Ithaca, Michigan
December 18, 2014
The regular meeting of the Gratiot-Isabella Regional Education Service District (RESD) was held at Winding Brook Conference Centre, Shepherd, Michigan, on Thursday, December 18, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Board of Education President, Dr. Timm Thorsen. Members present were: Dr. Cheri Booth, Bill Henderson, Tom Steere, Roger Trudell, Dr. Timm Thorsen. Members absent: Ed Lorenz, Elizabeth Miller. Also present were Dr. Jan Amsterburg, Superintendent; Wendy Giles, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent; Kevin Kolb, Associate Superintendent for Finance; Robert Cosan, Associate Superintendent for Special Services; Dr. Kathy Peasley, Associate Superintendent for Instruction; Matt McMahon, Executive Director of MMNET; Suanne Tasker, Employment Programs Supervisor; Doug Bush, Associate Superintendent for CTE.
Under recognition of visitors and public comment, Marcia Griffin, Teacher Non-Classroom ECSE, Erin Ulrich, School Psychologist, and Dawn Rollin, Teacher-SLI were in attendance representing the Professional Association. Also in attendance was William Chilman, Superintendent of Beal City Public Schools. He thanked the Board of Education for allowing him to attend the AESA conference in San Diego, California.
Minutes of the regular meeting of November 20, 2014 were presented for approval. A motion was made by Dr. Booth and supported by Roger Trudell to approve the meeting minutes of November 20, 2014 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Financial statements for the month of November were presented and reviewed. Claims for the month of November were presented in the amount of $1,520,995.53. A motion was made by Tom Steere and supported by Roger Trudell to approve the financial statements and claims as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A motion was made by Bill Henderson and supported by Cheri Booth to approve the $500.00 donation received from Dean Transportation for needy children ($500.00). Motion carried unanimously.
A resignation request was presented for Karen Young, Interpreter Coordinator, effective December 19, 2014. A motion was made by Dr. Booth and supported by Tom Steere to approve the resignation of Karen Young as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
The Superintendent’s Appraisal was moved to the end of the agenda.
Added to the Agenda was an employment contract presented for Kathryn Oskam, (who is currently an Interpreter) to fill the position of Interpreter Coordinator through June 30, 2015. A motion was made by Bill Henderson and supported by Cheri Booth to approve the employment contract of Kathryn Oskam as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Also added to the agenda was approval for the special services department to apply for Touch Stone Energy and Arts in Residency Program grant applications. A motion was made by Roger Trudell and supported by Bill Henderson to approve the above grant applications as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Olendorf apprised board members of current legislative issues including the roads, early warning and evaluation bills.
Under Director’s Reports the following information was discussed.
Suanne Tasker, Employment Programs Supervisor, apprised board members of the upcoming Correction Officer’s Job Fair, Mt. Pleasant Adult Education Employment Skills and Career Advising and Program Navigator position.
Bob Cosan, Associate Superintendent for Special Services provided an employee update, ISD/Special Education Programs and Services Plan and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program.
Dr. Kathy Peasley, Associate Superintendent for Instruction discussed At Risk Funding, Teacher Evaluations and M-Step.
Matt McMahon, Executive Director of MMNET presented information on the TRIG and SEND Grant and Alma College disaster recovery services.
Doug Bush, Associate Superintendent for Vocational Education apprised board members on Ashley School District CTE visitation, CTE Fall 2014 FTE, and Industry Education Open House of February 5, 2015.
Kevin Kolb, Associate Superintendent for Finance discussed Scenario 6 preliminary payouts and Fall 2014 Student Enrollment.
The following items were discussed by Jan Amsterburg under the Superintendent’s Report:
1. Mid Michigan Community College meeting with the new president
2. Collaboration Meeting with Alma College
3. Morning Sun Articles
4. AESA Conference Update
5. Cyber Schools
6. Gratiot Conservation District inquiry
7. Musical performances at local schools
A motion was made by Tom Steere and supported by Roger Trudell to go into closed session to discuss the RESD Superintendent’s annual appraisal. In a roll call vote, all members voted yes to commence an executive session of the Board of Education. The Board approved the motion at 6:30 p.m. President Thorsen reconvened the regular session of the board at 6:42 p.m.
A motion was made by Dr. Booth and supported by Bill Henderson to place Superintendent Amsterburg’s appraisal on file. Motion carried 5-0.
Being no further business before the Board, a motion to adjourn was made by Roger Trudell and supported by Dr. Booth. President Thorsen adjourned the meeting at 6:43 p.m.
Ed Lorenz, Secretary Dr. Timm Thorsen, President