Grove Patterson Academy PTO
3020 Marvin Ave, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 671-3350
Grove Patterson PTO Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by:Michelle Ballard
Meeting Date & Time:9/1/15 6:20 pm
Minutes Submitted by:Stacie Moss, Secretary
Approved by:Michelle Ballard
Meeting was called to order by Michelle Ballard, PTO President at 6:20 pm on minutes at Grove Patterson Academy in Toledo, OH.
Board members present: Michelle Ballard, President; Miranda Pauken, Vice President; Stacie Moss, Secretary; Jillian Teague, Treasurer; Amy Harbaugh, Webmaster; Tye Leafgren, Parent Congress
Number of PTO members present: Not Available
First Meeting Opening
- PTO Board Introductions
- Teacher Representative Mrs Houser introduced and awarded as our first highlighted teacher award
Mrs. Houser is the Third and Fourth Grade Science teacher at Grove Patterson Academy. She started at GPA in 1999 when the school first opened as an academy. Mrs. Houser coordinates both book fairs, the Garden of Smiles and author day. Mrs. Houser has been married to her husband Jon for 15 years and they have one son Conor (who is a 5th grader in Mrs. Smeltzer’s Class). Her favorite quote is: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi
Principal Report
- Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year
- Picture day 9/2/15; reminder they must wear uniform
- Spring pictures March/April will allow casual wear
- Need a few Volunteers to assist with picture day; will credit $30 toward pictures; commitment is 9am to 12n (3 volunteered at the meeting)
- SFA Success For All program grades 1-6 begins 9/8/15; information will go home at the end of the week to announce who their teacher will be; this is reassessed each quarter
- 9/15 Susan G Koman wear pink day; $1 to wear dress down and/or pink; last year we raise $300; seeking to double the contribution this year
- All 2 hour delays this year have been cancelled; there are 2 scheduled delays 10/16 and 3/18 for grades K-8
- Bus Safety was completed this week; the information was graphic so parents may want to discuss the information with their student; students who are not compliant with the safety rules may be removed from the bus
- The school is still expecting band aides; 2 boxes for 1 hour of Volunteer hours
Board Report
President, Michelle Ballard
- Committees will help with the different activities we have planned for the year; sign up is available at the PTO meetings; a PTO Board Member will help to co-Chair the committees; volunteer time will be logged for your hours
- Change of order in announcing the Character Counts awards; we will be announcing at the end of the PTO meetings
- 3 skating parties are already scheduled throughout the year; dates are available on the PTO calendar published
- We are still seeking a committee or Chair for a mother/son & father/daughter dance
- Seeking to do a breakfast with Santa to be determined based on volunteer interest and availability
- Fundraising: Reminder to sign up with Kroger, Target, Shoparoo; Coca Cola awards (codes on the top of the 12 packs enter your school); we are open to other fundraising / shopping options
- Uniform swap; seeking a parent to head
- Script is a fundraising shopping location with a percentage of proceeds are returned to the school; you can select different amounts and a large variety of vendors; gift cards are shipped to the school and will be sent home
- Considering a Paint & Canvas event for fundraising
- Seeking different ideas for fundraisers
- Spirit Wear Open order ending soon; sample sizes are available; late orders may not be placed due to availability to coordinate all orders; expected end of September delivery; there is a new logo; spirit wear shorts and sweatpants can only be worn on gym days; spirit wear shirts can be worn any day with the uniform bottoms
- Getting away from kids choice, parents choice; we are scheduling a number of activities and events throughout the year
- PTO Board Buletin Board is located outside the school office; this will include forms, calendar, and other important information easily accessible to parents and members
Vice President, Miranda Pauken
- Driving Loop; be sure to pull forward to the sign or car in front; do not get out of your vehicle when in the loop, please use the diagonal parking spots
- Please do not park on the street, this impedes the ability of the buses to properly exit
Secretary, Stacie Moss
- 32 Paid Members
- Committee Sign Ups recorded to share information in the areas of interest
- Volunteer Interest Surveys are due 9/4/15
Treasurer, Jillian Teague
- Balance as of August 6, 2015 is $21,951.49
- We received a check from Coca Cola for $80.34
- We spent a total of $127.38 towards our PTO supplies for open house
- At our open house we collected $798.00 for spirit wear, $150.00 towards PTO memberships and our 50/50 raffle made $24.50. This was all deposited
- Checks written were $385.00 for National Junior Honor Society and $295.02 for The Center for Education
- After these transactions and as of Sept 1, 2015 our balance is $22,206.93
Parent Congress, Ty Leafgren
- Parent Congress kick off meeting 9/15/15 6pm at 25 South St Claire; Agenda is Parent Congress Board Elections and discussing standardized testing
- Facebook page for Parent Congress and Parent University Parent Congress &
- Parent University offering free classes, please see the TPS website for registration forms or a packet should be coming home with your student
Webmaster, Amy Harbaugh
- The new website is live, please be sure to visit us and bookmark the website and our Patterson PTO
Committee Report
- Girl Scouts will have a Meet the Leader Meeting 9/8 at 5:30 pm
- 5th Grade Camp 4/11-4/15 Parent meeting 9/15 at 5:30 pm
- 3rd Grade Girl Scouts; 9/3 2:30pm
Budget Discussion
- No information to share at this time
New Business
- PTO Member asked about band and orchestra; recommended email requests to the following and copy Mrs. Johnson at ; ; jspoores@tpsorg (Jennifer Spoores); (Vicki Hall) (Jim Gault)
- Mrs. Johnson is seeking someone to head up a theatrical play, Emperor's New Clothes
- Member introduced considering a restaurant eat out evening
- Member introduced Thread Up; ability to designate GPA PTO; the board will review and provide additional information
Action Items
- Thread Up; Board to review possibility to participate and instructions to sign up with GPA PTO as the beneficiary
Agenda for Next Meeting
- Committee Sign Up / PTO Membership Application
- Uniform Swap Volunteer
- Mother/Son & Father/Daughter Dance Volunteer
- Review Script as a Fundraising Acitivity
Meeting was adjourned at 7:14 pm pm by Michelle Ballard. The next general meeting will be at 6:15 pm on Tuesday, 10/6/15 , at Grove Patterson Academy in Toledo, OH.