 To keep accurate records of clinical practice and the supervision process


The Supervisor

 To adhere to the supervisory agreement

 To engage actively in the process of supervision

 To take responsibility for one’s own learning through supervision

 To keep such records and engage in such tasks as required by the supervisor

 To engage actively in a regular review of the supervision process


 Application of theory to practice: a range of models

 Conceptual and practice skills

 Ethics

 Self-knowledge and self-critique

 Case record administration (File notes, report-writing, summaries)


The following records are expected to be kept, and verified by the supervisor:

 Clear records of number of hours, number in group, etc.

 Clinical Logs (Please note: these are for the use of the supervisor only, and not to be submitted with Clinical membership applications).

Please note:As from the 01/01/2010, new Clinical Membership applicants wishing to be included on the PACFA National Register of Practitioners will require an additional 75 hours of supervision over and above AAFT’s requirements.
