12th Grade English

Overview:English IV is designed to give the student a chronological study of the growth of British literature from the beginning of the Anglo Saxon period to the 20th century. In this course students will strengthen their informative and persuasive writing abilities by completing various assignments, essays, and projects in and outside of class. This course will also focus on principles of grammar, style, and usage and reading comprehension strategies. We typically do a film unit in the spring in which students view, discuss, analyze, and respond to films.


Students will

  • Understand cultural, historical, and social contexts of British literature
  • Develop writing, revising, and editing skills
  • Master MLA documentation
  • Read for various purposes
  • Analyze works of fiction and nonfiction for writing and literary techniques including voice, mood, style, rhetoric, evidence, bias, and audience
  • Learn and incorporate age appropriate vocabulary in speech and writing
  • Understand English grammar and composition rules
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of media as it relates to literature and other disciplines

Student Responsibilities:

  1. Pay attention in class at all times and take notes during class
  2. Complete all assignments AND turn them in on the due dates given in class
  3. Produce original work (no copying, cheating, or plagiarizing)
  4. Have required materials (textbook, notebook/folder/binder, paper, pen/(blue or black ink only)/ pencil) in class at all times. *Final drafts of essays need to be written in blue or black ink or typed.
  5. Make up assignments due to absence(s) within the appointed time frame
  6. Come in for extra help if needed—mornings work best, but we can work something out as needed

Student Expectations:

  1. Be present, prepared for class, and in your seat when the bell rings
  2. Stay in seat unless the teacher gives permission to be up
  3. Be ready to work without complaining or whining
  4. Behave appropriately in classroom setting
  5. Respect your teacher(s), yourself, and classmates
  6. Do not speak while the teacher is speaking

Note on Cell Phones:

Cell phones are not permitted in the classroom. Students with cell phones out in the classroom will be asked to surrender them to the teacher. The cell phone will be returned to the student at the end of the day by Mr. Grueneich. Failure to surrender the cell phone upon teacher request will result in being sent to Mr. Grueneichfor insubordination. A 2nd offense for cell phones results in losing the phone for 3 days. Please see the Student Handbook for full consequences.

Note on Cheating and Plagiarism:

Students are expected to produce their own original work. Any direct wording, summarizing, and paraphrasing should be properly documented. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. Cheating is a serious offense and cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Please see the handbook for penalties regarding cheating. *Seniors: You NEED credit in this class in order to graduate.

Note on Restrooms:

Students are expected to remain in the classroom at all times. Only in times of emergency will a student be allowed to use the restroom. Students are not permitted to use the restroom during the first 15 minutes or last 10 minutes of class. Cell phones are not to be used while in the restroom.


A student must have a late slip in order to get into class. Blue and white slips both count as tardies. 3 tardies count as an absence. Missing 20 minutes or more of class at either the beginning or the end of class will count as an absence.

Homework and Outside Work:Homework and outside work includes, but is not limited to, essays, projects, answering questions, surveys, take home quizzes, and reading. Pop quizzes will be given in class to ensure that students have read and are prepared for class.

Late Work:

Assignments are due on the day and time when asked for. It is late when it is not turned in when asked for.

HW and Classwork: If the assignment is not turned in when asked for, it is late and results in a 50% deduction. You have 3 days in which to turn in the assignment. The 50% penalty remains the same for all 3 days. After 3 days, the assignment will no longer be accepted and you will receive a 0. *Within those 3 days, you may regain points so that you lose only 75% by having your parent/guardian or staff member sign your assignment as a witness that he/she saw you working on it and will vouch for your having completed it in an academically ethical manner (ie no cheating). If you forge or have someone else forge a signature, you have misrepresented yourself and are guilty of cheating. Please see the handbook for precise consequences of cheating.

Projects, Essays, and assignments of a similar nature: With the exception of the book report, these assignments will receive the same 50% penalty as homework and classwork. You will have 3 days in which to turn the assignment in with the 50% penalty or 75% with a signature. After 3 days, the assignment will no longer be accepted and you will receive a 0.

Ex: If an assignment is due Monday 1st period, you have until Thursday 1st period to get the assignment in.

You may not interrupt one of my classes to turn in an assignment, nor may you leave this class to turn in an assignment for another class.

Book Reports: Book reports CANNOT be turned in late. If you do not have it ready, then it is a 0. Please see the book report assignment for more details.

Make Up Work:

If a student is absent and wishes to make up work, he or she will have 2 days per consecutive absence in which to do so without penalty. Make up work handed in after the 2 days per absence will be docked for lateness. It is the student’s responsibility to get the makeup assignment from the teacher. If a student knows he or she will be absent (i.e. sports), then it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to receive work before the absence.

Grading Scale:

All assignments will be graded on a point scale. Daily work and homework will be worth 1-50 points.

Quizzes will be worth 10-100 points. Tests will be worth 100-200 points. Essays and projects will be worth 50-400 points.

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

0-59 F

*Teacher will modify, add, and delete rules as warranted by class behavior and/or needs.

I can most easily be reached through email at or . If you have any questions or concerns, please email me or call the school at 701-862-3129.