Appendix 1:

Guidance regarding the Care Status of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) who go Missing

The following guidance has been developed in order to ensure that Kent County Council comply with all the requirements set out in the Children Act 1989 including the supportive regulations and statutory guidance in Volume 2 and 3.

UASC who go Missing who are Children Looked After ():

·  The young person will be reported as missing as outlined in the Kent Safeguarding Children’s Board missing children’s protocol. They will remain Children Looked After unless one or more of the criteria are met.

-  They return to a birth parent/someone with Parental Responsibility.

-  They are located in another country

-  The case is taken over by another local authority or.

-  They are age assessed as being over 18yrs.

1.  The child/young person’s Liberi record should be updated to reflect their missing status and an Alert should be completed and forwarded to the Service manager. See Missing Children Protocol

2.  When concerns of significant harm are identified i.e. in cases of possible trafficking or sexual exploitation, a strategy meeting should be held which should consider what preventative measures can be put in place to safeguard the child/ young person.

3.  Children Looked After reviews should be held as required by statutory guidance until the young person is deemed to no longer be looked after.

4.  No children under 16yrs who go missing should have their Looked after status removed.

5.  For young people aged 16 and 17yrs who go missing a statutory children looked after review chaired by their Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) should be held to determine whether they remain looked afer or whether it is appropriate to have their legal status changed to Relevant children.

6.  If the level of risk and vulnerability are felt by the IRO and others attending the review meeting to be minimal the review can recommend a change to the status of a missing young person to a Relevant Child as defined under Volume 3 Planning Transition to Adulthood for Care Leavers.

7.  Relevant status means that they are no longer looked after but remain entitled to the same level of support as an eligible Child (children in care post 16yrs) other than the allocation of an IRO. The IRO needs to be satisfied that the following is in place prior to recommending a change in the legal status of the young person:

i.  An Allocated Personal Advisor

ii.  A pathway plan –reviewed every 6 months that reflects:

·  The vulnerability of the young person.

·  Includes how the local authorities’ duties to keep in touch with young people will be met, in context of establishing the young person’s whereabouts.

·  A contingency plan in event of the young person is found.

8.  Should the young person be found an assessment of their needs will be undertaken and services offered accordingly. The assessment should include undertaking an age assessment if one has not been completed previously.

9.  If a young person has not been found by their 18th birthday then a formal Missing children meeting should be held by the SUASC county manager to determine whether the case should be closed.

10.  The missing children meeting should incorporate information from Kent police, UKBA and other agencies were appropriate. The case should only be closed if there are no ongoing concerns about the vulnerability of the young person being expressed.

11.  If the SUASC county service manager decides the case should be closed the social worker will complete closure record and the case will be closed down in managed cases by the team manager.

12.  Any decision to close the case should be on the proviso that it is reopened if the young person is located and found to be in need of services as an eligible, relevant or former relevant child.

UASC who are Relevant Children who go Missing (16 &17yrs olds):

1.  The young person will be reported missing as outlined in the KSCB missing children’s protocol.

·  They will remain a Relevant child until their 18th birthday.

·  Liberi should be updated to notify of the missing status .

·  Alert should be sent to county Service manager SUASC see link to Missing Children Protocol.

·  They will have an Allocated Personal Advisor.

2.  The young person’s pathway plan will be reviewed every 6 months that reflects:

i.  The vulnerability of the young person

ii.  How the local authorities’ duties to keep in touch with young people will be met in context of establishing the young person’s whereabouts.

iii.  A contingency plan in event of a young person is found.

3.  Should the young person return to Kent an assessment of their needs will be undertaken and services offered accordingly. The assessment should include undertaking an age assessment if one has not been completed previously.

4.  If a young person has not been found by their 18th birthday then a formal Missing children meeting should be held by the SUASC county manager to determine whether the case should be closed.

5.  The missing children meeting should incorporate information from Kent police, UKBA and other agencies were appropriate. The case should only be closed if there are no ongoing concerns about the vulnerability of the young person being met.

6.  If the SUASC county manager decides the case should be closed the social worker will complete closure record and the case will be closed down by the team manager.

7.  Any decision to close the case should be on the proviso that it is reopened if the young person is located and found to be in need of services as an eligible, relevant or former relevant child.

SUASC –Missing Children’s and Young Person’s Process