P.O. Box 206 t 5 Park St. t Pittsfield, NH 03263

Phone (603)435-8272 t Fax (603)435-8272 t Cell (603)234-9788


November 5, 2009

To Whom It May Concern:

The Pittsfield Youth Workshop (PYW) is a private nonprofit youth center located in downtown Pittsfield, NH. PYW has been in existence since 1986, offering afterschool programming to youth in grades six through twelve for nearly 23 years. The mission of PYW is to provide programs and services that empower youth by helping them to develop useful skills, self-esteem, and meaningful friendships - by involving them in activities that are interesting, challenging, and healthy avenues to self discovery. PYW offers a safe place for youth to be engaged in productive and positive afterschool activities. In the past year, over 70% of the eligible youth population in town was involved in at least one of PYW’s activities. PYW currently offers nine distinct programs; Drop-In and Homework Club, Youth Mentoring, Trips and Excursions, Prevention Programming, Music and Arts Appreciation, Community Service and Involvement, Programs with Adults, and a Youth Board.

PYW has a strong history of collaboration with both Pittsfield schools. Employees from PYW are welcomed into the schools during lunch periods to meet with youth and update school staff on what is going on in the community. This collaborative relationship has made a huge difference in the education of Pittsfield’s youth outside of the schools. We look forward to continuing this relationship and working with the school staff to increase access to learning through advanced technology.

PYW has eight up-to-date computers, with high speed internet access, available to youth for homework, research, and entertainment. PYW staff regularly reference the school websites to find out what the students are studying, current projects they are working on and homework assignments that are due. Often, youth will visit PYW just to use the computers to work on projects and assignments.

In conclusion, PYW fully supports the Pittsfield School Districts proposed plan for the Pittsfield Digital Classroom Project. Increased access to technology and an active learning plan are extremely important to providing authentic, inquiry-based and project-based learning for our youth. Many youth in town feel shut out from the world around them. Some students rarely step foot outside the boundaries of our small downtown. Increasing access to different points of view, collaborating with new partners, and sharing their work with a larger community will provide the youth of Pittsfield with a brighter future. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at email address or phone number below.

Zach Powers, Executive Director

Pittsfield Youth Workshop

PO BOX 206 (5 Park St)

Pittsfield, NH 03263

(603) 435-8272
