Name ______English 4

Brave New World: Ch. 7 & 8 Analysis

1.  Find THREE things that Lenina is repulsed and disgusted by when she arrives at the savage reservation. Why is she disgusted by each of these things?

2.  What is different about the “savages” (Native Americans) compared to the people back home in the new world? Find several examples to back up your main ideas.

3.  Find THREE examples of Linda’s conditioning from her life in the “new world” before coming to the Indian reservation. (*Hint- think of her disgust of the “savages” and how different her upbringing was from theirs)

4.  What is the connotation of the word “civilized” in Ch. 7 and 8? Who uses this word often and why?

5.  Give some examples of what Linda considers to be “uncivilized” or “savage” based on how she talks about her son, the people in the new world, and her new lifestyle in general.

6.  Consider the way Lenina craved the soma as soon as things got uncomfortable for her at the reservation. What might a person from our society grab, take, or use as a crutch to avoid something uncomfortable or unpleasant in life? Give several examples.

7.  Lenina is horrified by anybody who is fat, old, wrinkled, or generally unattractive. Do you think our society is also afraid of aging, weight, wrinkles, etc? What evidence do you have to prove it? Give several examples.

8.  In what ways is John the Savage similar to Bernard? Use several examples from Ch. 8 to prove it.