WMO Guide on use of FTP and FTP servers at WWW centres


Guide on use of FTP and FTP servers at WWW centres

(Aug.11Sep. 13, 2006)

World Meteorological Organization


1. Introduction 4

1.1 Purpose of this guide 4

1.2 Scope 4

1.3 Audience 4

1.4 Terminology and Conventions 4

2. Basics on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 5

2.1 What is the FTP 5

2.2 How FTP works 5

2.3 Control Connection 6

2.4 Data Connection 8

2.5 Remarks on the FTP 9

3. Designing FTP Service 9

3.1 FTP Solutions 9

3.2 Requirements 10

3.3 Performance 11

3.4 Reliability 11

3.5 Security Measures 14

3.6 IP Address and Host Name 14

3.7 Platforms 16

4. Management of the FTP Server 16

4.1 Execution Environment (Run Mode on the Unix like OS) 16

4.2 Environment of Service 17

4.3 Directory Structure 17

4.4 Name of the Files 18

4.5 User Account 18

4.6 Security and Availability 19

4.7 Effect of Firewall and Proxy 20

4.8 Log File 20

5. FTP Server Software 21

5.1 wu-ftpd (http://www.wu-ftpd.org/) 21

5.2 proftpd (http://www.proftpd.org/) 21

5.3 vsftpd(http://vsftpd.beasts.org/) 21

5.4 Internet Information server (IIS) 21

5.5 guildFTPd(http://www.guildftpd.com/) 21

6. FTP Clients 22

6.1 Built in FTP Clients 22

6.2 GUI Clients 22

6.3 Free client suit for automatic operation 22

7. Tips and Hints on FTP Service 23

7.1 Login shells 23

7.2 Logrotation 23

8. Step-ups 23

8.1 File Transfer Protocols 24

8.2 Other Method 24

9. Common to the Establishment of an FTP Server 25

9.1 Presuppositions to the examples 25

9.2 Process to set up FTP server software 26

9.3 Create a user account 26

9.4 Start-up and check 28

10. Resources and References 28

10.1 Useful Free Stuff 28

10.2 Other Info 29

Appendix A. Example on establishing a proFTPd server 30

A.1 Introduction 30

A.1.1 Basics on the configuration 30

A.1.2 Run mode 30

A.2 Basic Configuration 31

A.3 Security Concerns 34

A.4 Performance Control 35

A.4.1 Total throughput 35

A.4.2 Limitation of the number of simultaneous logins 35

A.5 Data Policy 37

A.5.1 Control of file accessing 37

A.6 Other Tips 38

Appendix B. Example on establishing a vsFTPD server 40

B.1 Introduction 40

B.1.1 Basics on the configuration 40

B.1.2 Prerequisits 40

B.1.3 Run mode 41

B.1.4 Category of Users 42

B.2 Basic Configuration 42

B.3 Security Concerns 43

B.3.1 Strategy of the service 43

B.3.2 IP access control 43

B.3.3 Local Users 44

B.3.4 Anonymous Users 44

B.4 Performance Control 44

B.5 Data Policy 45

B.6 Other Tips 45

B.6.1 Logging 45

B.6.2 Timer 45

Appendix C. Example on establishing a GuildFTP server 46

C.1 Introduction 46

C.1.1 Installation 46

C.1.2 Start up 47

C.1.3 Main Window 47

C.1.4 Basics on the configuration 48

C.1.5 User Accounts 49

C.2 Accounts Window 49

C.2.1 Add a new group 49

C.2.2 Add a new user 50

C.2.3 Edit/delete a user/group 50

C.3 Account Options & Paths Window 51

C.3.1 Paths tab 51

C.3.2 Options tab 51

C.4 Connections Window 52

C.4.1 Current Connections tab 52

C.4.2 Connection Graph tab 52

C.4.3 Past Connections tab 52

C.5 Activity Window 53

C.5.1 Downloads tab and Uploads tab 53

C.5.2 Spy tab 53

C.6 Other Tips 53

C.6.1 IP Filtering 53

C.6.2 Ban IP 54

C.6.3 Event Messages 54

1. Introduction 4

1.1 Purpose of this guide 4

1.2 Scope 4

1.3 Audience 4

1.4 Terminology and Conventions 4

2. Basics on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 5

2.1 What is the FTP 5

2.2 How FTP works 5

2.3 Control Connection 6

2.4 Data Connection 8

2.5 Remarks on the FTP 9

3. Designing FTP Service 9

3.1 FTP Solutions 9

3.2 Requirements 10

3.3 Performance 11

3.4 Reliability 11

3.5 Security Measures 14

3.6 IP Address and Host Name 14

3.7 Platforms 16

4. Management of the FTP Server 16

4.1 Execution Environment (Run Mode on the Unix like OS) 16

4.2 Environment of Service 17

4.3 Directory Structure 17

4.4 Name of the Files 18

4.5 User Account 18

4.6 Security and Availability 19

4.7 Effect of Firewall and Proxy 20

4.8 Log File 20

5. FTP Server Software 21

5.1 wu-ftpd (http://www.wu-ftpd.org/) 21

5.2 proftpd (http://www.proftpd.org/) 21

5.3 vsftpd(http://vsftpd.beasts.org/) 21

5.4 Internet Information server (IIS) 21

5.5 guildFTPd(http://www.guildftpd.com/) 21

6. FTP Clients 22

6.1 Built in FTP Clients 22

6.2 GUI Clients 22

6.3 Free client suit for automatic operation 22

7. Tips and Hints on FTP Service 23

7.1 Login shells 23

7.2 Logrotation 23

8. Step-ups 23

8.1 File Transfer Protocols 24

8.2 Other Method 24

9. Common to the Establishment of an FTP Server 25

9.1 Presuppositions to the examples 25

9.2 Process to set up FTP server software 26

9.3 Create a user account 26

9.4 Start-up and check 28

10. Resources and References 28

10.1 Useful Free Stuff 28

10.2 Other Info 29

Appendix A. Example on establishing a proFTPd server 30

A.1 Introduction 30

A.1.1 Basics on the configuration 30

A.1.2 Run mode 30

A.2 Basic Configuration 31

A.3 Security Concerns 34

A.4 Performance Control 35

A.4.1 Total throughput 35

A.4.2 Limitation of the number of simultaneous logins 35

A.5 Data Policy 37

A.5.1 Control of file accessing 37

A.6 Other Tips 38

Appendix B. Example on establishing a vsFTPD server 40

B.1 Introduction 40

B.1.1 Basics on the configuration 40

B.1.2 Prerequisits 40

B.1.3 Run mode 41

B.1.4 Category of Users 42

B.2 Basic Configuration 42

B.3 Security Concerns 43

B.3.1 Strategy of the service 43

B.3.2 IP access control 43

B.3.3 Local Users 44

B.3.4 Anonymous Users 44

B.4 Performance Control 44

B.5 Data Policy 45

B.6 Other Tips 45

B.6.1 Logging 45

B.6.2 Timer 45

Appendix C. Example on establishing a GuildFTP server 46

C.1 Introduction 46

C.1.1 Installation 46

C.1.2 Start up 47

C.1.3 Main Window 47

C.1.4 Basics on the configuration 48

C.1.5 User Accounts 49

C.2 Accounts Window 49

C.2.1 Adding a new group 49

C.2.2 Adding a new user 50

C.3 Account Options & Paths Window 51

C.3.1 Paths Tab 51

C.3.2 Options Tab 51

C.4 Connections Window 52

C.4.1 Current Connections Tab 52

C.4.2 Connection Graph Tab 52

C.4.3 Past Connections Tab 52

C.5 Activity Window 53

C.5.1 Downloads Tab and Uploads Tab 53

C.5.2 Spy Tab 53

C.6 Other Tips 53

C.6.1 IP Filtering 53

C.6.2 Ban IP 54

C.6.3 Event Messages 55

WMO Guide on use of FTP and FTP servers at WWW centres

1.  Introduction

1.1 Purpose of this guide

This Guide has developed as a supplement to the "WMO GUIDE ON INTERNET PRACTICES" intended to provide introductory information on establishing an FTP server at small centres that plans to disseminate or exchange meteorological data through communication network such as the GTS, Internet, or local/wide area networks, but have limited capability and/or human resources to establish such an FTP server.

The contents of the Guide are mainly based on the experiences of advanced GTS centres those are already established FTP servers and make use of the service for data/products dissemination or exchange operationally.

1.2 Scope

The information contained in the Guide is referring to issues on establishing an FTP server on a small platform such as a personal computer (PC), which covers designing, installation, configuration, create new user accounts, making directory structure, etc. The PC shall be built up and configured correctly so that it could be communicate with other computes, through a TCP/IP network in advance. The Guide doesn't include generic information on how to setting up a PC, such as how to build hardware, install an operating system and connect to network, etc. Although keeping security is very important portion of server management to maintain reliable and stable services, detailed security issues are not part of this guide and hoped to refer to other Guides.

1.3 Audience

The Guide has prepared to support centres where few human resources are available for establishing servers that serve meteorological data through the Internet or the GTS. The reader of the Guide is assumed to have already read the "WMO GUIDE ON INTERNET PRACTICES", and have experience on using PCs and Operating Systems. Also a PC is installed on a TCP/IP network right way is assumed.

1.4 Terminology and Conventions

To clarify descriptions and to avoid confusion or misunderstandings, following conventions are introduced in the examples.

1.4.1 Terminology

The FTP is based on the Client/Server Model on the network but terminology of the definition in the RFC959 uses the word User instead of Client. In this guide, both of the word User and Client are used as practically and express same meanings.

1.4.2 Conventions

(1)  An example of operation is shown in a yellow box, which includes prompt messages, command texts, reply messages, etc. In the box, underlined-red string indicates commands or other texts typed by the user. Green and blue indicate prompt or reply messages from local computer and from remote servers respectively.


$ date
Wed Sep1 13:28:30 GMT 2004

(2)  An example of contents or text strings written in a file is shown in a grey box.



2. Basics on the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

In this section, mechanism of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is illustrated briefly. If you are familiar with the FTP protocol, you can skip this section.

2.1 What is the FTP

The FTP is basic and common service to exchange files between computers, namely hosts, over TCP/IP networks e.g., private networks or Internet. The FTP supports file transmission and character code conversion when exchanging text or binary files. The use of FTP is effective in exchanging or distributing of large volume of data over private networks and/or the Internet. A structural outline of FTP service is illustrated in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1. Structural outline of FTP service

Basically, FTP is defined in the RFC959 as a communication protocol between Server and User for exchanging files. The FTP Server stores files to be exchanged or exchanged. Users, who want to exchange files, will login to the server and PUT/GET files to/from the server (Figure 2-2). A User may be a person or an autonomous process on behalf of a person who wishing to exchange files.

Figure 2-2. Application layer of the File Transfer Protocol

To exchange files by FTP, establishing an FTP server is essential (or you could outsourcing FTP service if your budget allows).

2.2 How FTP works

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is defined by the RFC959 based on the FTP Model illustrated in the Figure 2-3. The FTP uses two TCP/IP connections, i.e., control connection and data connection between the User and the Server. The control connection manages and controls the Server to transfer files between the Server and the User through the data connection.

It is important for understanding the FTP that the RFC959 defines the protocol between User-FTP Process and Server-FTP Process, not between User and User-FTP Process nor User and Server-FTP Process, in the Model. You cannot see the conversation between the User-FTP Process and the Server-FTP Process, i.e., FTP protocol, directly, as you operate FTP through the User Interface.

Figure 2-3. The FTP Model (Session Layer)

2.3 Control Connection

The control connection is a full duplex communication path between Server and User for exchanging commands and replies (see Figure 2-4). The FTP uses the Telnet protocol, which is defined by the RFC854, for the control connection. An FTP Server passively waits at TCP port 21 for the establishment of control connection, which is initiated by the User. Once the control connection has established, the Server send a reply message and wait for User’s further attempt for login by accepting username and password for authentication. After authentication, i.e., the Server recognizes the legal login of the User, the Server replies login message and wait for next command to the operation.

Figure 2-4. Control Connection

(1) FTP Command

An FTP command string is a command word, may followed by a parameter string, terminated by a line delimiter sequence, namely a carriage return (<CR>) and a line feed (<LF>). Each command word is a word of three or four capital letters. Format of some FTP command strings are shown below.

Command / Parameter
USER / <SP> <username> <CRLF>
PASS / <SP> <password> <CRLF>
PORT / <SP> <host-port> <CRLF>
TYPE / <SP> <type-code> <CRLF>
RETR / <SP> <pathname> <CRLF>
STOR / <SP> <pathname> <CRLF>
LIST / [<SP> <pathname>] <CRLF>
HELP / [<SP> <string>] <CRLF>

Table 2-1. Example of the FTP commands

(2) FTP Reply

Each of reply messages sent from FTP server is always consists of a three-digit number (reply code; transmitted as three numeric characters, xyz) followed by a text string. There are five values for the first digit of the reply code:

xyz / Meaning
1yz / Positive Preliminary reply
2yz / Positive Completion reply
3yz / Positive Intermediate reply
4yz / Transient Negative Completion reply
5yz / Permanent Negative Completion reply

Table 2-2. Description of the reply code (1st digit)

The second digit encodes function groupings as:

xyz / Meaning
x0z / Syntax
x1z / Information
x2z / Connections
x3z / Authentication and accounting
x5z / File system

Table 2-3. Description of the reply code (2nd digit)

The third digit gives a finer gradation of meaning in each of the function categories specified by the second digit.

(3) An Example

The example below shows an FTP operation on a Linux platform using an FTP client with character based traditional user interface, where the red , green, and blue texts denote inputs typed by the User, reply or prompt messages from the client software, and replies from the Server respectively. Although no FTP command, sent to the Server from the Client, are shown on the CRT, but "USER username", "PASS xxxxxx", and "QUIT" commands were issued background in this case.