Indigenous Rehabilitation - Getting our Mob on Track

DVA has released a brochure on its rehabilitation services and support available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander veterans. This brochure is designed to provide a brief overview of the DVA Rehabilitation Program, frequently asked questions and relevant contact points for veterans to seek assistance.

The brochure suitably named ‘Getting our mob on track’ uses appealing imagery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander service men and woman,makingitrelevant to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander veteran community. The brochure has been distributed to all DVA states and territories and has been effective as a tool to promote services within our community of support networks.

To ensure the success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander publications within DVA, support networks are urged to seek opportunities to promote this publication widely and innovatively. Supporting these publications ensures that culturally relevant and responsive literature is available to the veteran community.

The DVA rehabilitation brochure can be found via the DVAwebsite.

Keeping DVA informed

Not previously registered?

Rehabilitation service provider organisations whohave yet to submit the details of new consultants not previously registered with DVAmust complete a new D9255 – DVA Rehabilitation Provider Approval Form – Staff Details Sheet (DOCX 46 KB).

Please ensure that you include all required information when submitting a consultant’s D9255 Form, e.g. attach the CV and provide the consultant’s Comcare ID number (as requested on the D9255 Form).

Updating your provider information when ceasing employment

Rehabilitation service provider organisations should advise DVA when a registered consultant ceases employment by sending an email to the Rehab Service Providers mailbox.

DVA Mailing List

If you know of any staff that have started in the last six months please let us know so that we can add them to our provider mailing list. You can update staff details with DVA by emailing usat Rehab@DVA .

Supporting kids living with those affected by mental illness

The Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundationsupports kids living infamiliesaffected by mental illness. Qualified leaders provide age appropriate mental health education focusing on coping skills and building resilience.The program provides recreational and educational camps, and other activities, giving kids a break in a fun, positive and safe environment.

The program is free of charge for registered kids and their families.While DVA is unable to promote specific organisations,Rehabilitation Providers may consider contacting the Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation if they identify clients who they believe are suitable for this program.

Referrals can be completed online and are welcomed from mental health workers, GP’s, community workers, school counsellors, family members or a self-referral. More information about Kookaburra Kids can be found at

National Health Services Directory

The NHSD provides consumers with easy access to the services that you have on offer, including your organisation’s contact details, opening hours and the facilities that are available, such as bulk billing and wheelchair access.

As a service provider you can maintain your own information, including consent for what consumers, other providers and authorised users can see. Self-authorship is one of many useful tools available to providers can keep their details and information up-to-date in the National Health Services Directory.

To find out more information or to register your details visit the website on

ON TRACK withThe Right Mix app

The Right Mix app has been specifically designed for serving and ex-serving ADF personnel and veterans.

The app assists clients to manage their alcohol consumption by tracking the number and type of drinks consumed and calculating the amount of money spent.

The alcohol consumption data collected by the app can be shared with The Right Mix website. This data can then be compared against personal goals set up as part of the self-help action plan component which can be found on the website.

The ON TRACK with The Right Mix app is free to download from the iOS App Store and Android Google Play.

Quick Links

If a client shows you his or her DVA Health card and/or asks you a question about medical treatment, please refer to thefollowing information page on the DVA website – .

If you have a topic that you would like to hear more about, then please let us know by emailing us atRehab@DVA .
