March 24, 2014 / Meeting Minutes / BYS Board
Present: / Stanoch, Deb / Amy Nelson / Maxwell, Clint
Tobkin, Amy / Long-Voelkner, Kurt / Sweeney, Dee
Meyer, Jaimee / Morin, Craig / Stanoch, Jason
Jernigan, Cindi / Ricci, Mark

Guests: Rick Toward and Jeff Mitchell

Meeting Called to Order at 6:40 pm by Long-Voelkner

Topic: Approval of February 2014 Minutes

Motion: Motion to accept the submitted minutes by Meyer seconded by Nelson: motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Topic: Treasurer’s Report

Report: Tobkin had sent board members the financial status stating that the Money Market balance is $25,003.80 and our checking balance is $39,227.77. At that time we were waiting on 100 players to pay for the full season of 2014 soccer with a due date of April 15th.

Motion Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Meyer and seconded by Jernigan: motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Topic: BYS Spring Rec

Report: Mitchell reported that Spring Rec will run April 14-May 30. The last Saturday will be a Jamboree. We are adding Solway as a site this year. D Stanoch will open up the online registration. Our goal would be to have more girls playing this year. Board members gave several suggestions to recruit elementary girl players.

Topic: Home Boat and Travel

Discussion: Board members discussed the pros and cons of having a booth at the Home Boat and Travel Show. Consensus was that the club will not have a presence this year.

Topic: Club Administrator Update

Report: Long-Voelkner shared that he and other members have been gathering information about the needs in regard to the club and what could be expected of a Club Administrator. A committee has been formed and will meet to draft a job description. We are looking at a start date for this position of August 1st.

Topic: Marketing/Fundraising update

Report: Meyer reported that the Soccer Ball Committee has raised the ticket price to $100/ticket. The ticket will cover two adult dinners, four drinks and a chance at $10,000. The goal would be to sell 100 tickets. Each family is asked to sell two tickets. The team managers would be responsible to distributing the tickets to sell and collecting the money. The tickets would be distrusted at the annual Parent/Player meeting in April. The deadline to sell tickets would be June 20th. There would also be raffle tickets sold at the event for other donating prizes.

Topic: Stipend for the Marketing/Fundraising Position

Report: Long-Voelkner reported of the information and feedback he had received concerning the possibility of offering a stipend for this position. Due to recommendations we would look at having this possible stipend not be associated with a percentage raised by this position. Meyer was asked to draft a job description and look at what other clubs do and bring this information to the next board meeting.

Topic: Parent/Player Meeting

Discussion: Date was set for April 15th at the BHs Commons (it has since been moved to April 29th). Long-Voelkner will work on the agenda.

Topic: Insurance Bid

Discussion: Jernigan reported that Tobkin has received one bid for insurance from America Family based on per games played. The board discussed the benefits and cost to having our own insurance policy. Tobkin also checked with Sara at State Farm and although they were appreciative of being asked Sara recommended going directly to USSC and ask what companies they felt were best. Tobkin had also shared that she would be working on this issue in the upcoming weeks.

The April 28, 2014 Board Meeting will be held 6:30 at Marketplace Conference Room.

Motion: Morin moved to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by Meyer; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

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