Research Higher Degree Allowances

Rules and Application Form

Notes for Applicants

This form is for use by:

·  Research higher degree students to claim thesis allowance;

·  Research higher degree scholarship holders to claim relocation allowance;

·  International Postgraduate Research Scholarship holders to claim dependent child allowance.

Payment of allowances is subject to the rules on the reverse of this form.

Personal Details

Student Number:
Candidature: / Date Commenced:
Scholarship (if any): / Date Completed:
Address for forwarding cheque:


I wish to claim the following allowance(s) (please tick box):

Thesis Allowance à please attach the original receipts.
Total amount being claimed: / $
Will this be your final thesis allowance claim? / Yes / No
Relocation Allowance à please attach the original receipts.
Total travel expenses claimed: / $
Total other relocation expenses claimed: / $
Dependent Child Allowance à please attach a statutory declaration as described in the attached rules.


·  I declare that the information supplied by me in my application for allowances, and any attachments, is complete, true and correct in every particular.

·  I acknowledge that the submission of incorrect information relating to my application may result in payment of allowances being withdrawn or terminated.

Signature of Applicant: / Date:

Please return this form to: Student Finance, Student Centre, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide SA 5001, Australia.

Research Higher Degree Allowances Rules

Thesis Allowance

Research higher degree students may claim a thesis allowance of up to $840 for a PhD candidate and up to $420 for a Masters candidate, to assist with the cost of the production of their thesis. The claim may include the cost of consumables such as paper, ink USBs and disks as well as costs associated with professional printing and binding. Costs such as purchase of computer equipment are not reimbursed. The allowance must be claimed within one year of submission of the thesis.

A thesis allowance is also payable for costs associated with the re-submission of a thesis, or the lodgement of bound copies of the thesis following approval, provided that the claim is made within one year of the re-submission or lodgement date. The combined total of allowances for submission and re-submission must not exceed the approved maximum amount.

Original receipts, or statements signed by the person who provided the service showing the amount paid by the student, the date it was paid and the service for which the payment was made, must be provided when claiming the thesis allowance.

Relocation Allowance for APA, APA(I) and FURS holders

Award holders moving to Adelaide from interstate or overseas in order to take up their scholarship may claim the following relocation expenses (to a maximum of $1,485):

·  travel expenses up to a maximum amount equivalent to the economy or concession rate airfares for the award holder, spouse and dependants; or

·  a per kilometre allowance for travel by car, up to the equivalent airfare costs. Accommodation or meal costs are not reimbursed; and

·  removal expenses of up to $505 per adult and $255 per child.

Full particulars of mode and time of travel and original receipts must be submitted with the claim.

Relocation Allowance for IPRS holders

An award holder who moves to Australia from overseas in order to take up his/her award is eligible for a relocation allowance (after arrival at Flinders University) of up to $1,485 to assist with relocation costs and airfares, provided receipts can be produced by the award holder.

Dependent Child Allowance for IPRS holders

The award holder may be eligible to receive a Dependent Child Allowance in respect of a child (or children) who is/are dependent on the award holder's income. This allowance will be paid at a rate equivalent to the Centrelink family allowance.

The Dependent Child Allowance will be payable in respect of a dependent child up to 18 years of age who is residing with the scholarship holder in Adelaide.

An award holder can claim the allowance by submitting this form and a Statutory Declaration certifying that his or her child is a dependant. Payment of the allowance will be subject to annual review. Payment of the allowance will be at the discretion of the University. An award holder whose child ceases to be a dependant must advise Student Finance, and the allowance will be terminated.

Rate of payment for 2014/2015 (per fortnight)

Child under 13, each $176.82
Child aged 13-15, each $224.00
Students 16-17, each $55.16

Entry of Bank Details

To have payments deposited directly into your bank account, you must provide your bank account details in the Student Information System by completing the following steps:

1.  Go to the My Finances tab

2.  Select Enter Bank Account Details

3.  Click on the ‘Change’ button to enter new details

4.  Select the Payment Method of Electronic Funds Transfer

5.  Select the Bank Code Type, BSB

6.  Complete the required fields

7.  Check your data then save your changes.

RHD Allowances 27/03/2015