University of Illinois Extension, Clark County

15493 N. State Highway One

Marshall, IL 62441


Dear 4-H'er,

We're excited that you have decided to join with over260 other youth in Clark County who are learning new life skills, learning more about themselves, and learning more about others through the 4-H program.

Don’t forget to attend the:


Monday, March 4, 7:00-8:00 PM

ClarkCounty Extension Office.

It'll be a great way for you to meet other first year members, learn more about 4-H and have fun! Your parents are requested to attend because a special session is being held just for them. We know that the 4-H program can be very confusing to new members, so we will take this opportunity to explain many things about the program.

As first year members, some 4-H'ers are often reluctant to join in many county events. So please feel more than welcome to look over our county newsletter and attend our monthly county workshops and programs that are of interest to you. Don't wait for an individual invitation - just come!

We’re sure you'll find 4-H a very rewarding experience. The important thing to remember is that you gain out of 4-H what you put into it. If you have any questions about the 4-H program please feel free to stop by or call the Extension Office. We are located at University of Illinois Extension, Clark County, south of Marshall on Route 1, and are open Monday - Friday, 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:30.


Jessie CrewsCartha Gustafson

Extension Unit Educator4-H Program Coordinator

Clark, Crawford, EdgarClark County


So, you've joined a local 4-H Club! How much time will be involved? What responsibilities do you have as a member? Are your parents expected to participate in the program? The answers to these questions will vary greatly from club to club. It will depend on how many activities your club decides to participate in and how much you personally want to gain from 4-H.

However, there are five goals we ask you to strive for. And by completing these five easy steps, you will be recognized as a Standard of Excellence Member at our Achievement Night program (our annual award night) this fall.

1.ATTEND 2/3 OF YOUR CLUB MEETINGS AFTER ENROLLING. This is important to keep abreast of what's happening in 4-H and it's also necessary so your club can function at its full potential. Your club will need your input and help! Each member must attend at least 3 meetings to exhibit at the fair.

2.COMPLETE ONE PROJECT. It's easy for members to complete a project and take it to the fair. Just follow the instructions in the handbook. The activities in your project book are great learning activities, but you are not required to complete all of the activities in the book.

3.GIVE A PROJECT TALK OR DEMONSTRATION. Sounds scary at first, doesn't it? After a year or so, you'll feel like a pro at it! This is probably one of the most important benefits you can gain from 4-H. It also lets everyone in your club learn about a variety of topics. It’s best to give a talk or demo on one of your 4-H projects and your manual should give you some good ideas.

4.EXHIBIT A PROJECT AT THE COUNTY 4-H SHOW. This allows you to get personal comments on a project you've made this year. You will receive an A, B, or C ribbon and a premium for your efforts. Our 4-H Show is set for JULY20 - 24, at theMarshall Fairgrounds. We rotate back and forth between the Marshall and Martinsville Fairgrounds.

5.COMPLETE A PROJECT RECORD AND YOUR PERMANENT MEMBER RECORD. This helps you to reflect on what you've done in the past year and set goals for the upcoming year. You should receive these from your leader in the near future.

See, that won't be so hard. We hope each new member will be a Standard of Excellence Member. Some other things we hope you will do:

  • Read the 4-H manual you receive.
  • Read the 4-H mail that comes to your house and share the information with your parents.
  • Help plan and support 4-H club activities.
  • Eventually serve as an officer of your club or on a committee when asked.


Although 4-H is a youth organization, it offers many ways for the whole family to participate. 4-H families can work on 4-H projects at home and attend 4-H events together. As with any activity; your child will need your help and encouragement to get the most out of 4-H. Many of our 4-H clubs have large enrollments, and while our leaders and staff try to do their best to personally work with your child, parental support is imperative to their success. Here are a few ways you can help your child:

  • Read the 4-H mail that comes to your house. THE 4-H NEWSLETTER IS YOUR KEY TO SUCCESS WITH THE 4-H PROGRAM! This will help you stay up-to-date on what's happening in ClarkCounty.
  • Attend your child’s 4-H meeting. This will be the biggest factor in you knowing what is going on with your club and the 4-H program.
  • Tell the 4-H Leader what you might be willing to do as a parent – provide refreshments, serve on a committee, bake a cake. Our leaders sometimes struggle to find volunteers who might be willing to help out.

Read the 4-H project book your child receives. You will find ways you can help your child with the project.

Serve as a "helper" to your child with their projects. This means you don't do the work for the child (although sometimes it seems easier!) but guide and assist. If you need additional information to complete their project, give our office a call and we can suggest volunteers to help.

Be sure that members get their enrollment papers and 4-H fair entry forms to the office by the county deadline.


The Clark County 4-H Handbook (usually distributed in April of every other year) has everything you need to know to prepare for the fair. Feel free to ask the office for a copy of the current handbook if you would like to know earlier than April what your exhibit for the fair will be. An update will be included in an upcoming newsletter or you can look at our on-line version.

Several of our 4-H clubs are very large and meetings can be very hectic. Please feel free to call your leader or Carthaat the Extension Office to answer your questions that you may not have time to ask at the meeting. No question is too silly!

4-H’ers DO NOT have to complete all portions of their project manual. They are a wonderful resource for them to learn about their project and we hope you will use them to the fullest, but it is not a requirement for them to be filled out. If you have not received project books a month or two after submitted, check with your leader or the office. Sometimes members do not get the second box on the enrollment form checked which lets us know you need a manual.


4-H Camp at Allerton Park in Monticello is an experience you won't want to miss! Many 4-H'ers find it to be one of their favorite parts of the 4-H program.

Clark County 4-H'ers will be camping from Sunday, June 30th – Thursday, July 4th. 4-H'ers stay in cabins with 10-12 other youth and a counselor. Participants can divide their time between swimming in the lake, arts and crafts, recreation, nature, and lots of special activities. Fun events are held each evening like a counselor hunt, tribal games, and even a real dance! 4-H'ers can volunteer to be a "trotter" (set the table for three meals). There's never a dull moment!

The cost of camp is $175.00 ($30 scholarships are provided to Clark County 4-H members.) Check out the camp website for more information on our awesome 4-H Camp!! (About two-thirds of our spots are already filled, so sign up soon!).



The 4-H Fair is the highlight of the year for many 4-H'ers. We work very hard to make the 4-H Fair a positive experience for every 4-H'er. There are several things to keep in mind when preparing for the 4-H Fair.

  1. Be sure to carefully read all requirements that apply in the Clark County 4-H Handbook. Specific fair requirements are listed for each 4-H project. A new handbook is printed every other year so watch for an update to the handbook in an upcoming newsletter. If you have not received a handbook from your leader, please ask for one or stop by the office and get one. Many exhibits have more than one part, so make sure you include all of them at fair time. A copy of the handbook is also on the 4-H webpage.
  1. Members may add or drop projects until the April 15 deadline.
  1. Although you are already enrolled in your projects, it is still necessary to complete 4-H Fair Entry forms. It is mailed to the 4-H’ers in May and is due to the office by June 15. It is very important to follow this deadline.


LIVESTOCK DATES – 4-H’ers who plan to exhibit livestock should be aware of ownership dates to exhibit your animal at the 4-H Fair. These dates are listed in the handbook and indicate when the 4-H’er should have the animal in their possession and personally care for the project.

For future reference, all market beef (steers or heifers) must be brought to the Beef ID Day on the first Saturday in February at the Martinsville Fairgrounds. (Breeding animals do not have to be ID’ d).

All market swine and lambs need to be brought to the Swine and Sheep Weigh-In on April 20 at the Martinsville Fairgrounds. Breeding animals do not have to be brought.

All horses to be exhibited must have ownership papers or lease papers on file as well as a picture of each side of the horse to the Extension Office by May 1.


April 15 – Last date to add or drop a project.

June 15 – 4-H Fair Entry Form due.

4-H Fair – July 20 – 24at Marshall Fairgrounds

4-H BBQ – September 7 (held the first Saturday following Labor Day.

All 4-H’ers arescheduled to work during this major fundraising event)

Cartha Gustafson is the 4-H Program Coordinator for Clark County, working closely with youth, families, leaders, and other volunteers in the 4-H program. She works out of the Clark Co. Extension Office and may be reached at or by calling the University of Illinois Extension Office at 217-826-5422.

Jessie Crewsis the 4-H Youth Development Educator for the Clark/Crawford/Edgar Unit, also working closely with the youth programs in all three counties. Jessie’s home office is at the Clark Co. Extension Office as well as spending time in Crawford and Edgar Counties. She may be reached at or by calling the University of Illinois Extension Office at 217-826-5422.

Jane Williamsis the 4-H office support assistant for Clark County and works three days a week at the Clark Co. office. Jane handles all 4-H enrollment and well as many other duties. Jane may be reached at or by calling the office at 217-826-5422.

Stacy Henn is the County Director for the Clark/Crawford/Edgar Unit and assumes all administrative duties for the office. Stacy has extensive experience with the Illinois 4-H program and offers a helping hand with 4-H programming as needed. She may be reached at or by calling the office at 217-826-5422.