· Meet with the organization’s leadership
· Explain the Liaison Project and your role as liaison to the Section
· Learn about:
o the organization’s purpose, membership, and the types of skills or interests shared by its members
o the organization’s history, recent goals and activities, and goals and activities planned for 2007
o any past involvement the organization has had in pro bono activities (i.e, clinic sponsorship, speakers, etc.)
· Discuss with the organization’s leadership the kinds of pro bono opportunities that would be of interest to its membership (or how best to identify those opportunities by polling or otherwise communicating with its membership)
· Gain permission to make short public service announcements at organization meetings about pro bono opportunities that might interest members
· Explore other ways you can help provide information to members about pro bono opportunities (such as website postings and newsletter items)
· Provide to the Committee a short summary of the organization’s purpose, goals, membership expertise or interests, and other pertinent information for use by other members of the Committee
· Review information received from Committee to locate pro bono opportunities that might be of interest to the members of the organization
· Make public service announcement at meetings of the organization about one or more pro bono opportunities of interest to its members (you need not attend and make the PSA personally if someone else in the organization will do so)
· If agreeable with organization leadership, publish any additional information about pro bono opportunities of interest to members via website, newsletter, or other communications
· Get updates from organization leadership and/or members about their reactions to the opportunities you are sharing with them and learn what else might interest them, and convey this information to the Committee by email reports to the Committee leadership by the 15th of the month
· Be prepared at some point to do a short presentation to the Committee on the organization