Licensing Act 2003
Guidance for Other Persons making Representations
Under the Licensing Act 2003 representations can be made to the licensing authority in relation to the application for a grant, variation or review of a premises licence.
It is also possible to trigger a ‘review’ of an existing licence (please contact your local licensing officer for application form and guidance).
Representations can be made against or in support of an application.
All representations must be relevant to at least one of the licensing objectives:-
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- the prevention of public nuisance
- the protection of children from harm
Once an application has been accepted by the licensing authority, responsible authorities and other persons have 28 days starting on the day after the application is accepted to make representations.
“Responsible authorities” are the bodies that must be fully notified of applications and who are entitled to make representations to the licensing authority in relation to the application for the grant, variation or review of a premises licence.
Responsible Authorities are:-
•Licensing Authority
•Environmental Protection
•Trading Standards
•Local Safeguarding Children Board
•Health & Safety
•Fire & Rescue Service
•Local Planning Authority
•Maritime & Coastguard Agency (if applicable)
•Public Health
As well as responsible authorities, any other persons can make representations.
It is also possible for a person to request that a representative makes a representation on their behalf – for example, a Member of Parliament or a local ward or parish/town councillor.
In addition to being relevant to the licensing objectives, representations must not be vexatious or frivolous.
Applicants will be provided with copies of relevant representations, including the name and address of the person making the representation. In exceptional circumstances, the licensing authority can withhold some or all of the person’s personal details, for example if the person has a genuine and well-founded fear of intimidation or violence.
If relevant representations are received, the licensing authority may hold a hearing to consider them. The need for a hearing can only be avoided with the agreement of the licensing authority, the applicant and all of the persons who made relevant representations.
In determining an application with a view to promoting the licensing objectives in the overall interests of the local community, the licensing authority must give appropriate weight to:
the steps that are appropriate to promote the licensing objectives;
the representations (including supporting information) presented by all the parties;
Statutory Guidance;
its own statement of licensing policy.
Representations must be made in writing or email and may be amplified at the subsequent hearing or may stand in their own right. Additional representations which do not amount to an amplification of the original representation may not be made at the hearing.
It is recommended that representations are made on the attached form.
Representation Form for Other Persons
Full Name incl. Title / Daytime Tel. No.Home address / Business address
(if making representations as a business in the vicinity of the premises)
Email / Fax No.
Name of the premises you are making a representation about
Address of the premises you are making a representation about
Which of the four licensing objectives does your representation relate to? (Tick as appropriate) / () / Please detail the evidence supporting your representation, or the reason for your representation. Please use separate sheets if necessary.
Prevention of crime & disorder
Public safety
Prevention of public nuisance
Protection of children from harm
Are there any steps which the licensee could take which would alleviate your concerns?
If yes – please give details
N.B If you do make a representation you will be expected to attend a Licensing Act Sub Committee meeting when the application is considered and any subsequent appeal proceedings.
Signed: ………………………………………………..Date: …………………………………………
Please return this form along with any additional sheets / supporting information to: or via post to your local licensing office.