Mrs. Buck’s Second Grade

Star News

December 11-19, 2017

Dear Parents,

Please practice the skills on this sheet as much as possible throughout the week. These are the skills your child will be focusing on in their classroom and small group lessons with me. They will be assessed on these skills at the end of the week. Any highlighted items indicate a modified amount that your child will be assessed on. Literacy Tests this week: Conventions & Read the Words–Thursday; Story Skills & Spelling- Friday

Reading- Anansi Goes Fishing
basketball someone weekend
something birthday riverbank
bathtub backyard driveway
bedtime raindrop mailbox
has the reduced spelling lists for your child to practice their spelling words. / Classroom High-Frequency Words
been believe
caught finally
today tomorrow
whatever / Classroom Amazing Words
consume prey
shrewd boast
gloat snicker
contentment cure
Compound Words / Comprehension Skills Focus
Compare and Contrast
Genre: Folk Tale
(A Folk Taleis a story that has been handed down over many years.) / Conventions
Verbs for Past, Present, and Future
Unit 4Working with Categorical DataThis week students will:
  • Grouping data into categories based on attributes
  • wearing a striped shirt or not wearing a striped shirt, wearing glasses or not wearing glasses...shape, color, size
  • Representing a set of data sorted into categories
  • drawing a picture and labeling it
  • people with something in their hair people without something in their hair
  • Using equations to show how the sum of the responses in each category equals the total responses collected
  • 6 with stripes, 12 without stripes (6 with stripes + 12 without stripes = 18 total students
  • Using a Venn Diagram to represent a sorted set of data

Please remember to check your child’s STAR folder each night for their behavior/assignment sheets and any other important information that is sent home. Please feel free to contact me at 334-566-1444 ext. 3808 or if you have any questions. Mrs. Buck