Group Exercise Final Group Project (Peer Teaching) 55 Points Possible

In groups of 3 randomly assigned, you are to put together a mini workout which entails you to come up with 6 exercises (2 upper body exercises, 2 lower body exercises, and 2 core exercises). Each person will need to choose between using one of the following types of workouts (Either using body weight, using tubing, or using body bars). All three workouts need to be different. Aim for choosing exercises in your workout that work opposing muscle groups, are compound in nature (multi-joint movements that work several muscles or muscle groups at one time if possible), and work in different planes of movement (See sample workout below). Each person in your group will be responsible for coming up with 6 exercises to teach to your group of three. You will use the traditional Tabata set up where you will have your group members perform each exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. You will teach two exercises per each Tabata cycle. Therefore, you will be teaching 3 full cycles (12 minutes). After each cycle, you will have 30 seconds to rest and set up for your next exercise. The instructor will lead the warm-up and cool-down and will also supply the Tabata music mix. The muscle groups that you may choose from are the following:

  • Upper Body Muscle Groups=Chest/Back (Pectorals/Lats/Mid Traps/Rhomboids)
  • Lower Body Muscle Groups=Legs (Quads/Hams, Glutes/Abductors/Adductors)
  • Core Muscle Groups=Abs (Rectus Abdominus/Obliques/Erector Spinae)

*Use exercises that keep the torso stable while performing an isometric exercise or use an exercise that keeps the torso stable while moving the arms and legs with or without resistance

Sample Tabata Workout using Stability Ball:

Push-ups on Stability Ball (Tabata 1)

Lat Pull Prone on Stability Ball (Tabata 2)

Glute Bridge Extensions Supine on Stability Ball (Tabata 3)

Hamstring Curls Supine on Stability Ball (Tabata 4)

Pilates Obliques with Stability Ball (Tabata 5)

Back Extension Hold Prone on Stability Ball (Tabata 6)

Project Guidelines:

Your grade for this project entails the following:

  • Exercise Template (18 Points)
  • Peer Evaluation (15 Points)
  • Teacher Evaluation (15 Points)
  • Reflection (7 Points)

Total Possible Points: 55 Points

Please see the attached rubric for the grading criteria. All exercises, anatomy information, and cues will be typed out using either the attached template or any other creative option and turned in on the day of your presentation. You will also turn in your peer evaluation at the end of the class or the following day. Your workout will be taught to your own group. Each person will be teaching their workout, one at a time on three separate days. At the end of the workout, your group will take a couple of minutes for immediate feedback on the workout (Discussing at least two things that went well and two things that need to be improved). The following information needs to be presented during the instructional part:

  • Name of the exercise that you are leading (if you are not sure of the technical name of the exercise, ask the instructor)
  • Primary muscle group being targeted (Actual anatomical term such as "Pectorals," not "Chest")
  • Primary anatomical cues for each exercise (Describe how to perform the exercise utilizing proper form, technique, and alignment of head, shoulders, spine, hips, knees, ankles, and feet which includes proper set up of the exercise, performance of the exercise, and continuous cues)


Day 1-Go over project, get into groups, and designate sections (Begin researching workouts)-Computer Lab

Day 2-Finish working on developing exercises and creating exercise template-Computer Lab

Day 3-Practice workouts with group

Day 4-Workout #1

Day 5-Workout #2

Day 6-Workout #3

Day 7-Make up Workouts

Group Exercise Workout Project Exercise Template (18 Points Possible)

Group Member’s Names: ______

Name of Person Who Designed Exercises: ______

List exercises in order of how they will be performed in your workout.

Name of Exercise / Primary Muscle Group (s) Being Worked-Anatomical Name / Anatomical Cues (List the main anatomical cues from base of support to head)
Name of Exercise / Primary Muscle Group (s) Being Worked-Anatomical Name / Anatomical Cues (List the main anatomical cues from base of support to head)

Group Exercise Workout Project Reflection (7 Points)

NAME: ______HOUR: _____

Please rate yourself on the following items with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest score. Below your rating, give an explanation of your score in at least 1-2 complete sentences.

1. How well do you feel you used your voice and tone during your workout? Explain


2. How well did you use anatomical cues during your workout? Explain


3. Overall, how would you rate your workout? Explain


4. Would you change/improve anything with your workout project? Explain

Additional Comments:

Final Group Exercise Project Assessment Teacher Rubric (15 Points Total)

Name: ______

Grading Component / 0 / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5
Exercise Template / Not turned in / Turned in partially completed, turned in late or in poor condition, or turned in with several spelling errors and/or missing requirements, and/or several incorrect anatomical/biomechanical cues, and/or exercises did not follow requirements / Turned in on time fully completed and in good condition but with some spelling errors and/or some errors in anatomical/biomechanical cues, but exercises follow requirements (Uses provided template and writes in info) / Turned in on time fully completed, typed using given template or other creative format, with no spelling errors or no errors in anatomical/biomechanical cues, and follows requirements of project
Use of Class Time/Preparation / Project is not worked on in class at all / Most of the time, does not use class time effectively and does not use the given days in class to work on project; poor preparation / Class time is used effectively for most of the time given in class and is prepared for teaching / Class time is used effectively to collaborate and practice on all days that are given in class and is fully prepared for teaching
Overall Workout / Not turn in / No balance between upper, lower, and core exercises, less than 6 exercises and or uses exercises that we have not done in class, little creativity in exercises, and/or exercises do not flow well, and/or not organized well and/or does not cover all three planes of movement / Workout balanced between upper, lower, and core exercises, contains 6 exercises, contains all requirements, but is lacking in effectiveness and/or has organizational challenges, and/or may have a few issues with transitions / Workout balanced between upper, lower, and core exercises, contains 6 exercises, includes all requirements, is well-planned/
organized, is effective, and has great fluidity/flow, and it is apparent the group has put time into their project
Grading Component / 0 / 1-2 / 3-4 / 5
Use of Voice / Presentation not performed / Presents workout with a tone of voice that is too soft that may be hard at times for the group to hear, needs improvement on voice projection, and needs to develop better confidence when presenting to a group
(Needs Improvement) / Presents workout with a tone of voice that is assertive some or most of the time, has the appropriate level of tone that is loud enough for group to hear some or most of the time, and demonstrates a good level of confidence when presenting to a group
(Proficient) / Presents workout with a tone of voice that is assertive throughout entire workout, has the appropriate level of tone that is loud enough for group to hear, and demonstrates a high level of confidence when presenting to a group
Use of Anatomical Cues / Presentation not performed / Presents some or most exercises with improper set up/end position, demonstrates most or all exercises in their workout with poor body alignment and awareness, gives improper/incorrect cues and/or anatomical references for most or all exercises taught
(Needs Improvement) / Presents some or most exercises with sufficient and proper set up/end position, demonstrates some or most of the exercises using the appropriate body alignment and awareness, gives proper cues and anatomical references for some or most exercises taught
(Proficient) / Presents each exercise with sufficient and proper set up/end position, demonstrates all exercises using the appropriate body alignment and awareness, gives proper cues and anatomical references for all exercises taught
Overall Performance of Workout Presentation / Presentation not performed / Presents workout with lack of effort and enthusiasm throughout most or all of their section, and/or has apparent lack of preparation
(Needs Improvement) / Presents workout with apparent effort and enthusiasm throughout most or all of their section and demonstrates good preparation
(Proficient) / Presents workout with 100% effort and enthusiasm throughout their entire section and demonstrates excellent preparation
Comments (Please use back to leave at least 2 sentences summarizing your evaluation)

Final Group Exercise Project Peer Evaluation Rubric (15 Points)

Presenter's Name: ______Period: ______

Peer Evaluator Name: ______