Guide Sheet for Literature Circles

Name: Nicholas B.P

Group Name: Takedown

Book: Takedown

Answer the following questions in complete sentences and use textual evidence where appropriate.

  1. Describe the three most important events or character revelations you have read so far in your novel. (Remember to tell why you’ve deemed these three as most important in your opinion.)

I)When Prescott gets killed. This is an important event because it causes the police to think that Darren was involved in his death, leading to further adversity for Darren.

II)When Diamond Tony finally gets killed. This event is important because Darren is finally able to avenge everybody that has died or has been hurt by Diamond Tony.

III)When Andre talks with Darren and gives him money. This event represents how the drug trade will always be lurking behind Darren, despite him no longer wanting to be in the drug trade.

  1. Predict will happen next with the main characters? Why do you say this? (Use textual evidence to support your idea….note page numbers too.)

I think at some point, Andre will return to ask Darren for a favour, which Darren will have to do to repay Andre for the money he gave him. This is supported by what Darren says on page 280, “But I had the feeling that if Andre needed something, I’d be hearing from him.”

  1. Relate to the novel by discussing similarities that are you finding between your life and the lives presented in the story?

When Prescott dies, Darren feels like giving up on completing his goal, and there have been moments where I’ve felt like giving up on my goal also.

  1. Select three lines from the text that make you think, intrigue you, or fall under the category of being wonderfully composed. Comment on why you choose each of the lines.

I)“Tony was sending a message to the whole neighborhood. Don’t talk. Be afraid. Don’t think I won’t” This line makes me think about how it relates to real life, because real life drug lords always use fear to ensure their success.

II)“Why do the good ones always have to pay… for crimes they don’t commit” This line is intriguing because it addresses the fact that during gang wars a lot of those who die are collateral damage, people who were just minding their own business before they got killed or hurt by an attack meant for someone else.

III) “If you weren’t paranoid, you were dead already.” This line is intriguing because it addresses the fact that many drug lords and drug dealers use paranoia as a tool for survival.

  1. What if you were in the shoes of the main character right now? What would you do? Why?

I would try and live my life as normally as a possible, but I would be prepared for anything, such as Andre coming back or another gang going after me. So I would get a comfy life, but not too comfy. I would do this because it’s better to be caught prepared than unprepared.

  1. Recommend two themes from the text for your group to discuss and come up with three questions that will help get that discussion going.

I)The life of a drug dealer

A)Are there more pros than cons (or vice versa)?

B)Are there people that must deal drugs, or is being a drug dealer a choice?

C)Is being a drug dealer easy?

II)The life of a former drug dealer

A)Do you think that once you quit being a drug dealer, that it’ll all be behind you?

B)Will your life be safer or more dangerous?

C)Will you be able to live an easier life?