On logging in to Solero with your school No and password you’ll see 3 new links are now available
· Incident – Add Accident Report
· Incident - Add violent Incident
· Incident - Accident / violent incident reports review
Stage 1
Entering the incident details:
· Select the correct online form for the type of incident ( accident or violent incident) that happened;
· Complete the form in full and then click ‘submit’;
· The incident will then be allocated a reference number and give you the option to print the report , return to Solero or add another incident;
· Tell the manager responsible for carrying out the investigation that you have completed the form, they will be able to review the online form and input additional details of the investigation and any preventative measures taken. N.B. an email notification can be sent to the relevant line manager by entering their e mail address under Line manger details whilst completing the form. (this currently defaults to head@ but can be changed)
Stage 2:
Reviewing an incident
Headteacher or Manager responsible for carrying out investigation
Once the initial accident data has been entered managers can then review the data submitted by logging into Solero and selecting the ‘Review an online accident or violent incident report’ link.
You’ll then be able to review the data already inputted and add further details of your investigation in the space provided prior to saving / printing a copy for your own records.
Help with completing the online forms
The online accident and violent incident forms include a number of fields which capture the details of who is entering the report, who was involved, what happened and then what the outcomes of the manager's investigation were.
If you need any additional help, please contact the health and safety team, who will be happy to assist with your query. Tel 01992 556478
Mandatory fields are indicated by a * on the form, other fields can be left blank
Stage 1
Entering incident details:
EstablishmentOn logging into Solero this information is pre-populated with the schools details.
Person Completing ReportEnter the full name of the person reporting the incident.
Nature of Incident / Assault (on the violent incident form only)The person assaulted needs to specify if they perceived the assault to be intentional, in that the assailant was aware of their actions. Otherwise, the assault should be perceived as unintentional (for example being due to a condition whereby the assailant may not have fully understood their actions, such as dementia, autism, etc.)
If the assault was deemed discriminatory, the person assaulted may also need to complete relevant Corporate or Departmental reports, such as for racist incidents, in addition to the violent incident form.
Type of Incident
It is possible to enter more than one entry for a violent incident. For example where an incident involved physical assault and verbal abuse.
Details of Violent Person (on the violent incident form only)Please identify as much information as is known about the violent person or person(s).
If there was more than one person, please contact the Health and Safety Team.
Details of Person Injured/Involved (one per form)Enter details of the individual involved in the incident.
If there was more than one person injured or directly involved in the accident, you will need to complete an online form for EACH person involved.
Job Category
For pupils select ‘student/pupil’ from drop down.
Details of IncidentPremises Type
Select an incident premises type from the drop down box.
For incidents happening on the school site this will be ‘HCC premises’
Incident Location
Please type in the exact location where the incident took place.
For example ‘upper playground’, ‘KS1 classroom’ etc.
Incident time
To be entered in the format hh:mm and be in 24 hr clock e.g. 17:00
Incident Class (Accident form only)
The form identifies the most common classes of incident – please select the closest match.
Please note: ‘Exposed to, or in contact with, a harmful substance’ includes exposure to hot surfaces or liquids (e.g. spilt boiling water causing a scald).
Factual description of events and circumstances
Details MUST be recorded in this section – please describe what happened (try to limit information to around 4 sentences or fewer).
Details of Injury and TreatmentWhere possible give the precise part of the body injured; which limb, left or right etc. If a fracture is suspected, indicate which finger, toe, ankle, leg, etc. Add this information to the ‘Treatment details’ box.
WitnessPlease provide the name and contact details of the key witness, where known/available.
Employee Absence Due to InjuryHas the injury resulted in absence from work?
If it is not known at the time of completing the form whether the injured person will take sickness absence, please select “TBC – Contact HSO” from the dropdown list.
Anticipate duration of absence
Please enter the anticipated number of days that the person involved will be absent.
Line Manager DetailsEmail address for line manager responsible for investigation can be inputted in order to inform them they have an incident to review. (this defaults to the head @ address)
HSE Statutory RequirementsThe notes below may help you identify if the incident was also notifiable to the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) also known as RIDDOR reportable.
See for details of how to report to the HSE.
If you are unsure, contact the H&S team for further advice.
Riddor reportable Employee incidents
Work related accidents which prevent the injured person from:
· Attending work or being able to perform the full range of their normal duties for more than seven days (excluding the day of the incident) need to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) within 15 days.
NB To calculate whether the absence classifies as ‘over 7-day’:
· Exclude the day of the incident if they went home or did not return to work on the day
· Include rest days, weekends, bank holidays and weekdays (whether the person would normally work on them or not).
Riddor reportable Non Employee incidents
The HSE state that an accident to a pupil or visitor needs reporting to the HSE if:
· the person is killed or taken to hospital from the site for treatment (including pupils taken to hospital by parents), AND
· the accident arises out of or in connection with work activities ( i.e. the way an activity has been organised - e.g. the supervision on an outing, or is due to the condition of the premises, plant or substances ( i.e. lifts, machinery, experiments etc.)
Further guidance on RIDDOR reporting requirements is available in ‘Accident/Incident Reporting and Investigation’ in the Health and Safety Manual
Investigation· Enter the details of your investigation in the space provided.
· Ensure that, where appropriate, any action taken to prevent recurrence is recorded.
Submission of formThank you
Now that the form has been completed, check through your answers and press ‘submit’. The incident will then be allocated a reference number and give you the option to print the report, return to Solero or add another incident.
Tell the manager responsible that you have completed the form, if you have entered their e mail address in the Line manager details field they will receive an automatic email notification.
They will then be able to review the online form and input further details of the investigation and any preventative measures taken.
Manager review and confirmation of investigation
When you receive an email notification or are informed by a member of staff that they have completed either an accident or a violent incident form, please ensure that you promptly:
· Log onto Solero and select the ‘Review an online accident or violent incident report’ link;
· Select the accident or violent incident to be reviewed;
· Review the data entered and add in any further details of the investigation (determining the cause of the incident and decide upon any measures to prevent recurrence). The investigation should be proportionate and not all accidents will warrant further action;
· If you require any further advice, contact the Health and Safety Team.
Save optionsClick Button 1 to save the current changes and submit to a H&S officer, the record will remain in pending status until checked by a Health and Safety Officer from the LA and will then be centrally recorded as part of Councils general monitoring of health and safety matters. Further investigation or recommendations for remedial actions may be made as appropriate.
Click Button 2 to print / save a copy for filing locally.
Online accident and incident forms guidance notes v3 Page 1 of 5