Working With Voices-
A seminar by two leaders in the international hearing voices movement –
Ron Coleman and Paul Baker
Hearing distressing voices is one of the most common experiences of people diagnosed with a psychotic disorder. Research has shown that many people continue to hear voices even after prolonged use of medication. As a consequence,these people commonly live lives that are low in quality & high in distress.
In the last two decades, voice hearers around the world, working with understanding allies, have organized to bring together ideas and strategies for a more effective response to these difficulties.
This one-day seminar has been designed to bring these ideas and strategies to practitioners, so they can understand the experience of hearing voices and interventions that can be used to enable the voice hearer to take control of their experience. As a result of this training, mental health workers will know how to develop an in depth understanding of an individual’s specific voice hearing experience & will be able to use proven tools to help people develop successful coping strategies.
Learning Objectives:
- An understanding of hearing voices and the impact it has on voice hearers.
- Understand the different forms of coping strategies and their usefulness as short, medium and long-term strategies.
- Understand the different belief systems and contexts used by voice hearers to explain their experience.
- Discover how to use voice profiling as a way of exploring the voices a person hears.
- Be aware of tools available for working with client’s voices, such as the voices workbook, & have confidence in using them
Presenters: Ron Coleman is a mental health trainer and consultant specializing in working with psychosis. His own route to recovery after encountering distressing voices & spending 13 years in & out of the psychiatric system has given him many valuable insights. Ron has written several books, and co –authored “Working with Voices: Victim to Victor.”
Paul Baker has 30 years of experience in developing innovative mental health care services. He was one of the founding members of the Hearing Voices Network in England and is currently the coordinator of INTERVOICE ( the influential coordinating body for the international hearing voices movement. Paul has publishedbooks,chapters and articles on mental health issues & recovery, and also has extensive experience as a trainer.
WHEN: Monday, November 15, 2010 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(8:00 to 8:30 - Registration, coffee and pastries)
WHERE: Lane County Mental Health, Room 198, 2411 Martin Luther King Blvd, Eugene OR
6 NASW CEU credits pending - attendees registering for CEUs must attend the full workshop. For further information, call Ron Unger at (541) 513-1811. This workshop is sponsored byMindFreedom International.
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Working with Voices
Please complete and send this registration with $79.00 fee (payable to “MFI”) by November 1, or $89 for later registration, to:
MindFreedom, P.O. Box 11284, Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA
Name: ______Address : ______City: ______
Zip Code: ______Phone: ______Email ______Yes / No - I wish to receive NASW CEUs
_____ I am a consumer or family member and request an attendance scholarship. (Note: scholarships may be limited depending on enrollment. If you wish to receive priority in the case there are not enough scholarships for everyone, please enclose a paragraph describing what use you believe you will be able to make of information gained from this seminar, both for yourself and others. You will be notified if you are accepted for a scholarship.)