[Type Name Here]

EE1305/EE1105 - Intro to EE

The University of Texas at El Paso

[Type Due Date Here]

Lab Objectives

Include the following items in your narrative in paragraph form as they pertain to your module:

·  Objective 1

·  Objective 2

·  Objective 3

·  Objective 4

·  Etc…

I certify that I am the creator of all the written documentation submitted as part of this report, that all data and illustrations are original and created by me, and that I have not shared any part of this report with any of my fellow engineering students. REPORTS NOT SIGNED WILL NOT BE GRADED.

Electronic Signature: ______

I. Introduction

Follow the script below to write your template (i.e. fill in the blanks):

A ______[specify type of sensor] sensor was analyzed in order to measure the ______[specify what was measured: strain, pulse, blood pressure, etc…] on ______[specify the object that was measured: a beam, human body, human blood, ect…]. The ______, ______and ______tools on the Analog Discovery were used in this module to analyze ______, ______and ______[Ex. Oscilloscope – voltage associated with strain, Ex. Network Analyzer to generate Bode plot to analyze filter, etc.]

II. Procedure and Results

Use the following format for Tables and Figures including figure captions and units – 2 pts will be deducted for every missing caption, missing units, and if the caption is in the wrong location.

Table 1. LED Band Gap Data [1]

Material / Color / Wavelength, nm / Max. Forward Current, mA
AlGaAs / Red / 660 / 30
GaAsP / Yellow / 585 / 20
GaP / Green / 565 / 30

Figure 1. Photon Energy as a function of Wavelength for several LED Materials [1].

For each “Take Notes” associated with each Procedure in the Module include the following:

A. Procedure ___: [Title of Procedure]

·  Refer to figure/tables: Ex. Figure 1 illustrates …, The data in Table 1 includes …

·  Explain the data/results as instructed in the “Take Notes” section.

B. Procedure ___: [Title of Procedure]

·  Refer to figure/tables: Ex. Figure 1 illustrates …, The data in Table 1 includes …

·  Explain the data/results as instructed in the “Take Notes” section.

C. Procedure ___: [Title of Procedure]

·  Refer to figure/tables: Ex. Figure 1 illustrates …, The data in Table 1 includes …

·  Explain the data/results as instructed in the “Take Notes” section.

D. Procedure ___: [Title of Procedure] – or final procedure

·  Refer to figure/tables: Ex. Figure 1 illustrates …, The data in Table 1 includes …

·  Explain the data/results as instructed in the “Take Notes” section.

·  Include the image of the final circuit where you connect the circuit to the sensor. (YOU WILL NEED TO INCLUDE A REFERENCE (see example below under “References”).

III. Conclusions

Include 3-4 major conclusions that you observed from each module in bullet form. Do not copy information directly from the module on the course website. Explain what you learned based on your results for each Procedures (i.e. based on what you wrote for the “Results” section). Any information here that is not presented with detail in the “Results” section will not be counted.

·  Conclusion 1:

·  Conclusion 2:

·  Conclusion 3:

·  Conclusion 4:


Follow IEEE Citation Format for the citation for your circuit diagram taken from the website. See examples below.

[1] Author name(s), “title”, [Online document], year month day webpage created, [cited year month day], Available HTTP: full internet address.

Strain Gauge Circuit, “Introduction to Sensors, Instrumentation, and Measurements Course: Module II,” [Online document], 2015, 2/10/2016, Available HTTP: http://isim.olin.edu/Labs.shtml.